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Big E Symposium Kctcs PERFORMANCE Metrics Where’s the Data?. Dr. Christina Whitfield April 29, 2013. KCTCS Strategic Plan 2010-16. KCTCS Strategic Plan 2010-16 Goals. Advance excellence and innovation in teaching, learning and service Increase student access, transfer and success
Big E Symposium KctcsPERFORMANCE Metrics Where’s the Data? Dr. Christina Whitfield April 29, 2013
KCTCS Strategic Plan 2010-16 Goals • Advance excellence and innovation in teaching, learning and service • Increase student access, transfer and success • Cultivate diversity, multiculturalism and inclusion • Enhance the economic and workforce development of the Commonwealth • Promote the recognition and value of KCTCS
Engagement Definition: Average scores on the Community College Survey of Student Engagement (CCSSE)s benchmarks of effective educational practice. Source: CCSSE.
Engagement Target: Exceed the national average.
Licensure / certification pass rate Definition: Annual percent of first-time takers passing licensure and certification exams required by the profession for entry-level positions. Source: Individual Kentucky State Boards, KCTCS colleges.
Licensure / certification pass rate Target: Exceed the national/state average.
Developmental Education success rate: English/Math/reading Definition: Percent of students referred to developmental courses by subject who complete a developmental course in that subject or re-test at a college level by the end of the second year. Source: KCTCS Database.
Participation rate Definition: KCTCS fall credit enrollment, divided by adult population (ages 18-64). Source: CPE official; US Census Bureau.
Credentials • Definition: • Annual count of total credentials (associate degrees, certificates and diplomas) awarded • Annual count of associate degrees awarded • Source: Official data as reported to CPE.
transfer Definition: In-state transfers and students transferring additional credit. Source: CPE.
Student diversity Definition: Percent of students with known ethnicity in all racial/ethnic categories excluding white and nonresident alien, based on fall unduplicated headcount, compared to percent minority population. Source: CPE official; National Center for Health Statistics; Census 2010.
employee diversity Definition: Percent of minority employees in all racial/ethnic categories excluding white, unknown and nonresident alien, based on fall unduplicated headcount, compared to percent minority population aged 18-64. Source: IPEDS; National Center for Health Statistics; Census 2010.
High wage/high demand completions Definition: Annual number of credentials awarded in fields with average salaries at or above the 75th percentile and growing at a rate greater than or equal to the state average, or exceeding 100 annual job openings. Source: CPE Official; Kentucky Occupational Outlook; Occupational Wages (OES).
Wage index Definition: Median wage of KCTCS completers earning $2,500 or more in the second quarter after completion, indexed to the state median occupational wage. Source: Official CPE data; Office of Employment and Trainings Occupational Wages (OES).
Workforce Matriculation Definition: Percent of workforce students who enroll as credential-seeking students or earn a credential within three years. Source: CPE official; KCTCS database.
Financial contributions Definition: Annual dollar amount (rounded to nearest thousand) of financial contributions from grants, contracts, advancement, and other external sources, and endowment income.
Media focus Definition: Number of media citations and positive citations as a percent of total, as reported by the VOCUS media-tracking service and KCTCS Public Relations Source: VOCUS, "Todays News," compiled by KCTCS Public Relations.
Persistence rate Definition: Percent of fall/summer first-time credential-seeking students who have earned a credential, transferred to a four-year institution, or are still enrolled at the end of three years. Source: KCTCS database, National Student Clearinghouse.
Persistence rate: diversity Definition: Percent of fall/summer first-time credential-seeking minority students who have earned a credential, transferred to a four-year institution, or are still enrolled at the end of three years. Source: KCTCS database, National Student Clearinghouse.
Persistence rate by gender Entering Fall 2008 – Persisting Fall 2011
Persistence rate by Activity Entering Fall 2008 – Persisting Fall 2011