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This presentation discusses the importance of affirmative action and measures to eliminate unfair discrimination in achieving gender equality, particularly in leadership roles. It highlights the challenges faced by women leaders and the need for a supportive work environment. The session also explores research on women opting out of the workforce due to pressure, and how legislation like the Employment Equity Act can address discrimination. Real-life cases of female leaders facing adversity in workplaces are shared to shed light on the urgency for a strong post-2015 agenda. The objective is to identify barriers hindering women's progress in leadership positions and promote equitable opportunities. This initiative aims to empower and support women to thrive in leadership roles by addressing systemic biases and creating inclusive work environments.
SYNOPSIS • Brief summary of the good practise and motivation as to why it is a good practise. AA and Unfair discrimination legislation has been a good practice in achieving representation by females, especially in decision making positions. The question is - can AA be regarded as an achievement in the absence of measures to eliminate unfair discrimination. Statistics in South Africa shows huge achievement, however research done so far shows a huge turnover by women in these decision-making position. 50/50 BY 2015: DEMANDING A STRONG POST 2015 AGENDA
SYNOPSIS • However, statistics shows that we have done some progress in achieving equity in the workplace, is it about numbers? Do we create a conducive and sound environment for those women leaders to lead? • I came across a Paper by Jill Flynn, Kathryn Heath et al, published in January 2013 – citing six paradoxes women leaders face. The authors referred to- Be Careful – What – You – Wish for Paradox as an Opt out revolution, which according to them has made headlines during the year 2013. In this it is stated that statistics reflects that more women aspire to walk away from work to stay home full time because of pressure.
OBJECTIVES • What did the process set out to do? The process aims at identifying challenges that are facing women in leadership position, some due to improper implementation of EE Act. EE Act defines AA as a process of ensuring that Previously Disadvantaged Individuals are benefiting in employment and other HR practices, e.g. Women, disabled etc. However, EE makes reference to measure to eliminate unfair discrimination which is defined as those actions to be taken by the employer in ensuring that PDI’s are not discriminated at work which might include work place rearrangement, policy review and ensuring HR Practices that are not discriminatory in nature e.g. Measure to deal with sexual harassment and victimisation of women 50/50 BY 2015: DEMANDING A STRONG POST 2015 AGENDA
BACKGROUND • Why did the activity come about? What problem or context is it responding to? The activity is in response to high turnover rate of women who are in leadership positions, which is mainly affected by the work environment and the circumstances. In this regard, I will quote three cases where this has manifested: NMBM Case: • On 17 May 2013 – Article published in EP Herald titled “I fear of my life “ – those were the words of the recently appointed City Manager who is a female and holding a leadership position. She cited amongst other things threats and political interference. She further stated “I have hit brick 50/50 BY 2015: DEMANDING A STRONG POST 2015 AGENDA
BACKGROUND • wall in my efforts to tackle poor financial management and increase accountability” and later she resigned on 31 July 2013 ( 5 months ). Highly qualified, well experienced but due to challenges faced with she resigned. • Later in the same publication of 23 August 2013 – A Letter was addressed to the Mayor – Mayor, it is within this background that I request you Executive mayor to conclude this matter as soon as possible by signing settlement agreement.
BACKGROUND • This is necessary to avoid potential legal action against Municipality which could compromise the reputation of not only Municipality but also other parties including provincial and national sphere of government. • She sued the municipality lot of money, claiming constructive dismissal.
BACKGROUND • CASE OF MAKANA MUNICIPALITY:Other similar case is that of the then Municipal Manager of Grahamstown – just before any action could be taken against her an article titled “ Good Bye Baart” was issued in the Grocotts newspaper; 5 May 2012. She was one of the most powerful female Municipal Managers and the only one in the Province then. This happened after she suspended and charged the male CFO for gross charges of financial misconduct – where after the release of the statement same charges were converted and levelled against her. She resigned under pressure before the finalisation of her case in fear of victimisation and denting her name.
