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U Q PE Universal QUALITY Primary Education a presentation by Brianna Ficcadenti, Pierluigi Conzo, Salima Camara, Gerasimoula Angelopoulou MESCI 2007/2008. U Q PE Universal QUALITY Primary Education. Millennium Development Goal 2: Achieve Universal Primary Education. Target:
UQPE Universal QUALITY Primary Education a presentation by Brianna Ficcadenti, Pierluigi Conzo, Salima Camara, Gerasimoula Angelopoulou MESCI 2007/2008
UQPE Universal QUALITY Primary Education Millennium Development Goal 2: Achieve Universal Primary Education • Target: • Ensure that, by 2015, children everywhere, boys and girls alike, will be able to complete a full course of primary schooling. • Indicators:(effective 15 January 2008) • 2.1 Net enrolment ratio in primary education • 2.2 Proportion of pupils starting grade 1 who reach last grade of primary • 2.3 Literacy rate of 15-24 year-olds, women and men
UQPE Universal QUALITY Primary Education Indicator 2.2: Primary Completion Rates from 1990 to 2005 Indicator 2.1: Net Enrolment Rates from 1990 - 2005 0.7 * 0.6 = 0.42 Only about 40% of kids in Sub-Saharan Africa complete a full course of Primary Education!!!
UQPE Universal QUALITY Primary Education • Education has many enemies • Not enough Teachers • Lack of Schools • No textbooks or low quality books • School Fees (prices of books, uniforms, etc.) • Distance • Social Stigma • (Ethnic/religious minority, disabled, female, etc.) • Families that need the children to work • Violence against girls • No decent toilets • Health • Nutrition/Starvation • Orphanhood • Quality of Education “Quality is at the heart of Education: It influences what students learn, how well they learn and what benefits they draw from their education.” EFA Global Monitoring Report
UQPE Universal QUALITY Primary Education • What exactly is “Quality”? • Unfortunately, there is no generally accepted definition of Quality. • Looking at the various definitions, you find a general emphasis on: • acceptability to community • language and culture • safety and values • good learning atmosphere • EFA’s definition of Quality Education: • ensures the cognitive development of learners • nutures the creative and emotional growth of learners • helps them to acquire values and attitudes for responsible citizenship
UQPE Universal QUALITY Primary Education Why is “Quality” so important? Low Quality means Low Achievement! For example: In Bangladesh, 4 of 5 children don’t reach minimum levels of literacy and numeracy. In Sub-Saharan Africa, 60% of primary school graduates are functionally illiterate.
UQPE Universal QUALITY Primary Education • But improving quality can be difficult! • Not if you follow these simple policy recommendations: • Put the child at the center of the learning process • Provide appropriate and stimulating textbooks • Better teachers means better teaching • Better Schools • Location Location Location!! • Inform policy and support systemic reform A Policy Framework for Improving the Quality of Teaching and Learning
UQPE Universal QUALITY Primary Education Social and Economic Impact of a Quality Education And how it relates to the other MDGs Positive Impact on Productivity in Agriculture: A primary education makes a household 1.3% more likely to join an agricultural organization, giving them better chance of success. Connected to MDG 1: Eradication of Poverty
UQPE Universal QUALITY Primary Education Social and Economic Impact of a Quality Education And how it relates to the other MDGs Income Gains: These agricultural organizations are better performers when the president has a primary education, and even more better off if the president finished secondary school. Connected to MDG 1: Eradication of Poverty
UQPE Universal QUALITY Primary Education Social and Economic Impact of a Quality Education And how it relates to the other MDGs Social impact: There is a positive correlation between a child’s risk of growth delays and the mother's level of education. Connected to MDG 4: Eradication of Poverty
UQPE Universal QUALITY Primary Education Education Affects Everything! Without quality, the whole thing falls apart! 4: Child Mortality 3: Gender Equality 5: Maternal Health 1: Poverty/Hunger 2: Quality Education X 8: Global Partnership 6: HIV/AIDS, Malaria, etc. 7:Environmental Sustainability
UQPE Universal QUALITY Primary Education What is the World Bank doing to help? …evidence from Senegal What is quality? Never defined….just measured! What affects quality? Frequent school closings; teacher absenteeism; teachers not adequately prepared When instruction is teacher dominated, mechanical, repetitive, etc. Learning materials inadequately resourced and inappropriately used Curriculum inadequate or not updated
