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Chapter VIIICommunity organizing process By PhD. Ponh OUDAM
STAGE ONE: ENTRY INTO THE COMMUNITY • Definition: Community entry is the process where the Community Organizer (CO) officially enters the community 2. Importance: During community entry, the Community Organizer (CO) is introduced to local authorities and other key people in the community. It is the first step by the Community Organizer (CO) towards integration into the community
STAGE ONE: ENTRY INTO THE COMMUNITY Cont. 3. Process • Preparation a. Role of the NGO • Clarify its purpose why it wants to work in the community. • Develop criteria for recruiting Community Organizer (CO). Recruit a Community Organizer (CO) who will stay and work with the people in the community. • Develop criteria for target community. Select target community using the criteria. • Develop criteria for contact person and host family.
STAGE ONE: ENTRY INTO THE COMMUNITY Cont. 3. Process • Preparation b. Role of the Community Organizer (CO) • Collect information about the community from government and non-government organizations working in the target community. • Select contact person using criteria. • Stay temporarily with a family recommended by contact person. • Prepare and bring personal items needed to stay in the community.
STAGE ONE: ENTRY INTO THE COMMUNITY Cont. 3. Process • B. Community Entry a. Tasks of the Community Organizer (CO) • Visit the house of contact person. • Together with the contact person, pay courtesy call to local authorities and key people in the community. • Stay temporarily with host family recommended by contact person.
STAGE TWO:COMMUNITY IMMERSION 1. Definition “Community Immersion” is the process of staying and living together with the people in the community and experience their way of life. 2. Importance Through community immersion, the Community Organizer (CO) will gain better understanding of the people and their situation. The people will also be able to know the Community Organizer (CO) better and mutually develop good relationships with each other.
STAGE TWO:COMMUNITY IMMERSION Cont. 3. Process • Identify host family using criteria earlier developed. • Stay with host family. • Go out and meet as many people as possible. • Participate in household and livelihood activities of the host family. • Participate in community celebrations, activities and meetings. • Document observations and experiences using a “CO Diary.”
STAGE TWO:COMMUNITY IMMERSION Cont. 4. Important advice for the Community Organizer (CO) • Be humble. • Be polite. • Respect local belief, religion and culture. • Do not get drunk. • Do not make promises that will not be fulfilled. • Do not flirt. • Do not talk about political parties.
STAGE THREE:CORE GROUP FORMATION 1. Definition A “Core Group” is made up of 5-7 individuals from the community selected and recruited by the Community Organizer (CO) to help facilitate the formation of the “Community Based Organization (CBO)”. 2. Importance The “Core Group” works together with the Community Organizer (CO) and provides community leadership towards the formation of the “Community Based Organization (CBO)”.
STAGE THREE:CORE GROUP FORMATION cont. 3. Process A. The NGO develops criteria for recruiting “Core Group” members which may include the following: • Leadership • Integrity • Availability • Commitment • Knowledge and skills
STAGE THREE:CORE GROUP FORMATION cont. 3. Process B. Tasks of Community Organizer (CO) • Observe and talk to people in the community. • Identify potential “Core Group” members using criteria. • Select and recruit 5-7 potential “Core Group” members. Women should be included. • Conduct orientation meeting with all “Core Group” members. Introduce and explain the work of the NGO. Explain and clarify responsibilities of “Core Group” members.
STAGE FOUR: FORMATION OF THECOMMUNITY BASED ORGANIZATION (CBO) 1. Definition A “Community Based Organization (CBO)” is an association of people living in the same geographic location. 2. Importance The “Community Based Organization (CBO)” is a structure that provides people with opportunities to work together to solve common problems affecting their lives.
STAGE FOUR: FORMATION OF THECOMMUNITY BASED ORGANIZATION (CBO) cont. 3. Process The task of Community Organizer (CO) in CBO formation is to help the “Core Group” members to: • Identify and analyze community problems. • Brainstorm and prioritize solutions. • Discuss and determine the importance of CBO formation. • Identify steps for CBO formation. • Develop criteria for CBO leaders.
STAGE FOUR: FORMATION OF THECOMMUNITY BASED ORGANIZATION (CBO) cont. 3. Process Steps in “Community Based Organization (CBO)” formation the “Core Group” should be responsible for the following activities: a. Planning for the Community Meeting • Determine the purpose of the community meeting. • Determine suitable place and time for the community meeting. • Plan the agenda and clarify responsibilities. • Announce the schedule, purpose and participants of the meeting.
