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Informatics education, practical training and optimal choice of informatics career in business

Slavomir Vukmirović Marko Čičin-Šain Mladen Koturović Ekonom ics Faculty, University of Rijeka Croatia. Informatics education, practical training and optimal choice of informatics career in business. Introduction.

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Informatics education, practical training and optimal choice of informatics career in business

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  1. Slavomir VukmirovićMarko Čičin-ŠainMladen KoturovićEkonomics Faculty, University of RijekaCroatia Informatics education, practical training and optimal choiceof informatics career in business

  2. Introduction The education system in the field of business informatics should direct the choice of material and model curriculum not only on teaching computer science, but also to transformation of entire schooling. Accordingly, it is necessary to connect the informatics education and training for careers in business informatics by creating an IT (information technologies) skilled personnel who are able to combine knowledge of business economics and ICT (informational-communicational technologies).

  3. Systematization of informatics career (area of interests) according to ISM modelTable 1a

  4. Systematization of informatics career (area of interests) according to ISM modelTable 1b

  5. Systematization of informatics career (area of interests) according to ISM modelTable 1c

  6. Systematization of informatics career (area of interests) according to ISM modelTable 1d

  7. Research The research showed following hypothesis Hypothesis 1. Students of business informatics course (IB) achieve better results (grades) in informatics courses as oppose to students of other courses and during class they achieve greater achievements in informatics contents

  8. T-test results about significant difference in progress in work with computer applications Hypothesis 2. Students of IP courses achieve greater achievements during class and practice from informatics collegiums on faculty during knowledge and skill acquisition in work with computers

  9. Results of T-test about significance of differences in students’ affinities towards professions in business informatics Hypothesis 3. Students of IP have greater affinities towards careers in business informatics

  10. Hypothesis 4 Every student of IP course (or majority) is very interested even for one of the offered careers Analysis of the number of occupations who have not one grade 5 (from students’ affinities point of view)

  11. Hypothesis 5 For every offered career (or greater majority of careers) great interest will be shown from at least one of the students hypothesis 5 Percentage of students who rated at least one profession with 5

  12. Methodological frame of informatics education, training and choice of optimal profession in business informatics 1.Creating teaching methods supported by informatic and communicational technologies 2.Introducing affinities and abilities of students and their guidance based on linking these affinities and abilities 3. The strongest as possible connecting of the teachingcontent with contents from business practice 4. Plan of student practice in companies so that the time is concretely and effectively utilized.

  13. Methodological frame of informatics education, training and choice of optimal profession in business informatics 5. Analysis of the activities and outcomes of graduates from the Faculty within the context of assessment of their level of knowledge and skills and assessment of areas where students have achieved the best results. Such data will be recorded in the diploma supplement, which is envisaged by the Bologna process (Diploma Supplement). 6. Analysis of the activities and outcomes of graduates in the context of defining the area of curriculum in which students have achieved the best results in specific subject.

  14. Conclusion Proven hypotheses point to the significant potential of students who enrolled Informatics business which can be expressed through following guidelines: 1. Students of Informatics business achieved significantly better results in informatics courses and made better progress in controlling informatics contents as oppose to students of other courses. 2. There was a high level of motivation of students towards careers in business informatics. 3. For each profession at least one student has demonstrated a high level of interest which facilitates coordination students’ affinities towards careers in business informatics needs for these occupations.

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