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Understanding Myers-Briggs Personality Types for Personal Growth

Learn about the Myers-Briggs Personality Types, explore the four scales and sixteen types, and understand how extraversion, introversion, intuition, sensation, thinking, feeling, perception, and judgment affect your personality. Discover which careers align with your strengths.

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Understanding Myers-Briggs Personality Types for Personal Growth

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  1. Lecture 3.4: Myers-Briggs Dr. John MacCarthy UMBC CMSC 615 Fall, 2006

  2. Agenda • Background • Type Descriptions • Conclusions/Uses Note: many of these charts are from lecture by Drs. P. Brouse and P. Barry of GMU

  3. Myers-Briggs Purpose • Tells you which aspects of your personality are the most developed and refined and which aspects are your most natural tendencies • Suggested careers are based on these strengths

  4. Myers-Briggs Background • The Personality Type Test is based on the work of C. G. Jung, the Swiss psychiatrist • In essence, Jung stated that every personality must have three things • A way of perceiving the world (either through sensation or intuition) • A way of making decisions (judgments) based on those perceptions (either through thinking or feeling) • An attitude with which to approach the world (either introverted or extraverted) • All of the classical 16 types are based on those three things and which aspects are predominant in any personality

  5. Four Scales: extraversion vs. introversion (E or I), intuition vs. sensation (N or S), thinking vs. feeling (T or F), perception vs. judgment (P or J) Sixteen Types: ENTJ, ENTP ENFJ, ENFP ESTJ, ESTP ESFJ, ESFP INTJ, INTP INFJ, INFP ISTJ, ISTP ISFJ, ISFP Myers-Briggs Four Scalesand Sixteen Types

  6. Extraversion: Extraversion is an attitude (a habitual and typical orientation) in which interest, value and meaning are attached primarily to external objects Inner matters are habitually not valued or difficult for the extravert Introversion: Introversion is an attitude (a habitual and typical orientation) in which interest, value and meaning are attached primarily to internal objects External matters are habitually not valued or difficult for the introvert Extraversion/Introversion

  7. Intuition: In this system, "Intuition" means strictly that the internal and external world are perceived through the unconscious Intuitive types focus on the future, with a view toward patterns & possibilities Sensation: In this system, "Sensation" means strictly that the internal and external world are perceived through the five senses Sensory types focus on the present and on concrete information gained from senses The Sensory function perceives and adapts to external reality via the physical senses Intuition/Sensation

  8. Thinking: In this system, "Thinking" means strictly the logical and rational thought-processes It is the ability to make evaluations and judgments based on logical categories and ideas The Thinking function is the opposite of the Feeling function, which is the ability to make evaluations and judgments based on values Feeling: In this system, Feeling means strictly the discrimination between values, internal and external It is the ability to make evaluations and judgments based on values Jung said the Feeling function is essential for determining whether something is agreeable or not agreeable, likeable or not likeable, important or not important In this case Feeling is not to be confused with emotions or affects, which cut across all the four functions The Feeling function is the opposite of the Thinking function, which is the ability to make evaluations and judgments based on logical categories and ideas Thinking/Feeling

  9. Perception: The way in which raw data or information about the outer or inner world is made known through consciousness Jung called it an "irrational" function in the sense that perception is unfiltered People who have stronger Perception than Judgment are people for whom "the journey is more important than the destination” Perception is open-ended, a never-ending stream of insights, experiences, and possibilities Perceptions come through the five senses (Sensation), and yet also through the unconscious itself (Intuition) Both are ways of taking in experiences about the outer and inner world Judgment: Technically, Judging is an attitude in the personality, a way of making decisions based on various facts Jung called it a "rational" function in the sense that it compares and contrasts various options In the case of a Thinking-based Judgment, decisions are based upon the logic of a situation In the case of a Feeling-based Judgment, decisions are based on the relative values in a situation People with strong Judging tendencies tend to like for things to be planned and organized Perception/Judgment

  10. Myers-Briggs Percentages • In terms of percentages of the American population it is generally thought that • Extraverts outnumber Introverts 75% to 25%. • Sensation Types (75%) are thought to be more common than Intuitive Types (25%). • Thinking Types and Feeling Types are thought to be evenly distributed (50-50) • People favoring Perception or Judgment are about even (50-50) • Evenly distributed, each of the 16 types would be a little better than 6% of the population

