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COLONS AND SEMI-COLONS. 8 TH GRADE LANGUAGE ARTS. Semicolon - Page 331. A Semicolon is used primarily to join INDEPENDENT CLAUSES that are closely related in meaning. . Semicolon - Pg. 331. RULE 1

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  2. Semicolon - Page 331 • A Semicolon is used primarily to join INDEPENDENT CLAUSES that are closely related in meaning.

  3. Semicolon - Pg. 331 • RULE 1 • Use a semicolon between independent clauses in a sentence when they are not joined by and, but, for, nor, or so, or yet. • Ex: On our first trip to Houston, I wanted to see the Astrodome; my little brother wanted to visit the Johnson Space Center.

  4. Semicolon - Pg. 332 • RULE 2 • Use a semicolon between independent clauses that are joined by a conjunctive adverb or a transitional expression. • Ex: Dad got the snacks ready; meanwhile, Theo and I decorated the living room.

  5. Semicolon - Pg. 332 • RULE 3 • A semicolon (Rather than a commas may be needed to separate independent clauses joined by a coordinating conjunction when the clauses contain commas. • Look at the examples provided on page 332 and 333.

  6. Classwork / Homework • Complete Exercise 10 on Page 333 “Correcting Sentences by Adding Semicolons and Commas.” • Write out the whole sentence and highlight where you place the added semicolon or comma.

  7. Day Two • The Colon – Not just for Happy Face Emoticons.

  8. Colons - Pg. 334 • RULE 1 • Use a colon before a list of items. • Ex: Minimum equipment for camping is as follows: a bedroll, utensils for cooking and eating, warm clothing, sturdy shoes, a pocketknife, and a rope.

  9. Colons - Pg. 334 • RULE 2 • Use a colon before a statement that explains or clarifies a preceding statement. • Mark Twain tried many jobs before becoming a successful writer: He was a printer’s apprentice, a riverboat pilot, a soldier, and a silver miner.

  10. Colons - Pg. 335 • RULE 3 • Use a colon before a long, formal statement or quotation. • Patrick Henry concluded his revolutionary speech before the Virginia House of Burgesses with theses ringing words: “Is life so dear, or peace so sweet as to be purchased at the price of chains and slavery?”

  11. Colons - Pg. 335 • RULE 4: Use a colon in certain conventional situations. • Use a colon between the hour and the minute • 12:57 pm • Use a colon after the salutation of a business letter • To Whom it May Concern: • Use a colon between chapter and verse in Biblical references and between titles and subtitles. • Matthew 6:9-13 • Akavak: An Eskimo Journey

  12. Classwork / Homework • Complete Exercise 11 on page 335 • Write out each of the following sentences, inserting a colon where it is needed. • Complete Review E on Page 336

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