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Media Use in the Middle East: An Eight-Nation Survey. Northwestern University in Qatar Everette E. Dennis, Justin D. Martin & Robb Wood Northwestern University in Qatar. 2013. 1.0. Introduction & Key Findings. Key Findings.
Media Use in the Middle East:An Eight-Nation Survey Northwestern University in Qatar Everette E. Dennis, Justin D. Martin & Robb Wood Northwestern University in Qatar • 2013
1.0 Introduction & Key Findings
Key Findings • Many respondents see improvement news reporting in the Arab World over the past two years. A majority of adults in six of the eight countries surveyed agree that the quality of reporting has improved. • Perceptions of news media credibility within individual countries vary widely. Saudi Arabia, Jordan and UAE are the most optimistic; Egypt, Lebanon and Tunisia less so. • Internet usage varies widely by country. Strongest usage in the Gulf countries – UAE, Qatar, Bahrain and Saudi Arabia; lowest usage in Egypt. • Most respondents believe people should be able to express their opinions online, whatever those opinions may be. However… • Majorities in Lebanon, KSA, Qatar and Tunisia would like to see tighter regulation of the Internet in their country. Those in Bahrain, Jordan and UAE have mixed opinions about regulation.
Key Findings • Social networking is near universal among those online and no other site comes close to Facebook. Many also use Twitter and Google+ in Bahrain, Saudi Arabia and UAE, less so in other countries. • Al Jazeera is the most popular information source for news and current events across the region. Mentions of Al Jazeera vary by country, but a portion of people in every country surveyed name it unaided as a top source for news. • Respondents in Egypt are less connected. While TV usage is strong, respondents show low usage of other media sources. • In most countries, TV trumps Internet as the most important source for news and current events. In Qatar, the Internet is a considerably more important source than TV. • In Qatar, Bahrain, Lebanon and UAE, respondents are more likely to access the Internet in English than Arabic.
Methodology Method Face-to-face survey conducted December 2012 - April 2013* General population sample, 18 years and older Audience * Survey conducted via telephone in Qatar. **Number of interviews to date. The final sample size will be 1250. ***197 respondents are Palestinian.
4.0 Media Usage
Media Use Highest internet penetration is in Gulf countries – UAE, Qatar, Bahrain and KSA – the countries with higher incomes, higher education levels and widest range of ethnic diversity. Highest usage of all media in Bahrain, lowest in Egypt. % Use Medium BASE: ALL RESPONDENTS Q11. During a typical week, how many hours do you spend on the following activities not online? (Total minus ‘Do not spend time doing this activity/Don’t know/Refused’) Q14. Do you currently use the internet?
Languages Used to Access the Internet Those in Qatar, Bahrain, Lebanon and UAE are more likely to use the Internet in English than Arabic. In the other countries, at least one in four use the Internet in English. French is popular in Tunisia. % Language Used BASE: INTERNET USERS Q21. Which languages do you use to access media?: Internet
5.0 Internet Usage
Use of Wireless Handheld Devices In most countries, Internet users tend to have wireless access. The greatest disparity between Internet usage and usage of wireless handheld devices is in Tunisia. AVG: 65% AVG: 52% BASE: ALL RESPONDENTS Q14. Do you currently use the internet? Q26. Do you use the Internet through wireless handheld devices such as a mobile phone or tablet?
Wireless Devices Used Smart phones and laptops are popular in most countries; tablets are less prevalent. Qatar reports the highest level of tablet usage. % Use Device BASE: USE WIRELESS HANDHELD DEVICES Q28. Which wireless handheld device(s) do you use?
Use of Social Networking Sites Almost everyone online uses social networking sites. Usage of these sites is lowest in Qatar. % Use Social Networking Sites AVG: 93% BASE: INTERNET USERS Q35. How much time in a typical day do you spend using social networking sites? (Total minus ‘Do not use social networking sites/Don’t know/Refused’)
Social Networking Sites Used Nearly everyone is on Facebook. More than half in Bahrain, KSA and UAE are also on Twitter and Google+. Fewer use Instagram or LinkedIn. Sites Used (%) BASE: USE SOCIAL NETWORKING SITES Q36. Which of the following social networking sites do you use?
Online Transactions Those in Gulf countries – Qatar, Bahrain, KSA and UAE – are more likely to complete transactions online. Fewer manage investments online. % Do Activity at All (Daily, Weekly, Monthly, Less than Monthly) BASE: INTERNET USERS Q36A. Now I’d like you to think about different transactions people do in their everyday lives like banking or shopping. How frequently do you use the Internet for the following purposes?
6.0 Media Importance & Perceived Reliability
Importance of Medium for News & Current Events TV, Internet and interpersonal sources are most important for news and current events. % Very Important/Important BASE: ALL RESPONDENTS Q18. For news and current events, how important is each of the following to you as a source? Use the following scale: 1=Not important at all, 2=Not important, 3=Neutral/Undecided, 4=Important, 5=Very Important.