STAGE FOUR: FORMATION OF THECOMMUNITY BASED ORGANIZATION (CBO) cont. b. Activities during the Community Meeting • Clearly explain the purpose and agenda of the community meeting. • Present community problems affecting community and the need to solve problems by working together. • Present the idea and get approval for the formation of the Community Based Organization (CBO). • Present the idea of the need to elect 5-7 CBO leaders. Discuss the process for nomination and election. • Present the responsibilities of CBO leaders and their term of office.
STAGE FOUR: FORMATION OF THECOMMUNITY BASED ORGANIZATION (CBO) cont. b. Activities during the Community Meeting Cont. • Start the nomination process. Allow candidates to respond to their nomination. • Conduct election in clear and transparent manner. • Tally votes and announce election results. • Allow newly elected CBO leaders to respond to their election. • Meeting should end on time after the election. • Decide on the place, time and agenda for next meeting. • Record minutes in writing.
STAGE FOUR: FORMATION OF THECOMMUNITY BASED ORGANIZATION (CBO) cont. C. Activities after the Community Meeting • The CO should meet with the newly elected CBO leaders after the community meeting. • The CO will arrange the time, place and agenda for the first formal meeting of the CBO leaders.
STAGE FIVE: COMMUNITY CAPACITY BUILDING 1. Definition “Community Capacity Building” is the process of developing and strengthening knowledge, skills and experience of the CBO leaders and members. 2. Importance Developing the capacity of the CBO leaders and members will ensure greater community participation, self-reliance and sustainability of the organization.
STAGE FIVE: COMMUNITY CAPACITY BUILDING cont. 3. Process Tasks of the “CBO leaders”: • Conduct assessment of training needs of CBO leaders and members. • Develop plan based on training needs. • Identify available internal and external resources to meet training needs. • Training of first line and second line of CBO leaders.
STAGE FIVE: COMMUNITY CAPACITY BUILDING cont. 4. Basic skills needed by the Community Based Organization (CBO) • Facilitating CBO and community meeting • Recording of minutes of the meeting • Research and data gathering • Planning • Monitoring and evaluation • Communication skills • Management skills • Financial skills • Project proposal making
STAGE SIX: PARTICIPATORY COMMUNITY REASEARCH 1. Definition “Participatory Community Research (PCR)” is the process of identifying, analyzing and prioritizing community problems and their possible solutions. 2. Importance The “PCR” enables community members to identify community needs, resources and priorities towards problem solving.
STAGE SIX: PARTICIPATORY COMMUNITY REASEARCH Cont. 3. Process • The CBO leaders will call for a community meeting. The agenda for community meeting is the formation and election of the members of the “Participatory Research Committee (PCR).” • Formation of the “Participatory Research Committee (PCR)” during community meeting. • The CO will train CBO leaders and PCR on how to use participatory research tools. • After the training, the PCR will conduct the community research together with community members. • Community data tabulation and analysis. The CO will train the PCR on how to do this. • The CBO leaders will call for a community meeting for data presentation and validation. • Formation of the “Community Planning Committee” during the community meeting.
STAGE SEVEN: COMMUNITY PLANNING FOR PROBLEM SOLVING 1. Definition “Community Planning” is the process of developing a community action plan based on priorities, objectives and resources towards community problem solving. 2. Importance Community planning provides opportunities for the community members to participate in decision making, thus ensuring ownership of the problem solving process. It also enables them to identify and formulate solutions to their common problems together.
STAGE SEVEN: COMMUNITY PLANNING FOR PROBLEM SOLVING Cont. 3. Process The tasks of the “Planning Committee” are: • Review community priorities based on the result of the PCR and develop community action plan: • Identify possible project/s. • Set up project objectives. • Identify target groups. • Identify activities and persons responsible. • Identify resources needed. • Develop budget. • Develop strategy on how to access to resources needed.
STAGE SEVEN: COMMUNITY PLANNING FOR PROBLEM SOLVING Cont. 3. Process The tasks of the “Planning Committee” are: • Review community priorities based on the result of the PCR and Call a community meeting to present “community action plan”. Presentation, validation and approval of “community action plan” by community members. • Finalize “community action plan” based on suggestions and recommendation of community members.
