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Trainer Troy Sports Med presents The Concussion Checklist

Trainer Troy presents The "R's" of Sports-Related Concussion, a comprehensive checklist for recognizing, reporting, removing, referring, resting, rehabilitating, returning to life/learn, and returning to play. Stay informed and learn to limit the risk of concussions in sport.

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Trainer Troy Sports Med presents The Concussion Checklist

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  1. Trainer Troy Sports MedpresentsThe Concussion Checklist Troy Kleese LAT, ATC Licensed and Certified Athletic Trainer troy.kleese@gmail.com Not for reproduction or distribution without written consent.

  2. The “R’s” of Sports-Related Concussion Review Review your concussion protocol prior to each athletic season. Recognize Recognize the signs and symptoms of a concussion. Report Athletes need to report their symptoms to an adult / coach / teammate. Remove Remove all athletes showing signs or symptoms of a concussion from play. Refer and Re-Evaluate Concussed athletes are referred to medical professional for evaluation. Not for reproduction or distribution without written consent.

  3. The “R’s” of Sports-Related Concussion Rest and Recover Concussed athletes rest from participation to allow recovery to occur. Rehabilitation Medically supervised rehabilitation can assist in recovery from symptoms and assist in regaining performance. Return to Life / Return to Learn Step-by-step plans for returning to normal daily activities and school will facilitate recovery. Return to Play A step-by-step approach returning to sport prepares the athlete properly. Research and Risk-Reduction Continue to learn about advancements in concussion care and educate everyone involved in how to limit the risk of concussions in sport. Not for reproduction or distribution without written consent.

  4. The “R’s” of Sports-Related Concussion Contact Trainer Troy with questions regarding sports-related concussions. Stay tuned for more information on concussions and other sports injury prevention and care topics. “Trainer Troy” is a state licensed and nationally certified athletic trainer in Des Moines, Iowa. He’s worked with youth, middle school, high school, college and professional athletes over his 25 year career. Trainer Troy Sports Med: “Better Care Everywhere” Not for reproduction or distribution without written consent.

  5. References: 5th International Conference on Concussion – October 2016 Sport Concussion Assessment Tool – SCAT 5 Concussion Recognition Tool (CRT 5) Concussion symptom checklist Iowa Department of Health – Recommended Guidelines for Concussion Care in Schools – July 2017 Not for reproduction or distribution without written consent.

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