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Topics To Be Covered. Outsourcing in GeneralBackground and History in Ocean PinesOutsourcing Group (Task Force) Charge and Options AvailableTimeline of Activities From Inception in Julyto Sept. 15, 2010Outsourcing Benefits to Ocean Pines Golf and Food and Beverage OperationsConclusionsR
1. Outsourcing Task Force Presentation To The Board of Directors September 22, 2010
2. Topics To Be Covered Outsourcing in General
Background and History in Ocean Pines
Outsourcing Group (Task Force) Charge and Options Available
Timeline of Activities From Inception in July
to Sept. 15, 2010
Outsourcing Benefits to Ocean Pines Golf and Food and Beverage Operations
3. Outsourcing What Is It?
Contracting with an independent party to perform certain functions, manage certain operations or segments of an entitys business
A fee is paid to the management company for its services
The entity continues to be responsible for the success and effectiveness of the operations
What Is It Not?
It is not a lease
It is not transferring the risks and rewards of ownership to the management company (the bottom line profit and loss is retained)
It is not giving up control
4. Outsourcing (contd)
Why Do It?
A management company is engaged because it has experience and resources which the contracting entity does not presently have, and can perform better than the client
The benefits are a better managed operation
The improvement in operations, either better performance or improved profitability, provides a greater benefit than the costs of the management company (fees and other costs)
5. Background & Historyin Ocean Pines Outsourcing in OP:
Food and Beverage (F&B)
Management Contract for Yacht Club F&B Operations:
1986-1992 Marriott Corporation
1993-1998 Canteen Corporation
Outsourcing Discussed Since at Least 2006
In 2006 Consultants to OP stated:
Hiring an Outside Management Company at OPCC is a reasonable option.
6. Background and History (contd) Sept. 2009 Golf Task Force Mission: (Co-Chairs Dave Stevens and Marty Clarke) Eliminate the operational deficit suffered by our golf operations. The Task Force is to explore and recommend specific actions, beyond those goals by generating revenues through increased play and sales.
7. Background & History (contd) Sept. 16, 2009- Golf Task Force states in its Report:
The group chose to address options within the existing management framework although it was aware that there are golf management companies and that outsourcing is a possibility. However, the GTF believes that we can improve within the current framework and will leave it to others to pursue more radical alternatives.
Jan. 26, 2010- At a Regular Board Meeting:
Director Bob Thompson questions why Outsourcing of Golf Operation has not been considered or evaluated.
9. Background and History (contd) Feb. 17, 2010 At Regular Board Meeting, following a presentation by Bob Thompson and a discussion of Outsourcing of Golf Operations, Board adopts the following Motion:
Be it resolved that in an effort to stabilize our underperforming asset of golf facility, the Board of Directors act on the receipts from KemperSports and RDC, two outside Golf Course Management companies, unsolicited requests to come in and discuss the possibility to manage our golf course. The presentations should include their respective approaches, experience and past success in golf course management.
10. Background and History (Contd) April 16,2010
Casper Golf, KemperSports and RDG Golf make presentations to the Board and the Golf Advisory Committee (GAC)
April 2010
Two of presenting firms note their experience and capabilities in managing F&B Operations and interest in submitting a proposal. Approval given and proposals subsequently received
11. Background and History (contd) April - GAC is requested to evaluate whether OPs Golf Operation should be outsourced and how to proceed with the proposals received
June 2 - Private Clubs Associates makes presentation to a group comprised of several Directors and several GAC members.
June 23 GAC votes to recommend to Board that OP Golf Operation be outsourced to a management company.
12. Background & History (contd) June 24 Special Meeting of the Board to consider Outsourcing. Discussion of Outsourcing Golf and F&B Operations results in unanimous approval of the following Motion:
. . . that the Board of Directors authorize the President and General Manager to undertake the necessary actions to select an organization, or organizations, with which to enter into a contract to manage the Associations golf operation and food and beverage operations. The selection of the firm, or firms, and the resulting proposed contract, or contracts, will be subject to approval by the Board.
13. Background and History (contd) Week of June 28 President Bill Rakow asked Director, Pete Gomsak to lead the effort to carry out the Boards directive, and creates a small group to do so.