STAGE EIGHT: COMMUNITY RESOURCE MOBILIZATION 1. Definition “Community Resource Mobilization” is the process of utilizing people and their resources towards accomplishing desired changes in the community. 2. Importance The community needs resources in order to implement its projects and activities. “Community Resource Mobilization” enables the community to maximize the use of available local resources towards achieving problem solving objectives. External resources should only be utilized if local resources are not available.
STAGE EIGHT: COMMUNITY RESOURCE MOBILIZATION Cont. 3. Process Role of the “CBO Leaders” in mobilizing community resources: • Establish clear and regular communication and feedback system with community members. • Secure commitments of community members towards a particular cause. • Follow-up and monitor commitments of community members. • Delegate responsibilities in problem solving to maximize participation of community members.
STAGE NINE: PROJECT IMPLEMENTATION 1. Definition A. Project implementation It is the process of carrying out projects and activities towards achieving the desired change. Through implementation, plans are mobilized into a series of actions that will lead toward accomplishment of the goals and objectives. B. Project Monitoring Monitoring is the assessment of the project implementation process and activities and to check, whether the results are achieving the objectives of the desired change. Monitoring should be regularly done during the implementation process.
STAGE NINE: PROJECT IMPLEMENTATION cont. • Definition C. Evaluation Evaluation is the process of assessing the impact of the projects and activities of the community. It is concerned with determining the accomplishments of goals and objectives. The community members should conduct the evaluation themselves at the completion of a project or activity. 2. Importance The “Community Action Plan” is the vehicle to achieve desired community changes. A regular monitoring and evaluation process will ensure effective achievement of activities and desired results.
STAGE NINE: PROJECT IMPLEMENTATION cont. 3. Process: the tasks of the “CBO leaders” during project implementation are the following: A. Project Implementation • Oversee and direct the implementation of projects and activities. • Clarify roles of each member in projects or activities. • Motivate the community members to contribute to the projects and activities. Mobilize the use of community resources for the projects or activities. • Conduct regular consultation and feedback with community members. • Manage inter-personal relationships and conflict management. Facilitate team building activities. • Conduct an information and advocacy campaign on the “Community Action Plan”.
STAGE NINE: PROJECT IMPLEMENTATION cont. 3. Process: the tasks of the “CBO leaders” during project implementation are the following: B. Monitoring and Evaluation • Formation of the Monitoring and Evaluation Committee. • Development of the monitoring & evaluation plan. • Develop participatory tools for monitoring and evaluation. • Preparation of the evaluation report. • Presentation and validation of evaluation report during community meeting. • Finalization of the evaluation report after community meeting.
STAGE TEN: EXIT FROM THE COMMUNITY 1. Definition: “Community Exit” is the process whereby the Community Organizer (CO) gradually leaves the community as the “Community Based Organization (CBO)” moves towards independence and self-reliance
STAGE TEN: EXIT FROM THE COMMUNITY cont. 2. Importance The “Community Exit” strategy enables the “Community Based Organization (CBO)” to grow and gradually develop into a mature self-governing and self-reliant association independent. The CBO needs to grow and develop into a self-governing and self- reliant institution at its own pace and on its own time. At the initial stage of Community Organizing process, the CO takes a major role in leading the CBO in the problem solving process. As the capacity of the CBO leaders and members gradually develop, they should assume more responsibilities and move towards becoming independent and self-reliant. The role of the CO should then change from initiating, leading and managing to facilitating and coordinating of development activities. The “Community Organizer (CO)” should already start thinking about the exit strategy before entering the community. At the final stage, the CO should eventually leave the community.
STAGE TEN: EXIT FROM THE COMMUNITY cont. 3. Process The “Community Based Organization (CBO)” needs to establish federations, actively participate in networks and build strategic alliances with other groups and organizations in a continuing basis. These partnerships will enable the CBO to give and receive support from other CBOs, groups and organizations. The tasks of the “Community Organizer (CO)” in enabling CBO leaders to move towards becoming an independent CBO:
STAGE TEN: EXIT FROM THE COMMUNITY cont. 3. Process • Continuing education for CBO leaders and members, especially developing second and third line of leaders. • Strengthening communication and resource mobilization skills, especially local fundraising. • Establishing strong support system through networking and building alliances with government and non-government organizations. • Establish linkages and networking with other organizations at the village, commune, district, province and national level. • Join CBO federations with similar values and objectives for mutual benefit where appropriate.
? Questions What is community organizing process in your organization? Please describe.