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Men for Gender Equality Now (MEGEN) conduct Men Travelling Conference (MTC) to raise awareness on GBV, promote gender equality, and provide support to survivors. The campaign targets men to change negative attitudes toward women and girls, distributing IEC materials and offering professional advice on GBV cases. MEGEN addresses challenges such as resistance from some men, inadequate IEC materials, and limited campaign periods, with monitoring and evaluation mechanisms in place to assess impact.
SYNOPSIS • Men Travelling Conference (MTC) is one of the campaign strategies that the Men for Gender Equality Now (MEGEN) use to reach out to many people, with GBV messages, within a very short period of time • MEGEN is a dominantly men’s grouping that champions the elimination of gender based violence (GBV) and the promotion of gender equality. The grouping comprises men from all professions and walks of life: farmers, lawyers, police officers, soldiers, magistrates, local leaders, teacher, nurses, clinicians, NGO workers, media etc. 50/50 BY 2015: DEMANDING A STRONG POST 2015 AGENDA
SYNOPSIS Contd • Annually, during the 16 Days of Activism, the grouping reaches out to fellow men and the general populace, by traveling in buses and conducting nationwide sensitization campaigns, to encourage them to desist from engaging in GBV and to report to authorities incidences of GBV. It also encourages victims and survivors of GBV to report their cases to relevant offices • Its reaches out to many people within a short period of time and promptly provides professional advices and responses to all questions around GBV. • It assists survivors of GBV promptly Photo: MTC Team before embarking on the campaigns 50/50 BY 2015: DEMANDING A STRONG POST 2015 AGENDA
OBJECTIVES To raise awareness on GBV in order to transform communities, particularly the men folk’s negative attitudes, and behaviors towards women and girls, on whom they inflict various forms of violence. Specifically the MTC is meant to: • Create awareness among common people on what constitutes GBV, its forms and effects; • Raise awareness about GBV as a human rights issue at local and national levels; • Enlighten communities on the linkages between GBV, SRHR, and HIV and AIDS; • Promote the Prevention of Violence Domestic Act (PVDA) 2006, Gender Equality Act 2013, The Deceased Estate Act 2012, Child Protection and Justice Act 2010, • Court and recruit more men into MEGEN; • Distribute Gender, GBV, SRH HIV and AIDS IEC materials; • Enlighten communities on GBV cases handling procedures • Provide on-the-spot help to victims and survivors 50/50 BY 2015: DEMANDING A STRONG POST 2015 AGENDA
BACKGROUND • MEGEN realized that there was a lot of resistance on gender and GBV issues from men as they viewed the whole gender agenda as being a solely women issue. • A lot o of knowledge gaps on GBV related matters. • People engage in GBV acts without actually knowing that they are committing a GBV offenses or that they are actually being abused. • Lack of information on GBV and GBV related laws. The laws have not been popularized enough for the thorough appreciation of the ordinary persons. • It was also observed that most communities do not know how to handle GBV cases, 50/50 BY 2015: DEMANDING A STRONG POST 2015 AGENDA
KEY ACTIVITIES • Performances: Drama, songs, dances. All these are built around the types of GBV rampant in an area. • Lectures: Summarise the performances and cover other forms of GBV not covered in the performances. Causes, forms, effects of GBV shared during this time • Question time:questions from the audience are responded to by resource persons identified from each involved sectors: Judiciary, Health, Police, Education, traditional Leadership, Civil Society and Social Welfare Department, and Media. • Case handling by Rapid Response members • IEC material distributions, for more information and referencing Photo: MPS Theatre in Action 50/50 BY 2015: DEMANDING A STRONG POST 2015 AGENDA
BENEFICIARIES:2013 MTC Graph depicting an increase in people reached out 50/50 BY 2015: DEMANDING A STRONG POST 2015 AGENDA
CHALLENGES • Rains affect campaigns in some areas • Some men still think gender issues favors women and disregards the plight of men. Such men have a thick skin towards gender related messages • Inadequate IEC materials to distribute to communities. • Resource mobilization initiative only done by the secretariat, and not the Chapters. • Campaigns mainly limited to 16 Days of Activism period 50/50 BY 2015: DEMANDING A STRONG POST 2015 AGENDA
