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The Salem Witch Trials. Julia K ish Mrs. Martin’s 2 nd Period 10/14/11. Intro page 1.
The Salem Witch Trials Julia Kish Mrs. Martin’s 2nd Period 10/14/11
Intro page 1 This whole belief started because of a statement in the bible, “thou shalt not suffer a witch to live.” This took place in Salem, Massachusetts. Salem was divided into to places Salem Town (wealthy) and Salem village(isolated group), they often argued over boundaries. Salem had strict rules though, especially for children, no running, shouting, or playing. All of these rules where made to please God. Children where told to do chores all day. They boys often stayed outside, hunting or fishing. Girls stayed at home with servants baked bread, churned butter, sewed clothes, and tended to the younger childern.
Into page 2 There greatest fear was the practice of witch craft. Fear lead to unusual events, in the winter of 1692 . All the bad things that where said to have happened it was all blamed on witches like the fail of crops unseasonable weather and other events. 20 people died and a young girl fell into fits, her fist where shaking and she was crying, yelling, and rolling around on the ground. People like her said they saw what no other would see. They claimed they talked to witches, devils and other spirits. Others in Salem believed she was one of many to had been practicing witch craft.
Rebecca Nurse • Accused of being a witch • Respected member of Salem community • Her and her husband had powerful land distributes with the Putnam family • Had 8 kids • Attended church regularly • Her hesitation to say no she not a witch meant to the court she is one • Was hung with 4 others on July 19, 1692
Bridget Bishop • Repeatedly accused of being a witch. Age 27 • Married 3 timeslast 2 husband died mysteriously. • Dressed bright, ran a tavern, had a hot temper and flirted with many men. • Her husband now accused her of practicing witch craftand after the trial she divorced him. • 1st Oliver accusing her. • 2nd death of a neighbor & tormenting people in the area with her spirit. • 3rd2 young girls accused her of haunting their dreams & having puppet like dolls in the walls of her house.
John Proctor • Defended his wife and ended up in jail. • He was b.ornin England. • He even was a wealthy farmer and, owned a lot of land near Salem town. • His Sister in-law Rebecca Nurse was accused for being a witch, so John stood up for Rebecca in court. • His Wife Elizabeth accused will pregnant. • The where both found guilty but after his wife had the baby she went home to take care of the kids • He was hung on august 19, 1692
Giles Corey • Accused of being a dreadful wizard. • He was a Wealthy farmer. • Grumpy, stubborn, argumentative man, always had lawsuits and didn’t have many friends. • The ring leader of the girls accusing people Anne Putnam said he appeared to her as a ghost. • As his death penalty he was stripped naked then they had a large bored placed on his chest as heavy stones where piled on top of him one by one.
William Phips • Established court for witch craft trials called it Oyer & Terminer • Only made trusted men judges • Governor of Massachusetts • Born in Maine • When he had came to Salem they trails had already had been going on for a few months • William Stoughton was made head judge later it came to regret • They had the nerve to accuse his wife • After he found out that the trials where unfair he put and end to it in 1693 • 49 of 52 of the accused where released from jail • Finally the nightmare was over he died in 1695
Conclusion I believe The Salem witch trials was just a big lie that bored little girls made up to get people they don’t like in trouble. There was unfair trials and unnecessary deaths. This happening though I think people really did start thinking they could be witches. One that really stood out to me was Bridget Bishop. It caught my attention when it said that the 3rd trial was for those girls and the dolls with pins in them in the wall. That’s a little odd to have dolls in your walls. So that wasn’t just a out of the ordinary thing she put them there for a reason. After reading the book though I enjoyed learning about The Salem witch trials.
Works Cited Orr, Tamara. The Salem Witch Trials. San Diego, CA: Blackbirch press, 2004.