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Introduction to Early Childhood Education. CULTURAL DIVERSITY https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=t-qnuqCZ7hg. GPS Focus Standards:. IECE-6 : Students will respond appropriately to cultural diversity in the learning environment. a . Recognize and accept cultural differences.
Introduction to Early Childhood Education CULTURAL DIVERSITY https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=t-qnuqCZ7hg
GPS Focus Standards: IECE-6: Students will respond appropriately to cultural diversity in the learning environment. a. Recognize and accept cultural differences. b. Incorporate multicultural, non-sexist experiences in all aspects of early childhood care and education. c. Interpret individual differences and cultural and environmental influences when assessing children’s development. IECE 9.h: Create developmentally appropriate materials, lessons, and activities that promote children’s respect for diversity. GPS Academic Standards: SSCG6: The student will demonstrate knowledge of civil liberties and civil rights. SSSocC1: The student will explain the development and importance of culture. SSSocC2: Students will evaluate how cultures develop and evolve; analyze impact of globalization on US and other world cultures. ELA 9-12 RL5, ELA 9-12 LSV1, ELA 9-12 LSV2, ELA 9-12 W1, ELA 9-12 W2
UNDERSTANDINGS & GOALS~ IECE-6 Enduring Understandings: Children develop an awareness of racial differences at an early age. Children tend to choose playmates of the same sex, a tendency that increases with age. When children come to the early childhood program they already have a lifetime of socializing experiences. The early childhood teacher facilitates development of positive peer relationships from infancy on by means of guidance and by setting an appropriate environment. The early childhood curriculum should provide many opportunities for children to learn about themselves and others, to value their own and others’ races and cultures, and to develop appreciation and acceptance of diversity. Essential Questions: What do all children have in common? How can you help to encourage children’s relationship with peers? How can you help children develop sensitivity and understanding toward those who are of a different culture, ethnicity, linguistic background, gender, and ability? How can you support the social development in children of different ages and abilities? How do children’s moral senses develop, and how can you help them develop pro-social skills?
Cultural Diversity- VocabularyIECE-6: Students will respond appropriately to cultural diversity in the learning environment. Bias Race Culture Diversity Pro-social Sexist Racist Gender Homophobia Poverty ESOL Native
Cultural Diversity- Vocabulary Bias-to give a settled and often prejudiced outlook to Race- family, tribe, people, or nation belonging to the same class Culture-A group’s ideas and ways of doing things that become a learned pattern of social behavior. Diversity- the condition of being different Pro-social-in favor of interaction with an individual or group Sexist-a person who is prejudiced or discriminates based on sex Racist-a person who is racially prejudiced or discriminates Gender-sex Homophobia-irrational fear of homosexuality or homosexuals Poverty-the state of one who lacks a usual or socially acceptable amount of money or material possessions ESOL-English for Speakers of Other Languages Native-belonging to a particular place by birth
Diversity and Differentiationin the Classroom Multicultural Education
Group Treasure Hunt Activity Diversity Each person is unique. This uniqueness is what makes our society work. If we were all the same, our society would be missing much of its creativity. This diversity allows for multiple points of view, with the end result being various perspectives to solve problems or situations. Group of 4-5 Total points for each question and keep a combined (for all members of the team) running total after each question is answered. To keep all teams on the same question, you will read the questions one at a time, and go on when you feel all groups have finished. Allowing discussion time after each question permits the team to discover the uniqueness of the various team members. Questions One point for each person living in your home One point for each button on your clothes One point for each team member born outside of Georgia One point for each pet in your family (fish only count as one pet) One point for each member with brown hair Two points for each member with blonde hair Three point for each member with black hair Four points for each member with red hair Five points for each member with hair color not mentioned One point for each shoelace hole or hook One point for every state that any member has been in other than this one One point for each team member who has flown in an airplane One point for each musical instrument team members know how to play One point for each sport team members know how to play One point for each artistic talent team members have Discussion *How do differences among people help our society? *What would happen if everyone was the same? *How do society norms impact what we think about various individual differences or characteristics?
