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WELCOME. Water Management in Agriculture – Need of the hour. Er. A. Srinivasulu Scientist (Soil & Water Engg.) Andhra Pradesh Water Management Project Bapatla – 522 101, Andhra Pradesh. Contents.
Water Management in Agriculture – Need of the hour Er. A. Srinivasulu Scientist (Soil & Water Engg.) Andhra Pradesh Water Management Project Bapatla – 522 101, Andhra Pradesh
Contents • Global, Indian and State scenario of water resources development and use – some important facts • World water challenges for the 21st Century • Action plan 4.Andhra Pradesh Water Management Project • Comparison of crop water requirement and actual quantities of water applied in some selected canal commands of Krishna Western Delta • Conclusions
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World’s Water resources – Some important facts • 97% of the World’s water resources are present in oceans. The remaining 3% of the water resources are present on land • Out of the 3 % of water available on land, 2% is on ice caps which can not be utilized. The remaining 1 % is only the available utilizable water on land • 97% of the available fresh water on earth is groundwater • India has 16% of world’s population while having only 2% of land and 4% of fresh water resources
Compared to average annual rainfall of Saudi Arabia of about 150 mm, our Rain fall (1194 mm) is much higher i.e. almost 1.2 m height of water above the entire land • The percent rainfall received due to South-west and North-east monsoons is 74 and 3 %, respectively. The remaining is received in pre & post monsoon periods and hence it needs storage • Present quantity of irrigation water utilized in India is 174 km3 (incl. surface and ground waters) • In Zambia/ Zimbabwe, one single dam stores around 180.6 km3 • In Egypt, Aswan high dam stores about 162 km3
Alarming Facts: • Though irrigated land now expands at about 1% per year, the population also expands at 1.5% • Per capita irrigated area peaked in 1978 and has been declining since then. Presently it is 0.4 acres • More over, irrigated land is loosing productivity due to water logging and salinisation • Conversion of food producing lands to other commercial crops
Agricultural Water Use • Irrigation to 43% net sown area • 23 to 50% overall efficiencies of irrigation projects • Inequity in availability of irrigation water • Water logging problems in about 10% canal irrigated area • Low average crop yields due to improper use
IRRIGATION DEVELOPMENT OF ANDHRAPRADESH Total Geographical Area : 27.4 M ha Cultivable Area : 16.7 M ha (60%) Area Under Cultivation : 11.81 M ha Ultimate Irrigation Potential of A.P. : 8.78 M ha ( 52% of the Cultivable Area) Present Irrigation Potential Created : 5.01 M ha (57% of the total potential out of which 1.3 M ha gap is present) State’s Gross Cropped Area Under Irrigation : 40%
The States share of Dependable Flow from the Rivers System : 2746 TMC Present Utilization :1828 TMC Balance Water to be Utilized : 918 TMC Out of which Godavari River alone can yield : 684 TMC ( This forms 75% of the balance water un-utilized) To utilise balance of 918 TMC : 15 times of our State Irrigation budget (Aproxly. Rs. 45,000 Crores) required Amount spent on Irrigation : Rs. 6946 Crores since the formation of A.P.
Agriculture Panchayat Raj Water Users Associations Watershed Committees Village level committees for Rural Water Supply projects Peoples Participation
One hectare of sugarcane requires 300 ha-cm of water. The areas of other crops that can be irrigated by the same amount of water are shown below Water needs of different crops (Source: Falkenmark et al. 1990)
WORLD WATER CHALLENGES FOR THE TWENTY FIRST CENTURY • Out of all the problems, water problem is the second most important problem in the world faced by mankind after population problem - United Nations University
The Challenges • Water Scarcity • Agriculture is the largest user of freshwater. At present, 70% of the total fresh water in the world is used to provide food, natural fibers and employment to billions of rural dwellers • Now, at the end of 20th century, an estimated 26 countries with a population of more than 300 million people suffer from water scarcity. Projections for the year 2050 show that 66 countries with about two thirds of the world population will face moderate to severe water scarcity • The finite supply of water can be augmented by reducing consumption, and recycling and reusing waste water
2. Lack of accessibility • 3. Water Quality Deterioration • Industrialization and urbanization have produced large volumes of effluent waste water, discharged in many cases into water ways which carry fresh water supplies into communities. • The projected mega –cities and rapid industrialization world- wide have only accelerated problems such as inadequate waste treatment.