BACKGROUND • CASE OF NGQUSHWA MUNICIPALITY: The then Municipal Manager of Ngqushwa Municipality resigned within two months of her appointment after undue pressure to appoint a certain individual, who lacked the necessary expertise, to a management post, the demand was to appoint an ex-official, who is allegedly the subject of a forensic investigation for using municipal funds for his wedding, as the latest acting municipal manager. Upon receiving some threats, she later resigned. She was appointed in July 2012 and left the Municipality in September 2012. • The referred to City Managers were the only and last females appointed as Municipal Managers in Eastern Cape, during this period
KEY ACTIVITIES • Employment of women in leadership positions; • Training and development to be conducted once a female leader is employed; • Ensure environment that is free from victimisation, threats and sexual harassment; • Ensure employment policies and practices are free from discrimination; and • Fair pay and benefits 50/50 BY 2015: DEMANDING A STRONG POST 2015 AGENDA
RESOURCE ALLOCATIONS • Putting structures into place by formulation of gender focus groups • Creating a monitoring committees to monitor the process of implementation of affirmative Action • Building human capacity through recruitment and selection process 50/50 BY 2015: DEMANDING A STRONG POST 2015 AGENDA
BENEFICIARIES • Girl-children, Women school leavers, Unemployed graduates, Unemployed women, Women with disabilities, and Children affected and effected with HIV/AIDS. • Trade unions, politicians (women caucus) and general employees 50/50 BY 2015: DEMANDING A STRONG POST 2015 AGENDA
CHALLENGES • What have been the main challenges? How have these been overcome? Women have to convince men that they are capable of leading; They have to work extra hard as compared to male counterparts, in order for them to be recognised; They are scrutinised for what they wear; even by their female counterparts Male managers find it difficult to submit to the authority of women; They do not get support from other female colleagues who would also prefer to work with males; They are made to feel that their contribution is not important; Get threatened so that they become scared and leave their positions; Fall into bad habits because of the situation and become victims of harassment. 50/50 BY 2015: DEMANDING A STRONG POST 2015 AGENDA
MONITORING AND EVALUATION • What types of monitoring and evaluation methods and tools did you use to measure impact? • Eradication of gender discrimination within government and the promotion of a human rights culture; • Gender representation at all levels at least in proportion to demographics; • Ensuring that the environment is a gender friendly place to work; • Strong Leadership from Senior Management; • Staff: Aware, Skilled and Motivated; • Environment for Equal opportunities for Development. • Creation of gender focus groups for sharing purposes and addressing challenges 50/50 BY 2015: DEMANDING A STRONG POST 2015 AGENDA
RESULTS Use one slide for each result, include examples of evidence • Service delivery • Women’s empowerment • Men for change • Public participation • Changes at the work place • Outreach through the media • Changes at household level • Capacity building • Changes in attitudes • Changes at a policy level that have come about as a result of the COE work • Any other changes that have come about as a result of the COE work 50/50 BY 2015: DEMANDING A STRONG POST 2015 AGENDA
LESSON LEARNED AND INNOVATION • How are these being applied? Lot of fruitless expenditure due to unfair discrimination Maladministration Lot of acting in senior position High level of corruption 50/50 BY 2015: DEMANDING A STRONG POST 2015 AGENDA
LEARNING AND SHARING WITH OTHER COUNCILS • How have you learned from and shared with other Councils involved in the COE process? Please be specific – give names of the Councils, where and how you met and shared. • Intervention of National and provincial government through a deployment of administration task team as mandated by the systems Act in the office of the MEC for Local Government. • Proper audit of administration by the National Treasury 50/50 BY 2015: DEMANDING A STRONG POST 2015 AGENDA
SUSTAINABILITY AND REPLICATION • How can the work be cascaded to other organisations? • Proper implementation of recruitment and selection policy • Involvement of stakeholders such trade unions through a legitimate structures for consultation (e.g. Labour Forums) • The use of communication tools and public participation programmes • Employment equity particularly within certain professions and at managerial level; • Skills development particularly in areas that are presently male dominated; • Promoting a human rights culture within the workplace; • Promotion of gender sensitivity through strengthening of gender awareness campaigns. 50/50 BY 2015: DEMANDING A STRONG POST 2015 AGENDA
KEY PRIORITIES FOR 2014 • What will the council be focusing on in the next year? Putting proper administration though appointment of gender coordinators and the effective use of gender based structures. Implementation of government decision around proper council structures Elimination of political interference on administration through monitoring and evaluation tools 50/50 BY 2015: DEMANDING A STRONG POST 2015 AGENDA
Conclusion • Sharon Wood, the first North American woman to climb Mount Everest, said of her experience “ I discovered it wasn’t a matter of physical strength, but a matter of psychological strength. The conquest lay within my own mind to penetrate those barriers self – imposed. In concluding I am saying ‘ yesterday is gone, tomorrow has not yet come, we have only today, so lets begin’