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SIMPLE PAST Affirmative Statements Negative Statements Yes/No Questions Wh Questions. Affirmative Statements. With the verb BE (was/were) With any other verbs. I She He It. was. With the Verb BE. I was born in San Jose in 1978.
SIMPLE PASTAffirmativeStatementsNegativeStatementsYes/No QuestionsWhQuestions
Affirmative Statements With the verb BE (was/were) With any other verbs
I She He It was With the Verb BE Iwasborn in San Jose in 1978. My sister(she) was at thelibrarylastnight. My brother(he) was at theparty at 9 p.m. Thedog(it) was at thebackyard.
GO BACK You We They were With the Verb BE Youwereborn in San Carlos. My cousin and I (we) were at thelibrary. My brother and my sister(they) wereborn in 1990.
REGULAR VERBS I learned/d/Englishwhen I was a 13. My girlfrienddanced/t/reggaeton at theparty. My parentsinvited/id/ theirfriendsto a restaurant. With any other verbs IRREGULAR VERBS I ate gallo pinto forbreakfastthismorning. My sisterdrankorangejuice. My brotherreadthenewspaper. My parentswokeup at 9 a.m.
REGULAR VERBS /d/ • cry /ai/ = cried /ayd/ • play /ey/ = played /eyd/ • copy /iy/ = copied /iyd/ • call /l/ = called /ld/ • dream /m/ = dreamed /md/ • clean / n/ = cleaned /nd/ • follow /ow/ = followed /owd/ • enjoy /oy/ = enjoyed /oyd/ • answer / r/ = answered /rd/ • love /v/ = loved /vd/ • realize /z/ = realized /zd/ GO BACK
REGULAR VERBS /t/ • wash /sh/ = washed /sht/ • watch /ch/ = watched /cht/ • laugh /f/ = laughed /ft/ • talk /k/ = talked /kt/ • help /p/= helped /pt/ • dance /s/ = danced /st/ GO BACK
REGULAR VERBS /id/ /t/ • invite /t/ = invited /tid/ • want /t/ = wanted /tid/ /d/ • need /d/ = needed /did/ • avoid /d/ = avoided /did/ GO BACK
Negative Statements With the verb BE (wasn´t/weren´t) With any other verbs (did not or didn´t + verb in present)
I She He It wasnot (wasn’t) With the Verb BE Iwasn´tborn in San Jose in 1978. My sister(she)wasn´tat thelibrarylastnight. My brother(he) wasn´t at theparty at 9 p.m. Thedog(it) wasn´tat thebackyard.
GO BACK You We They werenot (weren´t) With the Verb BE Youweren´tborn in San Carlos. My cousin and I (we) weren´t at thelibrary. My brother and my sister(they) weren´tborn in 1990.
REGULAR VERBS I didn´tlearnEnglishwhen I was in school. My girlfrienddidn´tdance reggae at theparty. My parentsdidn´tinvite theirfriendsanywhere. With any other verbs IRREGULAR VERBS I didn´teatgallo pinto forbreakfastthismorning. My sisterdidn´tdrinkorangejuice. My brotherdidn´treadthenewspaper. My parentsdidn´twake up at 7 a.m.
Yes-No Questions With the verb BE (Was…?/Were…?) With any other verbs (Did … + verb in present)
EXAMPLES“WasI late tothemeeting?” “Yes, youwere.” or “No, youweren’t.”“Wasmy sisterat thebar lastnight?”“Yes, shewas.” or “No, shewasn´t.” “Wasmy brotherat theparty?”“Yes, hewas.” or “No, hewasn´t”“Wasthedogat thebackyard?”“Yes, itwas.” or “No, itwasn´t.”
GO BACK EXAMPLES“Wereyoulate tothemeeting?” “Yes, I was.” or “No, I wasn’t.” (singular)“Wereyou(you and yourcousin) late today?” “Yes, wewere.” or “No, weweren´t.” (plural)“Wereweearlytoclass?”“Yes, wewere.” or “No, weweren´t” “Wereyourbrother and sisterat theparty?”“Yes, theywere.” or “No, theyweren´t”
(Did … + verb in simple present?) AffirmativeAnswer: Yes, ____ did. NegativeAnswer: No, _____ didn´t. Withanyotherverbs DidyougotothemovieslastSunday? Yes, I did. No, I didn´t. Didyourfatherwork at theairport in 1970? Yes, he did. No, he didn´t.
Wh Questions With the verb BE (Wh word + was/were…?) With any other verbs (Wh word + did … + verb in present?)
GO BACK Withtheverb BE Wherewereyouborn?Iwasborn in Costa Rica.Wherewasyoursisterlastnight?Shewas at theparty.Wherewereyourfriendsyesterday?Theywere at the bar.
WhQuestions General Question What did you do ________? You can use different verbs to answer this question. What did you dolast weekend? I went to the beach; I swam in the ocean; I stayed at a hotel; I ate sea food and I drank wine; I danced at the disco and I slept late.
WhQuestions Verb in present Auxiliary DID What did you eat at the party? I ate chifrijo and tortilla chips. The past tense of “eat” is “ate”. Verb in past