4. World Peace and Security • Affluent countries enjoy an abundance of fresh water resources, poor nations face the twin menaces of water scarcity and water quality deterioration • All this directly effects the economic and social development of a society, undermines political stability, and threatens global security • 5. Awareness by Decision Makers and the Public • Water availability is taken for granted by the public • Similarly, political leaders are largely unaware of the present • dimensions of the impending water crises in many countries • Requires long term and lasting solutions beyond the short term • mandate of political leaders and decision- makers
6. Decline of Financial Resources Allocation • The world witnesses a rapid growth in financial allocations to water/ development in the 1960’s and the 1970’s which was spurred mainly by investment in the irrigation and drinking water supply. However, a steady decline in financial outlay occurred in the latter part of 1980’s, and become more pronounced throughout the 1990’s • Right now, funds for operation and maintenance are in limited supply, with existing schemes in dire need of repair and replacement 7. Fragmentation of Water Management • At national level, the water management is divided among • hundreds or thousands of jurisdictions, municipalities and the • private sector; or worse, left unattended • This institutional chaos has led to competition among users, • conflicts, duplication of efforts and contradictory policies, plans • and actions .Consequently, this has perpetuated wastage of • resources, and usage deficiency
Action Plan • 1.In view of the climate change, more floods and droughts will occur • All the rivers should be under network (Godavari – lot of water is being wasted) • NWDA plan should be implemented • We can tackle environmental issues • Conjunctive utilisation should be practiced • Except in some parts of Punjab, there is no conjunctive utilization of water resources • For example this year groundwater in command areas could be utilized
3. Water use Efficiency • Standing water may not be required for rice? • Even paddy could be irrigated under sprinkler irrigation ? • Future yard stick will be how many tons of grains are produced / hectare /m3 of water • Land Irrigability is most important • We can not irrigate paddy on the top of the hill. Equity should first be implemented in quality land. Land reforms are to be strengthened to ameliorate the problems • Land leveling is important • Watershed issues
5. Drinking Water problems • Still, there is a 30% wastage in the drinking water supplies particularly at the user level • proper planning is needed to supply water from the pipe all along the people staying around it • Proper payment of tariff’s. It is said that in Hyderabad, just less than 50% consumers are paying • Even in the case of irrigation also, same situation • Recycling is the accepted fact • River water is recycled water
Single window clearance for all water uses with IT should be stressed. • River basin Authority • Hydrological data acquisition • Variability of rain fall • Groundwater variability • Need for data acquisition • Human resource utilization.
Network Operational Pilot Project onAGRICULTURAL WATER MANAGEMENT IN ANDHRA PRADESH(AP Water Management Project – APWAM)
Main Co-ordinating Center at Bapatla, Guntur Dist. Network centers at • Garikapadu, Krishna Dist. • Jagtial, Karimnagar Dist. • Undi-Bhimavaram, West Godavari Dist. • Tirupati, Chittoor Dist.
Project Objectives The long term objective of the proposed project is “the improvement of the water use efficiency in agriculture and spreading of irrigation benefits to tail end areas and preservation of the agricultural production capacity of agricultural lands in irrigated commands” To achieve this objective water resources (rain, ground, canal and waste waters) will be optimally utilized to uplift the socio-economic conditions and improve the agricultural production in the tail-end areas of canal and tank commands, farm land in danger of becoming unproductive as a result of water logging and soil salinity will be preserved, and land that has already become unproductive because of these processes will be reclaimed.
The short term objectives are: • Organization and empowering the farmers for management and equitable distribution of local water resources and maintenance and operation of irrigation and drainage systems • Introduction and evaluation of equitable distribution practices like Turn system and Rotational (Warabandi) system • The transfer of technology (equipment, knowledge and skills) relating to the reclamation of waterlogged saline lands and cropping system based water management practices • The construction of on-farm rainwater harvesting ponds, wells and improvement of irrigation canals to provide water resources to tail end area of about 100 ha under selected WUA’s • The construction of subsurface drainage to reclaim waterlogged saline lands
Short term objectives contd… • Continuation of monitoring of Konanki and Uppugunduru subsurface drainage experimental areas for long term impacts • Conductance of research on water requirements and irrigation schedules of various crops and techniques for less water use especially for rice crop • Introduction and evaluation of sprinkler and drip irrigation systems for field crops. • Development of agronomic and cultural practices for multi-cropping in rice based cropping system • Conductance of operational research on water management and subsurface drainage in waterlogged saline lands of other canal commands.