UQPE Universal QUALITY Primary Education What is the World Bank doing to help? SECTORAL APPROACH A nice transferable framework, but not much of an action plan! • Textbooks, library and reading materials… • Training of teachers, inspectors, school directors and mentor teachers… • Institutionalizing and optimizing evaluation methods… • Curricular reform for problem solving in school and everyday life… • Involvement of the communities… • Eradication of inequities… • Improve reading instruction… • Promotion of information and communication technologies… • Education on health, nutrition, environment, family, population… JUST BEAUTIFUL WORDS? • School and vocational orientation service…
UQPE Universal QUALITY Primary Education MALI - Learning and Innovation Loan:Improving Learning in Primary Schools A little bit about Mali… Population (2006 est.): 12.5 million Independence from French Colonialism: 1960 Government: Semi-Preseidential Republique Religions: Islam 90%, indigenous 6%, Christian 4% GNI per capita (US$): $1,050 Annual growth rate: 2.4% Gini Index: 40.1 Human Development Report, HDI for Mali: 0.380 [ranking 173 of 177 countries with data (2005)]
UQPE Universal QUALITY Primary Education MALI - Learning and Innovation Loan:Improving Learning in Primary Schools A three-year pilot project to assess the social and economic benefits of bilingual education in Mali’s primary schools (as compared with traditional public schools taught entirely in French). Funded by the Malian Government, in cooperation with: • IBRD (International Bank for Reconstruction and Development) • IDA (International Development Assistance) • The Government of the Netherlands Project Objectives: • Introduce 700 new Bilingual Schools (Pédogogie Convergente) • Child-centered Curriculum Development • Publish Print and Distribute New Textbooks • Establishment of Family/Community/School Partnerships • Awareness Campaign about the benefits of Bilingual Education • Decentralization of Education : giving educational power to 5 communes • Plus a myriad of monitoring and evaluation methods
UQPE Universal QUALITY Primary Education MALI - Learning and Innovation Loan:Improving Learning in Primary Schools Challenges • Educated Parents think it is less of an education • A concern that bilingual schools only serve to reinforce the cycle of poverty and inequality of rural families Opportunities • Increased equity in schooling • Increased cost effectiveness of education • Increased awareness of and support for the value of bilingual schooling Risks • Weak Government Commitment • Reluctance of parents/communities to participate in a government program • Insufficient regional interest results in educational failure in pilot communes
UQPE Universal QUALITY Primary Education MALI - Learning and Innovation Loan:Improving Learning in Primary Schools Project Expectations and Results • A decrease in repetition and dropout rates • An increase in test scores in math as well as French *** With a particular increase for girls and other minorities
UQPE Universal QUALITY Primary Education MALI - Learning and Innovation Loan:Improving Learning in Primary Schools Project Expectations and Results • A decrease in overall per unit cost of education Even though bilingual education is more expensive to deliver, Even though bilingual education is more expensive to deliver, in the end, the benefits far outweigh the costs!
Benefits of ICT for education: Benefits of ICT for education: Benefits of ICT for education: UQPE Universal QUALITY Primary Education Quality education and the power of Information & Communications Technology The Benefits of ICT: • Delivery of Educational Resources • Facilitating communication • Facilitating interaction in resources • Building and exploiting information bases ICT and The New Schooling Paradigm:
Benefits of ICT for education: Benefits of ICT for education: Benefits of ICT for education: UQPE Universal QUALITY Primary Education Quality education and the power of Information & Communications Technology Some concerns: When people are starving does it make sense to spend money on Technology? Education and hunger are not mutually exclusive: education reduces hunger, and not being hungry makes it easier to learn. ICT is not just the future but the now of education - nevertheless, it is understandably difficult for many donors to rationalize spending so much money on technology. Be careful: do not overestimate the power of ICT! Absolutely! Technology is a tool, NOT A TEACHER!! It is crucial not to think that ICT can replace the importance of face to face contact with a teacher that cares. To “tech” or not to “tech” is not the question! Whether or not to use technology is not an option. If technology is kept from the developing world it is only going to widen the gap between rich and poor countries. The future is here!
Benefits of ICT for education: Benefits of ICT for education: Benefits of ICT for education: UQPE Universal QUALITY Primary Education Quality education and the power of Information & Communications Technology Biggest Issue in Africa: NOT WELL CONNECTED!!!
