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Water supply and water use statistics in Jordan Prepared b y Khamis Raddad Dep. Of Statistics Jordan. International work session on water statistics Vienna 20 – 22 June 2005. introduction Water supply water use Difficulties and Problems. Introduction.
Water supply and water use statistics in JordanPrepared b y Khamis RaddadDep. Of StatisticsJordan International work session on water statistics Vienna 20 – 22 June 2005
introduction • Water supply • water use • Difficulties and Problems
Introduction • Jordan receives rainfall of about 6,000 million cubic meters (MCM). • The Syrian catchments of the Yarmouk river Basin receives an additional 2,065 MCM • annual stream flow, amounting to only about 878 MCM • proposed Al‑Wehdeh Dam will provide an annual safe yield of about 105 MCM, 55 MCM for manufacturing and the remaining 50 MCM will be used to intensify agricultural production in the Jordan Valley.
Therefore, Jordan is consider among the poorest countries in the world in terms of water resources • more than 90% of Jordan's total area receiving less than 200 millimeters rainfall per year • more than 70% of the country receiving less than 100 millimeters of precipitation on a year.
Only around 2% of the land area has an annual precipitation exceeding 300 millimeters • renewable fresh water resources, average is about 680 MCM per year, or approximately 135 m3 per capita for all uses.
Water supply 1- Surface water supply Public supply • The annual supply of surface water is 214.69 MCM, the Jordan Rift Valley contribute on 108 MCM, ( 73.5%) is allocated for agriculture activity. • all treated waste water is allocated for irrigation purpose 75.4 MCM • Supply water for municipal use 54.4 CM, and industrial activity use about 2.5 MCM
Table 1 *Quantity of surface water use by water resource 2004 *Source: M.O.W.I-Water Authority
2- Ground water supply The total quantity of ground water is 520 MCM. The agriculture sector use about 54% of ground water. The municipal use about 40% of ground water, and the remain (6%) used for industrial activity.
Source Livestock Irrigation Industrial Municipal total 2. Ground Water 0.64 278.70 33.27 207.45 520.05 - Renewable 0.64 210.25 29.20 192.74 432.83 - Non-Renewable 0.00 68.45 4.07 14.71 87.22 Table 2 *Quantity of ground water use by water resource 2004 *Source: M.O.W.I-Water Authority
The depletion of water is vary from one ground water basin to another, in some basin the over pumping of ground water exceed 3 times of the safe yield, on the other hand the abstraction of water from other basins less than the safe yield.
Water use • The total water use in Jordan increased by more than 27%,from 639 MCM in 1985 to 810 MCM in 2004 • Water for municipal uses showed the highest increase in average annual water consumption (153 -262 MCM) and contribute on above 32% of total water use, and contribute on about 36% of fresh water use, it also register the highest increase in share of total water use by the time.
Irrigation water for agriculture use 62 % during 2004 • Water use for livestock production has constitute only 0.8% of the total water use during 2004. • The industrial sector contribute on 4.4% of total water use .
Some details information by using sample survey was acquired Table 5 Quantity of water use by economic activity in industrial sector 2002
The survey on chemical manufacturing provide more details of water use by economic activity ( ISIC 4 Digit). This data indicate the quantity of water use for each activity by supply.
Table 6 Quantity of Used Water in Manufacturing of Chemical Products, Rubber and Plastic Products by Water Source, 2002 (M3)
Water supply and water use statistics in Jordana- administrative recordsb- survey method Sample design 1-The frame The 1999 economic enterprises census. 2 – stratification All enterprises stratified by total revenue into 3 classes, it classified by paid capital, total employee, and it classified by activity 4 digit at the region level.
3 – sample design All enterprises classified as big enterprises were surveyed by complete coverage All enterprises with small number surveyed by complete coverage. The enterprises remained were divided into middle and small size. After that in each stratum and in each size of enterprises the sampling units were selected.
4-Sample allocation The Nyman allocation was applied The systematic method was applied after ordering all sampling units in each stratum ascending by total revenue, to provide implicit stratification to increase the efficiency of the design.
Difficulties and Problems 1- Availability of data - there are many gaps in the administrative records. no disaggregating between both public and privet sectors. - difficult to access to the available data. 2- The quality of data -the data doesn’t comparable among different sources of data
3- The classification of the available data - the ISIC and SNA classifications didn’t apply in the data base. 4- the cost of collecting data by survey method is very high. 5- huge requirements for any survey. 6-This work need skills in both statistics and water science which is not available.