Perceived Reliability of Information by Medium The majority in UAE find all sources reliable. Those in Egypt and Tunisia are less likely to find the Internet, newspapers and radio reliable. Those in Tunisia also do not find TV reliable. % All or Most Are Reliable BASE: ALL RESPONDENTSQ20. How much of the information from the following sources do you feel is generally reliable? Use a scale of 1 to 5 where “1” means none of it is reliable and “5” means that all of it is reliable.
Freedom of Expression on the Internet Most respondents believe people should be able to express their opinions online, whatever those opinions may be. It is okay for people to express their ideas on the Internet, even if they are unpopular (%) BASE: ALL RESPONDENTS Q38.2. To what extent do you agree or disagree with the following statement? Use a scale of 1 to 5 where “1” means strongly disagree and “5” means strongly agree. Remember that you can choose any number between 1 and 5.
Regulation of the Internet Majorities in Lebanon, KSA, Qatar and Tunisia want tighter regulation of the Internet in their countries; those in Bahrain, Jordan and UAE have mixed opinions about regulation. The Internet in my country should be more tightly regulated than it is now (%) BASE: ALL RESPONDENTS Q38.8. To what extent do you agree or disagree with the following statement? Use a scale of 1 to 5 where “1” means strongly disagree and “5” means strongly agree. Remember that you can choose any number between 1 and 5.
9.0 Perceptions of News Media
Increase in Perceived Quality of News Reporting Those in Jordan and KSA mostly believe the quality of news reporting in the Arab World has improved over the past two years; those in Lebanon and Tunisia are less likely to agree. The Quality of News Reporting in the Arab World Has Improved Over the Past Two Years (%) BASE: ALL RESPONDENTS Q39A. To what extent do you agree or disagree with the following statement? Use a scale of 1 to 5 where “1” means strongly disagree and “5” means strongly agree. Remember that you can choose any number between 1 and 5.
Credibility of News Media Those in Jordan , KSA and UAE mostly feel news media in their country are credible; Respondents in Egypt, Lebanon and Tunisia find their news media far less credible. News Media in Your Country Are Credible (%) BASE: ALL RESPONDENTS Q39B. To what extent do you agree or disagree with the following statement? Use a scale of 1 to 5 where “1” means strongly disagree and “5” means strongly agree. Remember that you can choose any number between 1 and 5.
Local vs. International News People are most interested in local and national news. Those in the Gulf countries – Qatar, Bahrain, KSA and UAE – favor regional and international more than respondents in the other countries. % Follow Very Closely/Closely BASE: ALL RESPONDENTS Q40. How closely would you say you follow each type of news and current events? 1=Not at all closely, 2=Somewhat closely, 3=Closely, 4=Very closely.
10.0 Top News Outlets
Top News OutletsBased on Top 3 Mentioned • Al Jazeera is the top news source in the region overall, but in varying level by country. Average of All Countries BASE: ALL RESPONDENTS Q41. Please list your top three sources for news and current events (news organizations) and specify the type of media outlet that each source belongs to.
10.0 Drilling Down: Exploring Qatar Data with an Interactive Site
Media Use in the Middle East:An Eight-Nation Survey Northwestern University in Qatar • 24 April 2013
Importance of Media Sources for News & Entertainment - Qatar Only Internet and interpersonal sources are of particular importance for news and current events among those from outside the region. Newspapers and radio tend not to be used for entertainment. % Very Important/Important News & Current Events Entertainment BASE: ALL QATAR RESPONDENTS Q18. For news and current events, how important is each of the following to you as a source? Q19. For entertainment, how important is each of the following to you as a source? Use the following scale: 1=Not important at all, 2=Not important, 3=Neutral/Undecided, 4=Important, 5=Very Important.
Use of Media Sources – Qatar Only Media usage is fairly similar across ethnic groups in Qatar. • More expats from outside the region read newspapers and books. % Use Media Source BASE: ALL QATAR RESPONDENTS Q11. During a typical week, how many hours do you spend on the following activities not online? (Total minus ‘Do not spend time doing this activity/Don’t know/Refused’) Q14. Do you currently use the internet?
Languages Used to Access Media - Qatar Only While Qatari Nationals access all media in Arabic, about half also watch TV and access the Internet in English. % Language Used Newspaper TV Internet BASE: QATAR RESPONDENTS WHO USE MEDIA SOURCE Q21. Which languages do you use to access media?
Who Is Online in Qatar? Internet usage is higher among men and those who are younger (<45), more educated and employed. Gender Nationality Age Language Income Education Work Student BASE: ALL QATAR RESPONDENTS Q14. Do you currently use the internet?