Culturally responsive teachers develop effective strategies to use with widely diverse groups of students--- Exceptional students • Children with disabilities • Gifted children Culturally and ethnically diverse students Gender Social class Language diversity
Incorporate multicultural, non-sexist experiences in all aspects of early childhood care and education.
Why is Multicultural Awareness Important? By the year 2020 about half of the United States population will come from groups traditionally labeled minority: • African American • Asian American • Native American • Latino or Hispanic While the proportion of diverse students is increasing, the teaching force is becoming more homogeneous. (Harper, et al.) By 2010, an estimated 95% of K-12 teachers will be white middle class females.(Haberman) Most teachers have limited experiences working with cultures unlike their own. (Haberman.)
Enter Net Generation X: Noted Personal Traits: • Matured with digital entertainment age • Access to digital resources outside of schools • Accepts diversity • Assertive and self-reliant • Strongly independent • Emotionally/intellectually open • Inclusive • Freely expressive • Tendency toward innovation • Investigative Noted Areas of Expertise: Pac Man Sega Game Boy Play Station I & II X-Box 360 Cell phone Text-messaging Web Surfacing MySpace.com MyFaceBook.com Hip Hop/Rap Hard Rock Acid Jazz BET VH I Can teachers compete for students attention with the mass media world? CULTURAL DIVERSITY & PEDAGOGY IN THE 21ST CENTURY…
Cultural and Ethnic Diversity Culturally responsive teaching Acknowledges the legitimacy of the cultural heritages of different ethnic groups Builds bridges of meaningfulness between home and school experiences Uses a wide variety of instructional strategies connected to different learning styles Teaches students to know and praise their own and each others’ cultural heritages Incorporates multicultural information, resources, materials into all subjects
Cultural and Ethnic diversity Teaching in culturally diverse settings • “Cultural connectiveness” method (infusing multicultural education into daily learning experiences)—suggested steps: • Know your community • Seek family support • Give equal attention to all groups • Fill your room with curriculum materials from many cultures • Invite visitors to speak • Draw from the arts
Language Diversity Over 200 languages now in US Ongoing controversy between “English only” and bilingualism Three main terms: • ELL (English Language Learners) students who come to school speaking a main language other than English • LEP (Limited English Proficient) students who are not yet fluent enough in English to perform school tasks successfully • Bilingual – students who speak fluently in English at school and a native language at home
Language Diversity Guidelines for bilingual instruction • Environmental print • Culturally conscious literature • Literacy instruction through natural use of reading and writing throughout the curriculum • Language buddies • Work with the ESL teacher
Pen PalsMake a new friend-write a letter. World Pen Pals (small fee, but very reliable) 1694 Como Avenue, St. Paul, MN 55108 http://www.world-pen-pals.com/request.htm International Friendship League 55 Mount Vernon Street, Boston, MA 02108 http://www.iflworld.org/
Interpret individual differences and cultural and environmental influences when assessing children’s development.
Observation TopicCultural Diversity Tally gender differences based on: Who gets called on more by the teacher?; Who volunteers to answer more questions in class?; Who asks for help from the teacher more often?; Who gets reprimanded or asked to be quiet more often?; Who get more praise?; What happens to girls that break rules?; What happens to boys that break rules?
