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Data Overview Davis Elementary

Data Overview Davis Elementary. Lisa Darrow November 2016 Intended Audience: Faculty and Administration at Davis Elementary Presentation: http://youtu.be/Cc7AksHIZNA?hd=1. Purpose. Overview of State Wide Data to include CRCT and GA Milestones Demographic changes at Davis Elementary

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Data Overview Davis Elementary

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  1. Data OverviewDavis Elementary Lisa Darrow November 2016 Intended Audience: Faculty and Administration at Davis Elementary Presentation: http://youtu.be/Cc7AksHIZNA?hd=1

  2. Purpose • Overview of State Wide Data to include CRCT and GA Milestones • Demographic changes at Davis Elementary • Comparisons between Davis Elementary, Cobb County, and the State (Strength) • Reading and Math CRCT and GA Milestones Results for Grades 3 & 5 • Areas for potential growth • Student subgroup achievement • Gender Achievement in grades 3 & 5 • Summary • Planning

  3. School Enrollment Trends 2010-2016

  4. Demographics – Race and Ethnicity

  5. Demographics Continued

  6. Strength! Comparison of student achievement on the 2015 GA Milestones for English Language ArtsDavis vs. Cobb County vs. State of Georgia

  7. Strength! Comparison of student achievement on the 2015 GA Milestones for MathematicsDavis vs. Cobb County vs. State of Georgia

  8. 3rd Grade Reading/ELA CRCT 2012-2014 GA Milestones 2015-2016

  9. 5th Grade Reading/ELA CRCT 2012-2014 GA Milestones 2015-2016

  10. 3rd Grade Math CRCT 2012-2014 GA Milestones 2015-2016

  11. 5th Grade Math CRCT 2012-2014 GA Milestones 2015-2016

  12. Students with Disabilities • Davis Elementary may want to monitor the subgroup of Students with Disabilities due to the fact there is an increasing trend in these students. • For the 2015 GA Milestones this subgroup of students scored as follows: • English Language Arts: • 3rd grade: 60% of students did not meet grade level standards • 5th grade: 9% of students did not meet grade level standards • Math: • 3rd grade: 60% of students did not meet grade level standards • 5th grade: 48% of students did not meet grade level standards

  13. Gender Results 2015 GA Milestones ELA 2015 GA Milestones Math

  14. Summary • Strength: • Davis Elementary is currently above district and state scores for both ELA and mathematics. • Items to Monitor: • Increase in students with disabilities • Gender achievement gap in core content areas • Opportunities for Growth: • Increase strategies and instruction for males in ELA for both 3rd and 5th grade • Increase Strategies and Instruction for females in 3rd, 4th, and 5th grade to target the increasing gender achievement gap in mathematics. • Review specialized instruction materials provided for students with disabilities in 3rd grade for ELA and Math. • Vertical team meetings to understand why there are 60% of students with disabilities not meeting ELA standards for 3rd grade and only 9% of 5th grade students with disabilities not meeting standards in ELA. • Increase the number of students from the developing range into the proficient range in both ELA and Math • Target Narrative Writing Tasks for ELA in 3rd and 5th grade • In math, target Geometry for 3rd grade and Number and Operations – Base 10 for 5th Grade

  15. Planning: How can I effect change? • Meet in vertical teams to look at how instruction is delivered and ask yourself and your team some of the following questions: • What are we each doing? • What would be valuable to try differently? • How can I target the gender gap? • How can I increase student achievement in Narrative Writing for ELA? • Questions, Comments, Concerns? • Feel free to reach out to me at any time to discuss the data presented today. • Lisa Darrow, Lisa.Darrow@Cobbk12.org

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