Bapatla Main Center Project Command: Krishna Delta • Drainage for control of salinity and water logging i) Selection of pilot area ii) Pre-drainage investigations including bench mark survey of cropping pattern, socio-economic & gender issues iii) Design of appropriate drainage system iv) Installation of drainage system v) Monitoring and Evaluation of drainage system including Socio-economic and gender issues vi) Integration of Drainage with water resources management (recycling of drain water) • Water less rice production system i) Aerobic Rice ii) System of Rice Intensification (SRI)
Garikapadu Network Center Project Command: NSP Left canal command • Water regulation at distributory level i) Selection of 3 pilot areas one each at head, middle and tail reaches of the canal ii) Conjunctive use of rain water, surface water and sub- surface (ground) water iii) Package of practices on water management iv) Micro-irrigation experiments at the research station
Undi (Bhimavaram) Network Center Project Command: Godavari Western Delta • Drainage for control of water logging and salinity in black cotton soils i) Selection of pilot area ii) Pre-drainage investigations including bench mark survey of cropping pattern, socio-economic & gender issues iii) Design and execution of appropriate drainage systems iv) Monitoring and Evaluation of drainage system including Socio-economic and gender issues v) Experiments on envelope materials for clay soils • Water less rice production system i) System of Rice Intensification (SRI)
Jagtial Network Center Project Command: Sriramsagar project • Water regulation at distributory level i) Selection of 3 pilot areas one each at head, middle and tail reaches of the canal ii) Conjunctive use of rain water, surface water and sub-surface (ground) water iii) Package of practices on water management • Water less rice production system at Research station and farm level i) Rice under drip irrigation ii) Methods of sowing (direct, wet and aerobic) iii) Methods of irrigation (alternate wetting & drying and irrigation at 50 % moisture depletion) iv) System of Rice Intensification (SRI)
Tirupati Network Center Project Command: Tanks and Wells • Water management under tanks and wells i) Selection of tanks ii) Water budget for the tanks iii) Data on water resources iv) conjunctive use of rain, tank and ground waters v) Package of practices
Comparison ofCrop Water Requirements and Actual Water Applied in Krishna Western Delta in Andhra Pradesh
Estimation of crop water requirements for Ponnur region in Krishna Western Delta using CRIWAR model
Table 1. Particulars of selected commands in Krishna Western Delta
General features of CRIWAR model • CRIWAR is a simulation model on crop irrigation water requirements and it calculates the irrigation water requirements (either per month or per 10 day period) of a cropping pattern in an irrigated area, for various stages of crop development through out the growing season • Crop irrigation water requirement = ETp - Pe • where ETp = Potential evapotranspiration, • Pe = Effective precipitation • CRIWAR model calculates the ETp on the basis of two alternative methods of computing the reference evapotranspiration, the FAO modified Penman Method, ETg, and the Penman Monteith Method, ETh • ETp.fao = kc ETg • ETp.pm = kc. ETh • where kc = crop coefficient
Model Inputs • General data file of the irrigated area • Meteo data file • Cropping pattern file Model Output • Reference evaportanspiration • Crop irrigation water requirements per 10 day period or month • Cropping pattern
General data needed for the model • Latitude • Altitude • Size of irrigable area • Calculation period (month/ 10 days) • Mean depth of water application (mm) • Interval between applications (days)
Meteorological data needed for the model • Monthly average values of • Temperature - Tmin andTmax • Precipitation (mm) • Sunshine hours (h) • Humidity (%) - RHmin andRhmax • Wind speed - mean (m/s) and ratio • Average wind speed during day Wind speed ratio = ------------------------------------------ Average wind speed during night
Crop data needed for the model • Crops grown in the area • Seasons followed • Cropped area (ha) • Growing period (days) • Planting month • Variety of crops • Crop coefficients (kc) for different stages of • crop growth
Table 2. Water requirement of paddy crop as estimated by CRIWAR model
Estimation of actual quantities of water applied in selected canal commands of Krishna Western Delta
Estimation procedure • 1. Discharge (cumecs) = Discharge (cusecs) / 35.36 • 2. Volume of water applied on each day (m3/day) = • Discharge (cumecs) x 60 x 60 x 24 • 3. Total volume of water applied during the season (m3) = • Sum of volumes of water applied on • each day of the season (m3) • 4. Gross depth of irrigation water applied (m) = • Total volume of water applied (m3)/ • Area of the command (m2) • Net depth of irrigation = Gross depth of irrigation x • Application efficiency
Table 3. Actual quantities of irrigation water applied in the selected commands
Comparison of crop water requirement and actual quantities of water applied
Table 4. Comparison of requirement and application of irrigation (canal) water