Cultural Diversity Assignment Observation Journal Heading- Observation Journal, Early Childhood Education, Name, Date, Class~Woodson/Anderson What did you do? What are you thoughts about what you did? Cultural Diversity in Poetry Your Poem – English/Spanish 2 Edgar Allen Poe Poems 2 Poems from other authors Analysis of the Poems (one per poem)
Cultural Diversity Assignment You are part of a team of 4 journalists (partners from ECE Field Experience) working for CBC NewsWorld. You have just received a call from your producer who is putting together a documentary on cultural diversity. The program will focus on selected cultural groups while exporing the value of and the threats to cultural diversity in the 21st century. Your team is responsible for preparing a PowerPoint presentation on one of the cultures being highlighted in the documentary. To meet your producer's deadline each member of your team will be responsible for preparing one segment of the presentation. Each journalist in the team will be responsible to: Research one segment of the presentation. See below the chart which outlines the responsibility of each team member. Collaboratively create a 5-10 minute documentary using Microsoft PowerPoint ( including images, web links and audio files) Preview the assembled documentary. Share the results with the class. Responsibility of each journalist A Overview of country B Daily Life - Language & Music C Daily Life - Other Aspects (Education & Young Adults) D Value of and the threats tocultural diversity http://ssrsbstaff.ednet.ns.ca/mpierce/cultural_diversity.htm http://www.coleharbourhigh.ednet.ns.ca/library%20web/WebQuestCultures.htm Philippines India China Trinidad Italy Cuba Nigeria Hungary Iran
Cultural Diversity in the 21st Centuryhttp://www.coleharbourhigh.ednet.ns.ca/library%20web/WebQuestCultures.htm Overview of the Country Note information in point form. Record web sites used. Remember to provide captions for all images. world map geographic co-ordinates map of country flag capital city distance from metro to country's capital city cultural representation in the United States 4+ images representative of country & people size of country* population* Gross Domestic Product* Language & Music Note information in point form. Record web sites used. Remember to provide captions for all images. Language language or languages spoken features and examples of written text translation of short phrase or sentence include 1-2 images Music identify artist (biography / background) audio sample with introduction include 1-2 images
Cultural Diversity in the 21st Century Daily Life Note information in point form. Record web sites used. Remember to provide captions for all images. Sports Clothing ( if different from ours) Food & Dining Customs Holidays & Festivals Art Car License Plate Design Education Young Adults 4+ images Cultural Diversity in the 21st Centuryhttp://www.coleharbourhigh.ednet.ns.ca/library%20web/WebQuestCultures.htm
Value of and threats to cultural diversity A list of print resources - Journalist #4 will be assigned 3 items on which to report. Crystal, David. "Death Sentence". The Guardian 25 Oct. 1999: 2+ ProQuest Direct. CHDHS Library, 28 Feb., 2000 Davis, Wade. "Vanishing Cultures". National Geographic August, 1999:63-89. Lohr, Steven. "Welcome to the Internet" New York Times 9 Jan. 2000:4.1, ProQuest Direct.CHDHS Library, 14 Mar., 2000 Pinker, Steven. "There will always be an English". New York Times 24 Dec., 1999:late ed.:19+ ProQuest Direct. CHDHS Library, 9 Mar., 2000 Suzuki, David. "Saving the Earth". MacLean's 14 June, 1999:42-45. The Times of London. "English on Net Reviled in France". The Mail Star 6 Mar., 2000:A9 Van Slambrouck, Paul. "There's More Diversity but Less Diversity..". Christian Science Monitor 8 Feb., 2000:1+ ProQuest Direct. CHDHS Library, 14 Mar., 2000 Zwingle, Erla. "A World Together" National Geographic August, 1999:6-33. Cultural Diversity Read articles in the folder (See Print Resources). Note author & title of piece. Record information in point form. Remember to provide captions for all images. Value of diversity (List main ideas) Threats to diversity (List main ideas) Image representative of globalization of culture What is globalization of culture? Gather images that illustrate globalization of culture. See resource list to the right Complete a search for at least three articles and use them to determine the value of and threat to diversity. Cultural Diversity in the 21st Centuryhttp://www.coleharbourhigh.ednet.ns.ca/library%20web/WebQuestCultures.htm
Resources http://ssrsbstaff.ednet.ns.ca/mpierce/cultural_diversity.htm http://www.coleharbourhigh.ednet.ns.ca/library%20web/WebQuestCultures.htm
CULTURAL DIVERSITY QUESTIONS What have you discovered about other cultures? Is there a value to cultural diversity? What is it? Are there threats to cultural diversity? What are they? How can we protect cultural diversity? What is the future of cultural diversity?
Sourcebook Guided Notes -Identify the standard and essential questions -Define terms -Answer the following questions. Write questions and answers. In what ways do children differ? To which groups do we all belong? In what ways do the following ethnic groups differ? How are they alike? -African Americans & Hispanic Americans- -European American & American Indian- -Asian/Pacific Americans & African Americans- Why is multicultural awareness important? What are some suggestions for teaching in culturally diverse settings?