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Myers Briggs. The purpose of this PowerPoint it to begin your exploration of Myers Briggs Type Indicator. For further interpretation of the Myers Briggs visit one of the campus counselors or contact René Sawyer ( Rene.Sawyer@gvltec.edu or 250-8528).
Myers Briggs The purpose of this PowerPoint it to begin your exploration of Myers Briggs Type Indicator. For further interpretation of the Myers Briggs visit one of the campus counselors or contact René Sawyer (Rene.Sawyer@gvltec.edu or 250-8528)
Introduction to Type & Myers Briggs Form M Self Score The Myers Briggs form was bundled with your text book. Read through PowerPoint before beginning! CPP, Inc.
About Myers Briggs (MBTI) • The MBTI was developed by Isabel Briggs Myers and Katherine Briggs (mother and daughter). The MBTI is based on Carl Jung’s theory of psychological types. • Much research has been completed on the MBTI results. It has a reputation of being a highly reliable inventory. • You will find the MBTI referred to in many academic and business settings • The inventory reveals data about an individual’s personality preferences. Based on Myers-Briggs Type Indicator - Career Report
About Myers Briggs (MBTI) • There are 16 Myers Briggs types (4 letter code). • It is important to understand that one type is not better than another. They are all equal. • The type simply defines our personalitypreference. • The code titles do not necessarily imply the typical definition. For instance, introversion is not always mean quite and shy … judging does not mean judgemental … and perceiving does not mean perceptive.
Preferences! • Take out a piece of paper and write your name with the hand you normally write • Now … write your name with the opposite hand. It probably is not as neat …but, you could do it. It is just not your preference to write with that hand. Jane
All about Preference! • MBTI is about understanding your preference and understanding how sometimes we have to experience life, things etc. outside of our preference zone.
The MBTI Types • Where we focus our attention or draw our energy determines whether we are …Extroversion or Introversion “Introverts find energy in the inner world of ideas, concepts, and abstractions. They can be sociable but need quiet to recharge their batteries. Introverts want to understand the world. Introverts are concentrators and reflective thinkers. Their motto is: Ready, Aim, Aim, ..... For the introvert, there is no impression without reflection.” http://www2.gsu.edu/~dschjb/wwwmbti.html “Extraverts find energy in things and people. They prefer interaction with others, and are action oriented. Extraverts are interactors and "on-the-fly" thinkers. Their motto is: Ready, Fire, Aim. For the extravert, there is no impression without expression.”http://www2.gsu.edu/~dschjb/wwwmbti.html Based on Myers-Briggs Type Indicator - Career Report
The MBTI Types • How we collect data/information to form a decision determines whether we are …Sensing or Intuition • “Intuitive people seek out patterns and relationships among the facts they have gathered. They trust • hunches • their intuition and • look for the "big picture." http://www2.gsu.edu/~dschjb/wwwmbti.html • “Sensing people are • detail oriented, • want facts, and • trust them.” http://www2.gsu.edu/~dschjb/wwwmbti.html Based on Myers-Briggs Type Indicator - Career Report
The MBTI Types • How we make our decisions determines whether we are …Thinking or Feeling Feeling students value harmony. They focus on human values and needs as they make decisions or arrive at judgments. They tend to be good at persuasion and facilitating differences among group members. http://www2.gsu.edu/~dschjb/wwwmbti.html Thinking students value fairness. What could be fairer than focusing on the situation's logic, and placing great weight on objective criteria in making a decision.http://www2.gsu.edu/~dschjb/wwwmbti.html Based on Myers-Briggs Type Indicator - Career Report
The MBTI Types • How we deal with the outer world determines whether we are ...Judging or Perceiving “Judging people are decisive, planful and self regimented. They focus on completing the task, only want to know the essentials, and take action quickly (perhaps too quickly). They plan their work and work their plan. Deadlines are sacred. Their motto is: just do it!” http://www2.gsu.edu/~dschjb/wwwmbti.html “Perceptive people are curious, adaptable, and spontaneous. They start many tasks, want to know everything about each task, and often find it difficult to complete a task. Deadlines are meant to be stretched. Their motto is: on the other hand ... .” http://www2.gsu.edu/~dschjb/wwwmbti.html Based on Myers-Briggs Type Indicator - Career Report
Begin with MBTI – Form M CPP, INC. • Read and follow CAREFULLY the directions on the cover of Form M • Before removing any perforations, go to PART 1continued …
MBTI – Form M CPP, INC. Before beginning remember that there are no right or wrong answers. The MBTI is about your PREFERENCE! Do not separate the perforations on either side … use a ball point pen and bare down hard! • Part I – As you answer questions 1-26 you will be thinking about “how you usually feel or act” Don’t add situations (the what ifs) to the question … simply think about what you prefer without the what ifs. CPP, Inc.
MBTI – Form M CPP, INC. • Part II – As you answer questions 27-58 you will be thinking about “which word appeals to you more.” “Think about what they mean not how they look or sound” • Part III – As you answer questions 59-78 you will be thinking about “which answer comes closest to describing how you feel or act.” Again, don’t add the what ifs! CPP, Inc.
MBTI – Form M CPP, INC. • Part IV – As you answer questions 79-93 you will be thinking about “which word appeals to you more.” “Think about what they mean not how they look or sound” • After you have completed Part IV gently remove the perforation to the right of number 93. Do not remove both sides! CPP, Inc.
MBTI – Form M CPP, INC. • After removing the perforation you will see scoring directions on the left page and your marked answers on the right page. • Follow the directions carefully! • If you have trouble with the scoring save your results sheet for the interpretation session or make an appointment to see René Sawyer (Rene.Sawyer@gvltec.edu) CPP, Inc.
Extroversion Like to study in groups or with someone else Like to talk through or explain the lesson to others Like classes that are active Enjoy classes that engage in discussion Introversion Like to have time to reflect on what they are learning Prefer to study alone Enjoy classes with lectures that allow time for reflection Prefer written communication and reading MBTI and Learning Styles
Sensing Prefer classes that produce an end result to present data May limit themselves by not looking beyond the obvious Prefer “organized, linear, and structured lectures.” http://www2.gsu.edu/~dschjb/wwwmbti.html Intuition Prefer classes that allow them to look beyond the obvious Enjoy critical thinking projects Prefer to have “the big picture, or an integrating framework, to understand a subject.” http://www2.gsu.edu/~dschjb/wwwmbti.html MBTI and Learning Styles
Thinking Prefer classes that offer a sense of logic to problem solving. Like clear course and topic objectives. Prefer assignments written with action verbs. Feeling Prefer classes that link to the real world and how it affects them. Like working in groups Enjoy small group exercises MBTI and Learning Styles
Judging Prefer classes with structure. Prefer to work from an outline or schedule. Don’t like surprises “Following hints on note taking and test taking help judging students learn more effectively. For example, speed writing, color coding, reversing question .”http://www2.gsu.edu/~dschjb/wwwmbti.html Perceiving Prefer classes that allow them flexibility “Often postpone doing an assignment until the very last minute. They are not lazy. Quite to the contrary, they seek information to the very last minute (and sometimes beyond). We recommend decomposing a complex project or paper into a series of sub-assignments and providing deadlines for each sub-assignment. The deadlines may keep the perceptive students on target.”http://www2.gsu.edu/~dschjb/wwwmbti.html MBTI and Learning Styles
Save your MBTI results! Be sure to save your MBTI results. It is part of your career notebook. Remember the MBTI is a personality assessment about PREFERENCES!