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State of Higher Education for LGBT People.
State of Higher Education for LGBT People
Campus Pride is the leading national organization for LGBTQ and ally college students and campus groups building future leaders and safer, more LGBTQ-friendly colleges and universities. The organization provides resources and services to thousands of college students and nearly 1400 campuses annually.
LGBTQ Youth Today • 25% of LGBTQ youth are thrown out of their homes when • they come out . • LGBTQ youth remain 3-4 times more likely to attempt suicide. • 40% of homeless youth self-identify as LGBTQ • LGB youth are at higher risk of alcohol, substance abuse, • depression, suicidality than other youth • Highest rate of new HIV infections occur in youth 13-24; African-American youth aged 13-24 accounted for 65% of new HIV infections.
1 Pascarella & Terenzini, 1991, 2005 2 Cabrera, Nora, Terenzini, Pascarella, & Hagedron, 1999; Feagin, Vera & Imani, 1996; Pascarella & Terenzini, 1991. 3 Hale, 2004; Harper & Quaye , 2004; Harper, & Hurtado, 2007; Hurtado, 2003.
Campus Pride 2010 State of Higher Education for LGBT People, S. Rankin, et al.
Research One quarter (23%) of LGBQ staff, faculty, and students reported experiencing harassment (defined as conduct that has interfered with your ability to work or learn). An even greater percentage of transgender students, faculty, and staff reported experiencing harassment (39%). The form of the harassment experiences by transgender people was more overt and blatant.
Research More than half the faculty, students, and staff hide their sexual identity (43%) or gender identity (63%) to avoid intimidation. More than a third of all transgender students, faculty, and staff (43%) and 13% of LGBQ respondents feared for their physical safety. These percentages were even higher for LGBTQ people of color.
300 (7%) of colleges/universities have institutional support (centers, offices, person) for LGBT issues and concerns In 2010… 578 (13%) colleges/universities include sexual orientation Negligible number of College & University LGBT Inclusive Structures and/or policies 282 (6%) colleges/universities include gender identity 307 (7%) colleges/universities offer same-sex health benefits to faculty/staff (Sources: http://www.hrc.org/issues/workplace.asp; http://www.transgenderlaw.org/college/index.htm#policies; http://www.lgbtcampus.org
Institutions are assessed in 8 areas of campus life: • LGBT Policy Inclusion • LGBT Support & Institutional Commitment • LGBT Academic Life • LGBT Student Life • LGBT Housing & Residence Life • LGBT Campus Safety • LGBT Counseling & Health • LGBT Recruitment & Retention Efforts Following their assessment, colleges receive a confidential report with their scores and recommendations for improvements. Then, colleges decide whether they want to “come out” and make their scores public or improve them before doing so.
Campus Pride Index Overview: • 394 colleges and universities currently participate: small, large, public, private, community colleges, two-year colleges, religiously-affiliated colleges, etc. • Campuses are rated on a five-star scale; not ranked except in “Top 25 LGBT-Friendly” and “Top 10 Trans-Friendly” lists; 52 campuses have a five-star score • Improved Scores: Over 80% of colleges that take the survey return to update their page with an improved score
Creating a Roadmap • Complete survey Review score report • Determine areas for improvement
2013 Observations based on Housing & Residence Life Responses • Less than a majority of participating colleges have above 60% score on housing and residence life responses; Overall one of the two lowest scoring areas for improvement. • Noted Areas for Improvement: • Greater housing choices for LGBT students to be safe, comfortable; Fair, equitable treatment for LGBT housing staff; Increased inclusion for housing services/options for Trans concerns
Housing & Residence Life LGBT Considerations