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November 15 th Agenda. Pass out state scored 8 th Grade Practice Writing Test, Peer Editing rubric/checklist, reverse map, and State Writing Rubric Pass out sticky notes Continue working on FFA Coming Attraction Movie Poster-pass out card stock-see rubric TEST TOMORROW VIDEO.
November 15th Agenda • Pass out state scored 8th Grade Practice Writing Test, Peer Editing rubric/checklist, reverse map, and State Writing Rubric • Pass out sticky notes • Continue working on FFA Coming Attraction Movie Poster-pass out card stock-see rubric • TEST TOMORROW • VIDEO
List 5 STRONGTRANSITIONAL WORD/S • 3 BIG IDEAS • PERSONAL CONNECTION • ADDRESSES READER BIAS • EMBEDDED QUOTE? EXs. Mrs. Miller often says, “Reading everyday will only make you a stronger student.” The brains behind Apple, Steve jobs, once said, “Kick-start your brain. New ideas come from watching something, talk to people, experimenting, asking questions and getting out of the office!”
Finding the Essential Writing Elements • VIVACIOUS VERBS/AWESOME ADJECTIVES ~Ex. need=require ; bring=transport/ good=noble; a lot=a whole heap or several • FIGURATIVE LANGUAGE ~EX. My IPhone is as essential for survival as the air I breathe. • GLOBAL STATEMENT/BOOM STATEMENT ~EX. Millions of people around the world depend on their phones to communicate with friends and family. This is why it is necessary for me to bring my IPhone with me on my mission to Mars.
“Flowers for Algernon” by Daniel Keyes Partner Turn & Talk (Roles: 1-Writer and 1-Researcher)Standard-ELACC8RL21. What writing techniques do you think Daniel Keyes uses to endear the reader to Charlie?
2. What eventually makes Algernon appealing to Charlie? 3. How did the relationship between Charlie and Algernon change?
ELACC8RL2: Determine a theme or central idea of a text 4. What is a theme (central idea) of “Flowers for Algernon”? 5. Name some ways in which Daniel Keyes reveals Charlie’s progress through the writing of “Flowers for Algernon.” (quote from text showing textual evidence and page number)
Draw a PLOT DIAGRAM 1. Exposition 2. Rising Action 3. Climax 4. Falling Action 5. Resolution
ELACC8RL2FFA Summative Assessment “Flowers for Algernon” is one of America’s most beloved stories. From its original novel, it has been made into a short story, a movie, and a musical. Pretend you are writing and decorating a “Coming Attractions” poster for one of these releases. Write a summary of the story below and draw a picture of your poster.
Flowers for AlgernonComing Attraction Poster Rubric ELACC8RL2 “Flowers for Algernon” is one of America’s most beloved stories. From its original novel, it has been made into a short story, a movie, and a musical. Pretend you are writing and decorating a “Coming Attractions” poster for one of these releases. Draw your poster design in color and write a summary of the story below it. Your poster must include the following: ____________ 5-10 SENTENCE SUMMARY OF THE TEXT25 PTS ____________ TITLE FOR YOUR MOVIE5 PTS ____________ 5 MAIN CHARACTER’S NAMES (Ex. Charlie, Ms. Kinnian, etc..) 25PTS ____________ A DETAILED PICTURE AND BACKGROUND (Remember that movie posters rarely have a white background.) 30 PTS ____________ A HEADLINE THAT WILL MAKE PEOPLE WANT TO WATCH 10 PTS ____________ CREATIVENESS (use color, designs, etc.) 5 PTS ____________ TOTAL POINTS
Headline For example: Charlie, a kind and hardworking special needs man who has never known love, takes an extraordinary journey. Will he survive? Will he ever learn to love? Watch this captivating movie, based on the timeless novel Flowers for Algernon by Daniel Keyes, to find out!
Starring: ~Tom Cruise as Charlie Gordon ~CharlizeTheron as Miss Kinnian ~ Bette Midler as Dr. Strauss ~ Tommy Lee Jones as Dr. Nemur ~ Danny Devito as Joe Carp ~ Betty White as Ms. Flynn Flowers For Algernon Summary: Charlie Gordon, a mentally delayed thirty-seven-year-old man, is chosen by a team of scientists to undergo an experimental surgery designed to boost his intelligence. Alice Kinnian, Charlie’s teacher at the Beekman College Center for Retarded Adults, has recommended Charlie for the experiment because of his exceptional eagerness to learn. The directors of the experiment, Dr. Strauss and Professor Nemur, ask Charlie to keep a journal. The entire narrative of Flowers for Algernon is composed of the “progress reports” that Charlie writes. Headline: Charlie, a kind and hardworking special needs man who has never known love, takes an extraordinary journey. Will he survive? Will he ever learn to love? Watch this captivating movie, based on the timeless novel Flowers for Algernon by Daniel Keyes, to find out! Offered in HD, IMAX and 3D!!