14. Task Force Charge & Options Available First week of July - Bill Rakow forms small group(Outsourcing Task Force)
Pete Gomsak, Board Member
Joe Lynch, GAC Member
Jim Yates, Clubs Advisory Committee Member
Jim Beisler, Former BOGG President
Dan McCarthy, Owner/Operator of several restaurants (later withdrew due to time demands)
Chairs of GAC and Clubs Committee advised by Bill Rakow of Plan
Board advised by Bill Rakow of his plan to carry out Boards directive
15. Task Force Charge & Options (contd) Clarification of Role and Options Available to it Requested from President Bill Rakow on July 13th
Role was Clarified and is Summarized as Follows:
Evaluate the Proposals Received
Select the Firm Best Suited to Enter into a Management Contract with OP to Manage the Golf and F&B Operations
(Alternatively, If one firm is better suited to manage Golf and another F&B, then select two firms)
Determine and Negotiate Contract Terms with the Firm, or Firms, Chosen
Make a Recommendation to the Board Regarding a Proposed Contract
16. Task Force Charge and Options (contd) Options Available:
Expand Number of Firms Considered
Conclude that Outsourcing Is Not Beneficial for OP and Not Recommended
Conclude that both Golf and F&B Operations Should be Outsourced
Conclude that One Operation Should be Outsourced, but not the Other
Conclude that Outsourcing would be Beneficial, but the Cost-Benefit Relationship is such that Outsourcing is Not Recommended
17. Timeline of Activities FromInception in July to Sept. 15, 2010 July 8th First Meeting
Week of July 12th
Decided to interview each firm under consideration
Developed specific questions for interviews
Week of July 19th
Interviewed three firms (Casper, Kemper & PCA)
Decided to not expand. Discussed and clarified role, objectives, and process
Decided to visit 2 clients each of Casper & Kemper
Week of July 26th
Two-day trip to visit:
Virginia Oaks Club (Gainesville,Va)
Heritage Hunt Club (Gainesville,Va)
Swan Point Club (La Plata,Md)
Week of August 2nd
Visited Colonial Heritage Club (Williamsburg, VA)
Pete returned to Gainesville, VA to meet with HHC Board Member involved in their search and contract negotiations
18. Timeline of Activities (contd) Week of August 9th
Met with Marini Group re unsolicited offer to lease Yacht Club
Debriefed visits to four client locations
Concluded unanimously that both Golf and F&B Operations should be outsourced
Agreed that next major step was to conduct a cost-benefit analysis
Agreed to go forward with only 2 firms: Casper and Kemper
Agreed to request Casper & Kemper to develop 3-year pro forma financial info
19. Week of August 16th
Additional info provided to Casper & Kemper
Briefed OP Acting GM, Bill Rakow, and Bob Thompson, Incoming GM
Week of August 23rd
Additional visits by Casper and Kemper Representatives
Pro Forma Info received and distributed
Analysis and Summary of Pro Formas Prepared
Timeline of Activities (contd)
20. Timeline of Activities (contd) Week of August 30th
Received and discussed Pro Forma Info
Updated Directors Unger, Terry and McLauglin on status
Further reference checking via phone discussions
Pre-arranged conference calls with Casper and Kemper re Pro Forma Info and Key Contract terms, including fees
21. Timeline of Activities (contd) Week of Sept. 6th
Discussion of Proposed Time-Line for Recommendations to Board
Developed and Submitted Follow Up-Questions and Received Formal Responses
Met with Bob Thompson and Tom Terry to Update
Met with Directors Stevens and Purcell, who had been out of town, to update
Met with Clubs Advisory Committee Chair, Bill Wentworth, and Member, Audrey Wahl, to update
22. Timeline of Activities (contd) Week of Sept. 13th
Met with new Director Rick Handelman to update
Also met with Bill Hickey, Chair of BOGG and GAC Member, to update. (Chair was not available.)
Approved Incentive Fee Formula, Providing for a Sliding Scale
Decided to Submit our Recommendations to Board at Sept. 22nd Meeting, due to need to make a decision soon
Unanimously agreed on Selection of one firm to recommend OP enter into contract with to manage both the Golf and F&B Operations. Recommend contract be executed ASAP, but not later than end of Oct.
On Sept. 15th, Finalized Outsourcing Task Force Report to Board and personally Distributed to Board Members on Sept. 6th.