Benefits of ICT for education: Benefits of ICT for education: Benefits of ICT for education: UQPE Universal QUALITY Primary Education Quality education and the power of Information & Communications Technology One laptop per child ICTs in the curriculum Information Technology Teaching Room Some Examples of ICT projects in Africa:
UQPE Universal QUALITY Primary Education REFERENCES • REPORTS: • Quality Education For All: Meeting the challenge. Fast Track Initiative Secretariat / FTIN 2007 Annual Report. http://www.education-fast-track.org/content.asp?ContentId=1144 • The challenge of universal primary education. Department for International Development (DFID). http://www.dfid.gov.uk/pubs/files/tspeducation.pdf • Education for All Global Monitoring Report 2005 - The Quality Imperative. Education For All. http://portal.unesco.org/education/en/ev.php-URL_ID=35939&URL_DO=DO_TOPIC&URL_SECTION=201.html • Education for All Global Monitoring Report 2008 – Will We Make it? • The CERCA School Report Card: communities creating education quality. A guide to promoting community participation in improving learning in schools. Academy for Educational Development (article linked through ELDIS). http://www.eldis.org/go/display/?id=24632&type=Document • e-Learning in Higher Education Makes Its Debut in Cambodia: The Provincial Business Education Project International Review of Research in Open and Distance Learning. http://www.irrodl.org/index.php/irrodl/article/view/333/778 • Survey of ICT Education in Africawww.weforum.org/pdf/Global_Competitiveness_Reports/Reports/GITR_2002_2003/ICT_Africa.pdf • Unicef, 2005 - INVESTING IN THE CHILDREN OF THE ISLAMIC WORLD http://www.unicef.org/publications/files/Investing_Children_Islamic_World_full_E.pdfhttp://www.unicef.org/publications/files/Inv • USEFUL WEBSITES: • UNICEF: Basic Education and Gender Equality. http://www.unicef.org/girlseducation/index.php • UNESCO: Education. http://portal.unesco.org/education/en/ev.php-URL_ID=48712&URL_DO=DO_TOPIC&URL_SECTION=201.html • Asha-Cornell, NGO working on Education in India. http://www.ashanet.org/cornell/index-7.html • UnStats: Millenium development goals indicators. http://mdgs.un.org/unsd/mdg/Default.aspx • MDG monitor. http://www.mdgmonitor.org/map.cfm?goal=&indicator=&cd • The International Institute for Communication and Development (IICD). http://www.iicd.org/ • Education and the World Bank. http://web.worldbank.org/WBSITE/EXTERNAL/TOPICS/EXTEDUCATION/0,,menuPK:282391~pagePK:149018~piPK:149093~theSitePK:282386,00.html
UQPE Universal QUALITY Primary Education • EDUCATIONAL QUALITY PROGRAMS: • EdQual: A Research Program Consortium on Implementing Quality Education in Low Income Countries. http://www.edqual.org/ • Sambotha Primary School for girls and orphans. http://www.zangdokpalri.net/main.htm?http://www.zangdokpalri.net/school_aim_partners.htmhttp://www.unicef.org/infobycountry/colombia_34615.html • Integrated Education for Disabled Children (IED). Jharkhand Education Project Council (JEPC). http://www.jepc.nic.in/Schooling_of_Special_Focus_Group.html • UNESCO – International Institute for Capacity Building in Africa – Multigrade programme. http://www.unesco-iicba.org/index.php?option=com_content&task=view&id=15&Itemid=5 • The World Bank - “Quality Education for All Project - Phase 2” – Senegal:http://web.worldbank.org/external/projects/main?pagePK=64283627&piPK=73230&theSitePK=40941&menuPK=228424&Projectid=P089254 • ICT PROJECTS: • Educational Computer Centres in Yapacani – Bolivia. International Institute for Communication and Development (IICD). http://www.iicd.org/projects/articles/bolivia-educational-computer-centres-yapacani/view • Strengthening ICT in Schools and SchoolNet Project in ASEAN Setting. UNESCO. http://www.unescobkk.org/index.php?id=1230 • Innovative Information and Communications Technology in Education, and Its Potential for Reducing Poverty in the Asia and Pacific Region. Asian Development Bank. http://www.adb.org/Projects/project.asp?id=39035 • International Conference on ICT for Development , Education and Training. http://www.elearning-africa.com or http://www.elearning-africa.com/newsportal/english/kategorie_school.php • SURVEY of ICT and Education in Africahttp://www.col.org/colweb/site/cache/bypass/pid/5151?print=1 • UNESCO – Edusud, ICT in Education Programmeshttp://www.edusud.org/spip.php?article172InfoDEV, Information for Development Programmes: Survey of ICT Education in Africahttp://www.infodev.org/en/Project.7.html or http://www.infodev.org/en/Publication.353.html • IICD supported project: Information Technology Training Room - Mali. http://www.iicd.org/projects/articles/mali-it-training-room/?searchterm=None • IICD supported project: Integration of ICT in the Copperbelt College of Education Curriculum - Zambia. http://www.iicd.org/projects/articles/zambia-copperbelt-college/?searchterm=None