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Administration Track Safety Orientation

Administration Track Safety Orientation. By: Chou Lor, Safety Coordinator. Safety Orientation. Training Objectives: Emergency Actions: Emergency Situations Evacuation Procedures Tornado Office Safety: Good Housekeeping Prevention of Slips, Trips, and Falls Office Ergonomics Summary.

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Administration Track Safety Orientation

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  1. Administration Track Safety Orientation By:Chou Lor, Safety Coordinator

  2. Safety Orientation • Training Objectives: • Emergency Actions: • Emergency Situations • Evacuation Procedures • Tornado • Office Safety: • Good Housekeeping • Prevention of Slips, Trips, and Falls • Office Ergonomics • Summary

  3. Emergency Actions • Emergency Situations • Emergencies and disasters can strike anyone, anytime, anywhere. • An emergency is an unforeseen situation that: • Threatens employees, students, staff, faculty, and visitors. • Causes physical or environmental damage.

  4. Emergency Actions • Evacuation Procedures: • Fire Hazards: • Rescue people from the immediate area if trained and safe to do so. • Alert all people in the immediate area, activate a verbal evacuation procedure by calling FIRE, FIRE, FIRE. • Call 9-911 to report the smoke or fire. • Close all doors to contain the fire & smoke. • Close all doors on your way out. • Do not lock them except under security-required conditions. • Extinguish small fires if possible. • DO NOT attempt to extinguish large fires.

  5. Emergency Actions • Evacuation Procedures Cont. • Employees should: • Know at least two exits from the building. • Do not use elevators. • Avoid smoke-filled areas. • Be familiar with the evacuation routes posted for the designated area. • Evacuate the building via the nearest exit. • When notified to evacuate, do so in a calm and orderly fashion: • Walk, do not run. • Keep conversation level down. • Close all doors behind you. • Assist others in need of assistance.

  6. Emergency Actions • Evacuation Procedures Cont. • Go to the designated area or as instructed during the notification. • Exit the building and move at least 150 feet from the building to allow others to exit the building safely. • Do not re-enter the building or immediate area until the ALL CLEAR signal is sounded.

  7. Tonado Warning Tonado Watch Normal Weather Emergency Actions • Tornado Watch: • Conditions are right for a tornado and may present the threat of severe weather. • DO NOT proceed to Tornado Shelters. • Weather information can be obtained via: • Radio • Television • Weather alert Radio • Internet service, etc.

  8. Tonado Warning Tonado Watch Normal Weather Emergency Actions • Tornado Warning: • A tornado has been sighted within the Eau Claire area. • Eau Claire County Siren System will be activated. • Follow the directions of designated persons. • Proceed to a place designated as a TORNADO SHELTER. • ALL CLEAR will be sounded within FP&M buildings by Director, Associate Director, Assistant Director, or Safety Coordinator.

  9. Office Safety • Good Housekeeping • Materials stored in supply rooms: • Neatly stacked • Heavy files placed in the bottom file drawers • Use extra caution when supplies are stored above shoulder height • Anchor single file cabinets where possible • Lower drawers should bear the heaviest load • Never open more than one drawer at a time • Always close drawers when finished • Always use approved ladder or stool

  10. Office Safety • Prevention of Slips, Trips, and Falls • Watch out for: • Worn or loose carpets. • Broken stair tread edges. • Chipped floor boards and tiles. • Watch where you walk. • Wear appropriate shoes. • Pick up objects on floors (i.e., pencils etc.).

  11. Office Safety • Office Ergonomics: • Use an adjustable work surface and chair that allows the feet to rest firmly on the floor, or footrest. • Make sure the knees are hip level and form a 900 angle between the thigh and lower leg. • Sit back in chair and rest upper body against the backrest. • Make sure keyboard is parallel to the front of desk when in use. • Check seat height and make sure elbows are not higher than keyboard height.

  12. Office Safety • Office Ergonomics Cont. • Make sure eyes are at a comfortable viewing distance from the monitor (about arms’ length). • Look away from the screen every few minutes at a distant object. • Work at a computer for long periods can be a visually demanding task and may cause eyes to become irritated and fatigued. • Rest eyes • Clean monitor • Use blinds or curtains to reduce glare from windows

  13. Safety Orientation • Summary • Become familiar with FP&M evacuation routes • Evacuation assembly area. • Tornado Shelter areas. • Know Emergency Equipment and First Aid Kit locations. • Know emergency shower and eyewashes. • Know emergency phone numbers. • Wear safety glasses with side shield when entering a required area. • Never lean back in chair and put feet on desk.

  14. Safety Orientation • Any Questions ?? Please visit FP&M Website (www.uwec.edu/facmgt./index.htm) for additional information.

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