MONITORING AND EVALUATION • Regional meetings evaluate their teams performances: Successes, challenges and recommendations for subsequent campaigns • MEGEN National Steering Committee meets soon after the campaign to evaluate the whole activity • At grassroots level, the impact of the MTC is measured by the increase in number of cases that communities that are reported (Police VSU, CBOs and NGOs) in the areas Photo: Regional Evaluation Meeting 50/50 BY 2015: DEMANDING A STRONG POST 2015 AGENDA
Results: Service Delivery • The membership diversity as well as working relationship established through MEGEN and fostered through the MTCs has also assisted during referrals of cases. Clients are quickly and easily assisted with the GBV cases as MEGEN has entry point at all key offices that handle GBV matters. • e.g. In January 2014, MEGEN through the Police Headquarters, lobbied with the Director of Public Prosecution for a speedy trial of an incest case in Dedza district. The perpetrator is now serving a three year jail term. • In February 2014, in a similar fashion, MEGEN members with the assistance of Kanengo Police Station, facilitated the recovery of property that had been grabbed from Mrs Gama after the death of her husband • These cases are unearthed during the MTC campaigns 50/50 BY 2015: DEMANDING A STRONG POST 2015 AGENDA 50/50 BY 2015: DEMANDING A STRONG POST 2015 AGENDA
Women Empowerment • Some Widows who had their deceased estate grabbed by their late husbands relatives have been able to reposes their property through MEGEN intervention. They came to learn about MEGEN through the MTC campaigns. • Mrs. Kiliness Helbert, mother of two, of Mwanza Village, Traditional Authority (TA) Mtema in Lilongwe was able to reposes property that her late husband had left her. She was chased from the village and only came back after MEGEN’s Intervention. • Likewise, Mrs. Gelestina Chibanda, of Sasauto Village in TA Chitukula in Lilongwe had her farm that was leased in 1958 by her late husband grabbed by her late husband’s relative. MEGEN even wrote the Inspector General of Police over the matter. The perpetrators were arrested and the court has just ruled in favour of the woman 50/50 BY 2015: DEMANDING A STRONG POST 2015 AGENDA
Men for Change • MTC is predominantly a men’s activity. In each bus, the percentage of men is over 80. MEGEN has chapters all over the country from which it attracts members to participate in the MTC. • The chapters are institutional or just community based. Institutions/ sectors like Malawi Police Service, Malawi Defence Force, Social Welfare, Judiciary, Health, Media, all have their own chapters of MEGEN. Men for Change: Major Grant Mgayi from MDF, Marcel Chisi from AYISE and David Odalli from Umunthu Foundation 50/50 BY 2015: DEMANDING A STRONG POST 2015 AGENDA
Public Participation • Communities come in large numbers to attend and participate in the campaigns, despite being rainy season • Communities tip MTC members, the advance teams, on the kinds of GBV that are rampant in a particular area • Tip on cases they feel are swept under the carpet by authorities. The campaigns are usually interactive 50/50 BY 2015: DEMANDING A STRONG POST 2015 AGENDA
Outreach through media • Media personnel from a number of media houses all participate in the MTCs . Reporters a from the Blantyre Newspapers, The Nation Publications, MBC – Radio and TV , ZBS, Joy Radio, MIJ FM all take part in the campaigns. • Assist in profiling new GBV related laws as well GBV cases that are of national interest. • Assist the movement in the development of messages. The Media participate in all MTCs 50/50 BY 2015: DEMANDING A STRONG POST 2015 AGENDA
Changes at Household level • The campaigns have transformed a lot of men, from being abusers to being role models within their communities. Such men have been incorporated into the structure of MEGN and do take part in the MTC’s campaign to reach out to other men and show them that it is possible to change and have a peaceful home that easily cultivate a culture of development within the family. • e.g. “I used to be a drunkard and beat my wife a lot. I was not even interested in issues of family planning. My involvement in MEGEN and MTC has saved our lives, our family but also spared me from going to jail. Am now a reformed person and a champion against GBV. I no longer beat my wife and now follows family planning methods.’ John Mhango, Chairperson, Jalavikuba Action Group, Mzimba, . 50/50 BY 2015: DEMANDING A STRONG POST 2015 AGENDA
