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  1. BATTLE OF AHZAB (TRENCHES) • ZIL-QAADAH 5 A.H. • In the year 5 A.H. the Makkans made another great effort to destroy the Muslims with the help of the Jews and the desert tribes of Ghatafan. This great army of 10,000 men, 4000 camels and 300 horses marched towards Madinah under the command of Abu Sufyaan. The coming danger seemed to cast a great gloom over Madinah. When Rasulullah  was informed of the approach of the big army he summoned the Sahaba to devise means to meet the great danger.

  2. Huyay bin Akhtab, the leader of the banished BanuNadhir tribes, began to enlist the support of all other Jewish tribes, the Arab tribes and the Quraish of Makkah in order to make a concerted effort to wipe out the Muslims for ever. The strategy of these combined forces also included the BanuQuraizah who were still living in the vicinity of Madinah. Huyay influenced Ka'abibnAsad into dishonouring his treaty which he had madewithRasulullah to support Muslims when they are attacked. BanuQuraizah formed an alliance with the infidels who promised them that they will protect and help them whatever the out come of the battle.

  3. Rasulullah  was aware of the evil planning of the enemies of Islam. He held an urgent mushwarah (consultation) with the Sahaaba and plans were made for the defence of Madinah. All the women and children were to remain in the city while all the men were together on Mount Sal'a outside Madinah. A learned Persian Sahaaba, Salman Farsi (R.A.) explained to Rasulullah  a system of effective protection. It was by means of a ditch, and HazratSalman Farsi (R.A.) had seen it practiced in his own country. Rasulullah  was impressed by the idea and this ditch was ordered to be dug immediately. All the Muslims, trusting in Rasulullah  's farsightedness, set upon ardently to work.

  4. On the advise of Salmaan Faarsi (R.A.), it was decided that a trench be dug. Since Madinah was surrounded on two sides by lava rock and palm groves on the third side it was decided to dig the trench on the open approaches. Rasulullah  with the assistance of the Muhajireen and the Ansaar got down to the difficult task of digging the trench. They made the trench 5 meters deep and 5 meters wide.

  5. All the time the Sahaba were marvellously inspired by Rasulullah  himself who worked as a labourer amongst them. They encountered a big rock which they were not able to uproot. Rasulullah  came there and struck the rock with the blows of his axe, the rock splitting into countless fragments under the blows of the axe. On every blow a spark appeared which the Sahaaba also witnessed. On every spark Rasulullah  saw Syria, Iran and Yemen respectively. Rasulullah  gave the glad tidings that these lands will eventually come under the banner of Islam.

  6. The enemy approached Madinah and faced a setback when they saw the deep trench around the town. They settled down to a siege. The siege went on for 27 days. They failed to penetrate the defiance of the Muslims.

  7. There was no hand combat since the trench was five meters wide. However, arrows were being showered from both sides. Amr bin Abd, a kuffar fighter, made his horse jump over a narrow portion of the trench. As soon as he reached the other side, Zulfiqar, the sword of Hazrat Ali (R.A.) flashed out and fell upon the enemy and killed him. Hazrat Ali (R.A.) triumphantly raised the war cry Allah hu Akbar- Allah is the Greatest.

  8. Meanwhile Rasoolallah Came to know about the folly of BanuQuraizah planning to join the infidels army. Judging the critical situation Rasulullah  resorted to military tactics. Rasulullah  sent Na'imibnMas'ud (R.A.) a member of the Ashja tribe of BaniGhatafaan whose conversion to Islam was not yet publicly known. He went first to the Quraizite Jews and said: 'You are not sure at this stage that the Makkans will succeed in this war. Once the foreign invaders return as they must do sooner or later, you can not defend yourselves single-handed against Muhammed  . So do not involve yourselves without first getting a guarantee that the Makkans will fight their former co-citizens to the end. Ask them for hostages as an assurance to side with them (Quraish)'.

  9. The Quraizaites found this advice reasonable. Then Na'im ibn Mas'ud went to the Quraishite camp and told them according to his information, the Quraizite Jews had entered into conspiracy with Muhammed  and as an assurance of their friendship, had promised to get hold off some of the Quraishite prominent personalities and hand them over to him (Muhammed  ).:

  10. On the twenty seventh night of the siege a severe storm approached Madinah. The effect of this severe storm was most devastating for the Kuffar. Their tents were uprooted, goods were blown about, fires were extinguished and the whole kuffar army was in utter fear and in a state of confusion. Under the circumstances the kuffar army fled in disarray.

  11. A Divine revelation brought by HazratJibra'eel (A.S.) commanded Rasulullah  to give out punishment to the BanuQuraizah. The Muslims laid a siege to their fortresses, and after 25 days, the Jews gave in and tried to appease the Muslims. They proposed to Rasulullah  that HazratSa'ad bin Mu'az (R.A.) who was their friend prior to accepting Islam be asked to decide their issue. In this way they were to get a favourable settlement for themselves. Rasulullah  agreed to their request.

  12. I am deciding this issue according to the commands of the Taura (The Book of the Jews), that all the men of BanuQuraiziah be put to death. Their women and children be left in the care of he Muslims; and their wealth and possessions be included in the Baitulmaal (Treasury)'.

  13. The verdict was justified in three aspects of its execution. Firstly, the Law of Taurah had been applied. Secondly, when Madinah was attacked from all sides, the BanuQraiziah were bent on mutiny from within Madinah. Thirdly, they did not trust the Nabi  of Allah, but gave preference to HazratMu'az (R.A.) because of his previous friendship with the Jews. HazratMu'az (R.A.) proved his loyalty to Islam and his verdict reflected the justice of Islam and the love for Allah and his Rasul  .

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