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American Dream Derailed: Urban Decay, Discrimination, and Struggle for Justice

Explore the impact of urban decay, discrimination, and social injustice on the American Dream. Witness the consequences of "White flight," inner-city poverty, and the battle for social reform in a turbulent era of change.

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American Dream Derailed: Urban Decay, Discrimination, and Struggle for Justice

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  1. The Other America Did all Americans have a chance at the American Dream?

  2. Decaying Inner City • Technology creates new manufacturing jobs & GATT eliminates tariffs to help trade, many business leave for suburbs • “White flight” causes cities lose tax base, jobs, and consumers. Poverty increases in the inner city (urban decay) Urban Renewal • Govt creates Housing & Urban Development (HUD) to fix cities • HUD clears out run down areas replaces them with businesses • Example: Mexican-Ams forced out of an LA “barrio” Chavez Ravine for housing project (land will later be given to Dodgers)

  3. The Battle of Chavez Ravine • Chavez Ravine housing project cancelled during “Red Scare” • Brooklyn Dodgers owner Walter O’Malley wants new stadium in Brooklyn, City of NY offers him land in Queens, NY • O’Malley refuses, now wants land in Los Angeles, buys LA Angels stadium in S. LA, trades it for Chavez Ravine http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hd7YJ1FVZK0

  4. Mexicans Seek Employment • Due to a shortage of agricultural workers in CA, US begins bracero program (Mexicans can temporarily work in US) • Millions don’t return to Mexico, Americans resent Mexicans • Ex: Longoria Incident - undertaker in Texas refuses to bury Mex-American war hero, Mex-Ams outraged at discrimination Native Americans • Nat-Ams form Congress of American Indians to improve lives • Termination Policy: US announces it will no longer give federal economic support to tribes (due to CAI), policy fails

  5. Jim Crow South • 1955: Emmett Till, a fourteen year old African-American from Chicago heads to Mississippi to visit relatives • Till whistles at a white women in Bryant’s Grocery Store • Roy Bryant & JW Milam kidnap Till from uncle’s house, kill him and sink his body to bottom of a river • Both men arrested but found not guilty by an all-white jury, northern blacks & whites finally realize how bad South is

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