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The Empires of Early India

Explore the rise and reign of Chandragupta and Asoka in the Mauryan Empire, followed by the Reinforcement of Hinduism and Golden Age of the Gupta Empire. Learn about their achievements, policies, and the eventual downfall of these influential dynasties.

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The Empires of Early India

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Presentation Transcript

  1. The Empires of Early India The Mauryan Empire

  2. The Reign of Chandragupta • Rise to Power • Chandragupta gathers an army and kills the king of the ruling family • Unifies most of northern India via military conquest • 600,000 soldiers • 30,000 cavalry • 9,000 men on elephants

  3. The Reign of Chandragupta • Heavy Taxes • Farmers could pay ½ of their crop value in taxes • Bureaucracy • Divides empire into 4 provinces (Pradesikas) • Each province divided into local districts (Rajjukas & Yuktas) • Local districts controlled taxes and law enforcement

  4. The Reign of Chandragupta • Paranoia in the palace • Food tasters • Secret Police • Slept in a different room every night • Female body guards

  5. The Reign of Asoka

  6. The Reign of Asoka • Embraces Buddhism and rules by its teachings • Edicts • Monuments that proclaim the reforms & policies of Asoka

  7. The Reign of Asoka • Unification of Diverse Peoples • Extensive Roadways • Trees for Shade • Watering Stops • Rest Areas

  8. Mauryan Achievements • Spread of Buddhism throughout India and Asia • Missionaries of Buddhist monks traveled the Silk Road • Building of Schools and Libraries in major cities

  9. After Asoka’s death kings challenged the imperial rule of the Maurya High Taxes Farmers couldn’t feed empire Too much $ went to military and bureaucracy Invasion by the Greeks and Persians in the north Series of weak successors Asoka’s policies? Bye-Bye Maurya

  10. The Gupta Empire • Reinforcement of Hinduism • Laws reflect Hindu beliefs • Caste System • Untouchables - given “impure” jobs, such as grave diggers and street cleaners

  11. The Gupta Empire Golden Age • Math • Concept of Zero 0, Zilch, Nada, Niente • Decimal System .00099

  12. Gupta Golden Age • Medicine • Before Beverly Hills, the Gupta had plastic surgery • Smallpox Vaccine (1,000 years before Europe)

  13. Gupta Golden Age • Architecture • Stupas • Large dome shaped Buddhist shrines • Street level shops with apartments above

  14. Gupta Golden Age • Literature • Fables and folk tales in Sanskrit • Adapted by Egypt, Persia, and Greece

  15. End of Gupta • Fall of the Gupta • Weak Rulers • Invasion by the Huns

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