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Outline. Reasons for change. Work habits. Steps to a personal career development plan . Questions. Introduction. 2. 3. 5. 7. 1. Summary
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2. Outline
3. 2 There is an increasing need for individuals to take charge of the development of their own learning and careers for a variety of reasons:- There is increasing rate of change of our organizations and in the knowledge and skills we need to perform our jobs- Career ladders are rapidly shrinking or disappearing as reorganizations lead to flatter structures - There is an ever-increasing need for us to keep learning to keep up with the rapid growth in knowledge and the rate of change of our workplace.- And, involvement in one's own development fosters greater commitment to the process than other-directed activities.
4. 3 Organizations doesn’t really accomplish anything. Plans don’t accomplish anything, either. Theories of management don’t matter much. Endeavours succeed or fail because of the people involved.These days, organizations accomplish great feats by attracting and retaining best people.Career development is now the primary responsibility of individuals in organizations. You are the reason !!!
5. 4 Work HabitsDiligence & Hard work When your hands are folded so your destiny will be folded
Your work first then the blessing. God has only promised to bless the works of your hand
Success can not be inherited, it must be consciously earned
Living without working is dying without knowing
Don’t mistake going to work or wearing of tie for working
That you have a farmland doesn't entitle you to a harvest
6. 5 Work HabitsDiligence & Hard work (Cont’d) Laziness do travel so slowly that poverty soon overtakes it
You don’t ever own your own until you are diligent in another man’s field
Be committed to what you are doing
Be excited with what you are doing
7. 6 Work HabitsCommitment to Service Service is adding value to life. It is one of the principal factors that guarantees success in life
Every man that has ever succeeded in life has one major hidden motive:
- They want to add something to living
- They want to solve a particular problem
Thomas Edison experimented 2,999 times before he successfully invented light bulb.
8. 7 Work HabitsCommitment to Service (Cont’d) You will soon be tired if you are reward driven. Be input motivated
If you will be service driven, success will be guaranteed
Until an man is disposed to serving the needs of others, he/she is not qualified for outstanding success
Locate needs within your Company, environment, and commit yourself into fulfilling them
Be your best wherever you are, and you are on your way to where you are going
9. 8 Pursuit by Quality Character Futures are determined by natures
Natures determines end-ups
Any tree that has no good fruits has no future
As the nature of a tree determines its future so does a man’s habits/character determines his/her future
Character is the foundation on which great destinies and great futures are built
Character is not a gift, it is a choice. It leaves the individual with a personal responsibility to cultivate it
10. 9 Pursuit by Quality Character (Cont’d) 3 Destiny Constructs:
Gifts and Habits:
- Being gifted without Character amounts to no value
Nature and efforts (Nature is far superior to efforts):
- A chimpanzee though looks like man can never qualify for local govt election
Qualifications and Character:
- Has all the papers but does not have the nature that the job requires
- Quality papers must be backed up by quality Character
11. 10 Pursuit by Quality Character (Cont’d) Why Quality Character
At the root of every crashed destiny is character disease
When character disease is not treated on time, it normally lead to character failures
Quality Character is therefore the surety of great destinies
12. 11 Pursuit by Quality Character (Cont’d) Consequences of Bad Character
Character Assessment Problems
Loss of Opportunities
Crisis and Stranded life
Bitter future Regrets
Crashed destinies
13. 12 Pursuit by Quality Character (Cont’d) Constituents Of Quality Character
Attitude to life
- Life is a gift. It is a privilege. It is about contribution, about relevance, about giving
Attitude to work
- Work is not a cause. It is work that determines worth. How you do it today determines tomorrow
14. 13 Pursuit by Quality Character (Cont’d) Pillars of destiny
Honesty, Patience, Gentleness, Meekness.
Kindness and Compassion
Proper use of Position, Resources, and Opportunities (Don’t get power drunk)
Integrity, Satisfaction and Accountability
Humility, Moral soundness
Self respect ( Earn the respect of others)
Honouring promises
15. 14 Pursuit by Quality Character (Cont’d) Constituents Of Questionable Character
Not trustworthy
Self Centeredness, Greed, avarice
Not been able to keep promises
16. 15 Bear in mind that: Your future requires certain life supports:
Your Character is far superior to your Qualification, gifts and endowments
Life without Character is life without a future
Life without Integrity is full of regrets
Spend time to build the type of nature that will build the type of
future you desire.
If you are going for a great future:
Mind your nature
Mind your Habits
Mind your Character
17. 16 Working Session on Character What are my character traits that I can refer to as strength
What should I do to build on this
What are my current character traits that I need to work on so that it does not destroy my future
What should I stop doing and what action steps should I take immediately to deal with the character traits identified above
18. 17 Pursuit by Maintaining Focus There is enough in your assignment to guarantee any level of attainment. The earlier you identify with your cause in life, the greater speed you gain in your pursuit
Let your eyes be single so that you don’t dissipate resources and time unnecessarily
You are a man on a mission. Be proud of your calling
19. 18 Managing Vital Work Relationships For your Boss
Discover everything about his preferred style of management
Adopt a Strategy of differential helpfulness:
- Make sure he has your yearly agreed performance plan
- Make sure he gets his reports on time
- Go see him only when there is something interesting to read, discuss, sign, or communicate
- Help pick dropped stitches in his work
20. 19 - Build regular meetings with him into problem solving sessions. Let him know what you propose to do
If there is disagreement , look for an area of agreement rather than contradictions. Offer alternative proposal but if he still objects , have a good sense to give in
Always learn to say sorry when you are wrong
Use his criticisms to your advantage
Develop the ability to take initiatives on his behalf
21. 20 Managing Vital Work Relationships (Con’d) For Peers and Subordinate
Build goodwill, Strong personality & good interpersonal relationship
Be a good team player and assist peers as much as you can
Seek advancements through high performance rather than by pulling others down
Become a veritable source of information that can be accessed & don’t carry damaging rumors
22. 21 Managing Vital Work Relationships (Con’d) For Peers and Subordinate
Consciously promote and protect the legitimate interests and ambition of all that work around you
Have a good sense of humor, Be people and task oriented, Be a dependable person
Consciously promote and protect the legitimate interests and ambition of all that work around you
Have a good sense of humor, Be people and task oriented, Be a dependable person
23. 22 Managing Vital Work Relationships (Con’d) Vital networks to keep alive
Internal networks
- Boss, Colleagues, Subordinates
- Learn how to ride successfully on several willing horses (i.e the shoulders of other key people)
External Networks
- Professional Associations
- External mentors, friend and relations
- Former Boss’s, colleagues and subordinates
- Government regulatory authorities
24. 23 Handling Career Crisis Situation There is always light at the end of every tunnel
Spend quality time to research the root cause of the crisis. (Internal / External)
Spend quality time to research on which of your potentials you can exploit immediately
Come up with possible alternatives
Locate books and materials written on how to manage career turnaround
You may speak to your mentors, and proven counselors about your situation
25. 24 Handling Career Crisis Situation (Cont’d) Speak to your alumni members
Check the websites of good Companies and recruiting agencies. Visit recruitment agency offices
Don’t forget your career networks. Lecturing & Teaching in your profession Association could provide an immediate solution
Explore the possibility of becoming an entrepreneur
Choose & implement the most feasible alternative
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