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Les DOM-TOMs. Les départements d’ Outre-Mer français célèbrent leurs 65 ans . . Vocabulaire overseas - ___________ at the time of - ______ laws - ________ inhabitants - __________ off the coast of - _____________
Les départements d’Outre-Mer français célèbrent leurs 65 ans. • Vocabulaire overseas - ___________ at the time of - ______ laws - ________ inhabitants - __________ off the coast of - _____________ island - ___________ the northern part _________________ covered with - _________________ it’s home to - ____________ to take off - ____________ rocket - ____________ to be situated - __________ finally - ___________ like (as) - ____________ southern - ___________ outre-mer loi (f) lors des au large de habitants (m) Île (f) la partie nord recouvert(e) de elle accueille décoller fusée (f) se situer enfin comme austral(e)
Snake game 1. 2 teams of equal number 2. 15 people have one card 3. Those who don’t will be refs 4. One person calls out the French word on their card. 5. Others must shout call out the English version, if they have it. They then turn the card over and say that word. 6. Repeat step 5 until all words have been called out.
La Martinique La Guadeloupe La Réunion La Guyane Can you remember which are the 4 DOMs?
Les devoirs: • Research 3 interesting facts about each DOM and TOM. • 30 facts in total!
L’île de la Réunion, qu’enpensent-ils? Uneîletoute en _______________. C’estplein d’_______________. C’esttrop_______________. Uneîle _______________.
L’île de la Réunion, qu’enpensent-ils? couleurs Uneîletoute en _______________. émotions C’estplein d’_______________. C’esttrop_______________. magique essentielle Uneîle _______________.
Il ferait quel temps? On pourrait faire quelles activités? Qu’est ce qu’on mangerait?
Quel temps ferait-il à la Réunion? Il ferait toujours chaud Il y aurait parfois des nuages Il ferait parfois froid Il y aurait toujours du soleil Il pleuvrait souvent Il y aurait parfois des cyclones Il ferait parfois humide Il neigerait rarement Il y aurait parfois du vent Il y aurait parfois du brouillard
Quel temps ferait-il à la Réunion? Dans le nord Dans l’ouest Dans l’est Dans le sud A la montagne Sur les côtes
Le climat de La Réunionest tropical. • L'été austral dure de décembreà avril, humidité de l'air, beaucoup de nuagessurl'intérieur de l'île, et parfois des pluiestorrentiellessurtoutsur la côteEst de l'île. Températures de 21 à 30ºC au niveau de la mer. • L'hiver austral dure de mai à novembre. Pendant cettepériodeilpleutrarement, sauf à l'Est entre Sainte-Rose et Saint-Joseph où les aversessontfréquentes. Au niveau de la mer, les températuresmoyennesvarient entre 19 et 26ºC. • Attention en altitude, les températuressonttoujours beaucoup plus fraîches: retirerdix à quinzedegrés, ilfautprévoir la tenue de plage et la tenue de montagne. En été En hiver
Les devoirs: On a poster: Using your knowledge about Reunion’s climate, produce a list of clothes / items you would need to put in your suitcase if you were to visit the island. Details such as colour and material can be added! Remember to look back at the work on fashion!
The Portuguese are thought to have been the first European visitors, finding it uninhabited in 1635 • officially claimed by Jacques Pronis of France in 1642, when he deported a dozen French mutineers to the island from Madagascar. The convicts were returned to France several years later, and in 1649, the island was named Île Bourbon after the royal house. Colonization started in 1665, when the French East India Company sent the first 20 settlers. • “Réunion” was the name given to the island in 1793 by a decree of the Convention with the fall of the House of Bourbon in France, and the name commemorates the union of revolutionaries from Marseille with the National Guard in Paris, which took place on 10 August 1792. • Réunion became a département d'outre-mer (overseas départment) of France on 19 March 1946. Its département code is 974. • The island is 63 kilometres (39 mi) long; 45 kilometres (28 mi) wide; and covers 2,512 square kilometres (970 sq mi). It is similar to the island Hawaii insofar as both are located above hotspots in the Earth's crust. • The Piton de la Fournaise, a shield volcano on the eastern end of Réunion Island, rises more than 2,631 metres (8,632 ft) above sea level and is sometimes called a sister to Hawaiian volcanoes because of the similarity of climate and volcanic nature. It has erupted more than 100 times since 1640 and is under constant monitoring. It most recently erupted on 2 January 2010.[8] Before that, the most noticeable was during April 2007, when the lava flow was estimated at 3,000,000 cubic metres (3,900,000 cu yd) per day.[9] The Piton de la Fournaise is created by a hotspot volcano, which also created the Piton des Neiges and the islands of Mauritius and Rodrigues. • The Piton des Neiges volcano, the highest point on the island at 3,070 metres (10,070 ft) above sea level, is north west of the Piton de la Fournaise. Collapsed calderas and canyons are south west of the mountain. Like Kohala on the Big Island of Hawaii, the Piton des Neiges is extinct. Despite its name, snow (French: neige) practically never falls on the summit. • The slopes of both volcanoes are heavily forested. Cultivated land and cities like the capital city of Saint-Denis are concentrated on the surrounding coastal lowlands. • Réunion also has three calderas: the Cirque de Salazie, the Cirque de Cilaos and the Cirque de Mafate. The last is accessible only by foot or helicopter.
Tagxedo.comhttp://www.tagxedo.com/artful/0b166f04455b4199http://www.tagxedo.com/art/0b166f04455b4199Tagxedo.comhttp://www.tagxedo.com/artful/0b166f04455b4199http://www.tagxedo.com/art/0b166f04455b4199 • départementsOutre-Merfrançaiscélèbrent 65 ans. France compte 4 DépartementsOutre-Mer DOM TerritoiresOutre-Mer TOM DOM TOM rattachés France lorsgrandesexpéditions marines 16e siècle TOM loisspécifiques, DOM loisrégionsfrançaises 19 mars 1946 4 départements population 1,6 millions d’habitants. Guadeloupe au large de côtenord-estAmériquesudîles Basse-Terre Grande-Terre îlesîles Marie-GalanteDésiradeSaintes Saint-Barthélemyîle Saint-Martin nord-estAmériquesud Surinam BrésilGuyaneFrançaiserecouverteforêtaccueille 1964 CSG fuséesAriane Martinique départementsfrançaisOutre-mer 150 km Guadeloupe océanAtlantiqueîleRéunionOcéanIndien 800 km est Madagascar Martinique Guadeloupe volcan Piton FournaiseTerritoiresOutre-mer Nouvelle-CalédoniePolynésiefrançaise Wallis Futuna OcéanPacifique Mayotte OcéanIndien Saint-Pierre-et-Miquelon OcéanAtlantiqueTerresAustralesArctiqueAntarctiquesFrançaises .