  11. ESTJ: “Administrator" 13% of the population Much in touch with the external environment. Very responsible. Pillar of strength. Occupation Leadership positions in law, medicine, education and engineering ESTP: “Promoter" 13% of the population When present, things begin to happen. Fiercely competitive, entrepreneur Good negotiator, often uses shock value to get attention Occupation: Independent consultants Good team players for high pressure projects Our Class [1]

  12. ESFJ: “Everyone’s trusted friend" 13% of the population Most sociable of all types. Nurturer of harmony. Outstanding host or hostess. Occupation Public health and social welfare agencies Real estate School administration Clergy ESFP: “Entertainer" 13% of the population Radiates attractive warmth and optimism. Smooth, witty, charming, clever. Fun to be with and very generous. Occupation: Trainers Salespeople Athletes and coaches Educators, especially elementary Our Class [2]

  13. ENTJ: “Field Marshall" 13% of the population Natural tendency to marshal and direct - decisive Requires little encouragement to make a plan TRADEMARK: -- "I'm really sorry you have to die." Occupation Superb administrators in any field -- medicine, law, business, education, government, the military ENTP “Inventor" 5% of the population Enthusiastic interest in everything and always sensitive to possibilities. Non-conformist and innovative. “If at first you don’t succeed, drop it and try something else..” Occupation Positions where creations of ideas are rewarded Follow-through often questionable Architects vice builders Our Class [3]

  14. ENFJ “Smooth talking persuaders" 5% of the population Outstanding leader of groups. Can be aggressive at “helping others to be the best that they can be” Occupation Psychology Theology Recruiters ENFP “Journalist" 5% of the population Uncanny sense of the motivations of others. Life is an exciting drama. Emotionally warm Excels at almost anything entrepreneurial Occupation Independent sales Public relations Pediatrics and general family medicine Our Class [4]

  15. ISTJ: "The Trustee" 6% of the population Decisiveness in practical affairs Guardian of time-honored institutions Dependable Occupations: CPAs, pilots, surgeons, police and detectives Singular focus – “just the facts”, stay objective ISTP: “Just Do It" 5% of the population Impulsive action. Life should be of impulse rather than purpose. Action is an end to itself. Fearless, craves excitement, master of tools. Occupation Seebees Computer Programmer Mechanic Craftsman Our Class [5]

  16. ISFJ: "The Conservator" 6% of the population Desires to be of service and minister to individual needs. Occupation NURSE HUMAN SERVICES MINISTER OR PRIEST VOLUNTEER TEACHER: Trade, Industrial, Technical, Administration ISFP: “Artist" 5% of the population Interested in fine arts. Expression primarily through action or art form. Low need to complete to closure. Easygoing, low-key types. Occupation Nursing Paramedics Butchers, bakers, candlestick makers….hands on crafts Our Class [6]

  17. INTJ: “Life’s Independent Thinkers" 1% of the population Decisions come very easily. Most confident and pragmatic of all types. Builder of systems and applier of theoretical models. Occupations Writers Researchers Lawyers Administrators INTP “Architect" 1% of the population Greatest precision in thought and language. Can readily discern contradictions and inconsistencies. The world exists primarily to be understood. Occupation Scientists Editors Architects Computer Programmers Our Class [7]

  18. INFJ: "The Author" 1% of the population Motivated and fulfilled by helping others. Complex personality. Gentle Caring and concerned for others Occupations Teachers Clergy Psychology INFP: TBD Our Class [8]

  19. Questions • Is it accurate? • Is there any benefit to this test? • Are there any pitfalls to this test? • How can you make use of it?

  20. Conclusions/Uses • Use this to understand that: • People pick up on different things in given situations (thinking vs. feeling) • People process information in different ways (sensation vs. intuition) • People have different purposes for information (perception vs. judgment) • Use the knowledge to: • Facilitate communications and understanding • Become aware of information/perspectives you would miss • Reduce tension • Do not use this to pigeon-hole people

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