23. Outsourcing What Would It Mean to Ocean Pines?
24. Benefits Applicable toBoth Golf and F&B Experience and Proven Success of Management Firm
Extensive and Sophisticated Marketing
Comprehensive Employee Training
Human Resource Management Evaluations, Motivation, etc.
Physical Facility Improvements
Systems and Controls
25. Benefits (contd) Broad Support Resources
Enhanced Communications (Member, Employees, Outside World)
A Strategic Focus
National Purchasing Programs (Better Pricing)
Career Advancement Opportunities for Employees
Improved Financial Performance
26. Golf Specific Benefits Extensive Golf Course and Maintenance Experience
Agronomy Expertise and Resources
Cross Marketing Potential From Other Clients
Name Recognition and National Reputation More Play
27. Food & Beverage Specific Benefits Extensive Experience in Restaurant Operations
Improved Quality of Food and Service
Broader Range of Menu Selections and Price Points
More Effective Management of Staff
Market Research Capabilities Determine What Members Want
Creative and Effective Marketing
28. Conclusions
29. Conclusions We See Significant Benefits to Entering into a Contract to Manage both the Golf and Food and Beverage (F&B) Operations of the Association
Initial Focus was on the Benefits for the Golf Operation
Initial Skepticism about the F&B Benefits
Visits to Client Locations and Discussions with Members was Invaluable
Concluded that Linking both Golf and F&B was Highly Desirable
Further Concluded that for OP the Potential Benefits of Outsourcing F&B Were Greater Than for Golf
Many of the Benefits to be Derived from the Knowledge and Experience Are Common To Both Operations
30. Conclusions (contd) The Financial Cost of Outsourcing Only One of the Two Operations Results in a Limited Net Financial Benefit
Whether the Contract covers one or both functions, a management firm General Manager would be in place
The additional management fee to include the second operation is fairly modest
Contracting for Golf only would result in costs which would approximate the expected improvement in operational financial results in the first two years of a contract.
Contracting both results in better cost-benefit relationship
31. Conclusions (contd) A 3-Year Contract should be entered into with terms including a Base Fee and an Incentive Fee, based on financial performance and a qualitative assessment of performance
The Reporting Relationship should provide the Management Firms on-site, full-time General Manager to report to the Associations General Manager
There should be a small group working with OPs General Manager to, periodically and annually, evaluate performance and meet with Management Firm Representatives
32. Conclusions (contd) One firm is a better choice for Ocean Pines than the other firm
The effective date of the Contract should be no later than Oct. 31st and earlier would be better
Contract draft has to be negotiated completely
OP process will involve separate reviews by Contract Review Committee and Legal Counsel
2011 Golf Season requires finalization of rates, and decisions on marketing strategies for Package Play in November
Positively impacting F&B Operations ASAP would be beneficial
33. Recommendations We strongly recommend that the Board of Directors authorize and direct the President to enter into a Management Contract with Billy Casper Golf to manage the Associations Golf Operations and Food and Beverage Operations (All Locations)
We further recommend that the Contract incorporate the key provisions set forth in our Report to the Board of Directors dated September 15, 2010, and be executed and made effective as soon as possible, but not later than October 31st.
34. Timeline of CurrentConsideration of Outsourcing 2006 Considered Outsourcing Golf, But No Action Taken
Sept. 2009 Decision Made by Golf Task Force not to consider Outsourcing, but rely on Current Model, and add a part-time position for Marketing, primarily focused on Package Play
Jan. 2010 Outsourcing Golf possibility raised at Board meeting by Director, Bob Thompson
Feb. 2010 Board approved evaluating Golf outsourcing
April 2010 Received several proposals from management companies to manage both Golf and F&B
35. Timeline (contd) May-June Golf Advisory Committee evaluates Outsourcing Golf
June 23 GAC makes recommendation to Board to outsource Golf
June 24 Board authorizes President and GM to select firm and negotiate contract for management of Golf and Food and Beverage Operations, subject to approval by Board
July 1 Outsourcing Task Force Organized by President Bill Rakow
July 8 Sept. 15 Task Force evaluates outsourcing options; interviews management companies and performs due diligence, including visits to client locations; develops information on costs and benefits of outsourcing; evaluates proposals received; and negotiates basic terms with management companies
Sept. 15 Task Force completes Report to Board
Sept.16 -- Personal distribution of Report to Board Members