Capacity Building • MEGEN’s has a sub team of Training that trains recruits identified during the MTCs on gender, GBV, SRHR and male involvement on these concepts. • MTC campaigns are therefore full of members that have comprehensive knowledge of these concepts • Involvement in the MTC has also facilitated networking amongst GBV players and key government institutions. It has also improved members knowledge and skills. Recruits undergoing training 50/50 BY 2015: DEMANDING A STRONG POST 2015 AGENDA
Changes in attitudes Photo: Kanengo Police VSU • Kanengo Police Station is one such institution. Most officers, the OC and VSU officers, are involved in the MTC. They are very responsive and professional on GBV cases reported or referred to them. The Involvement of GBV case handling institutions, Police VSUs, Courts, Social Welfare Office, NGOs and the Health facilities in the MTC campaigns has also assisted in improvement of attitudes of officers in these institutions. Officers that are involved in MTCs become more responsive to GBV cases that are referred to their institution. 50/50 BY 2015: DEMANDING A STRONG POST 2015 AGENDA
Changes at Policy Level • Campaigns not limited to 16 Days. Also involved in advocacy campaigns for the enacting of gender related laws. In early 2012, it took part in the press conference that appealed to the state president to assent to the Gender Equality Act, • Some religious groupings had mounted a vigorous media campaign against the laws, saying it promoted abortion. • The President later, on the same day, announced that she had assented to the bill. The Gender Equality Act 50/50 BY 2015: DEMANDING A STRONG POST 2015 AGENDA
LESSON LEARNT AND INNOVATION • Communities eager to receive GBV messages. Despite being rainy season, communities still patronize the campaigns in large number - Will utilize this zeal to reach out to more communities • Un-mandated Structures still handling serious GBV matters. - To reach out to such structures with GBV messages • Lack of knowledge on gender related law. Copies also not available in most key institution - Approached MHRRC to print out more copies on gender related laws and share them with key GBV stakeholder, • In-application of GBV related laws by magistrates on GBV cases - MHRRC, in conjunction with the judiciary, has started training Magistrates and Court Clerks on gender laws. • Men are sensitive to blame and prejudice and offers stiff resistance if the messages are denouncing them and are provocative. • Need to incorporate the youth into the Movement eg, at colleges 50/50 BY 2015: DEMANDING A STRONG POST 2015 AGENDA
LEARNING AND SHARING WITH PARTNERS • At national level, the MTC has involved the police victims support units, the courts as well as NGOs- CCJP, WORLEC, PAKACHERE, CSP-Livingstonia, AYISE, Umunthu Foundation and the media • At the region level, the MTC has involved MEGEN Kenya • MEGEN has also shared experiences with the Sonke Gender Justice and the Men Engage Alliance MEGEN Kenya members with former Min of Disabilities, Reene Kachere during MTC 2012 50/50 BY 2015: DEMANDING A STRONG POST 2015 AGENDA
SUSTAINABILITY AND REPLICATION • It is encouraging to note that domestically, some CSOs, like CCJP, UNFPA, OXFAM, CSP, WORLEC, CRECCOM, Malawi MIAA, have already replicated the male involvement strategy into the work and have affiliated their groups to MEGEN • Some of these organizations, CCJP, WORLEC, Church and Society Programme, do take part in the Men’s Travelling Conference. • MEGEN eager to share strategy and train Men to Men structures established by other organizations, as have done with CRECCOM. • Involvement of grassroots structures like CBOs, as well as other NGOs will ensure sustainability of the strategy. • The voluntary nature of campaign has also helped in sustaining the campaigns when little funds are raised 50/50 BY 2015: DEMANDING A STRONG POST 2015 AGENDA
Key Priorities • Attract more youths into the Movement, universities and colleges; • Develop strategies: Resource Mobilization and Media; • Penetrate into key institutions e.g. Parliament, Universities; • Sustain campaign to 365 days • Follow up on all serious cases unearthed during the 2013 campaigns. 50/50 BY 2015: DEMANDING A STRONG POST 2015 AGENDA
IEC Materials 50/50 BY 2015: DEMANDING A STRONG POST 2015 AGENDA