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Supporting Fa milies in Our Society

Famil y Life Center (FLC) Klubicko. Supporting Fa milies in Our Society. Do we want to solve or avoid family crises? …Relationships often do not have good prospects... Due to social problems, we see a rise in social pathology (suicides, aggression, addiction - drugs, alcohol, gambling)

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Supporting Fa milies in Our Society

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Presentation Transcript

  1. FamilyLifeCenter (FLC) Klubicko SupportingFamilies in Our Society

  2. Do we want to solve or avoid family crises? …Relationships often do not have good prospects... Due to social problems, we see a rise in social pathology (suicides, aggression, addiction - drugs, alcohol, gambling) …Every second child grows up in an incomplete family... Deprived children can be found even in complete families. …. Every second marriage ends in divorce… Should the state social system provide expensive solutions to the existing problems? …We prevent problemsusing cheaper methods…

  3. Do you prefer short-term effects or a long-term social stability? NNO's fill in the gaps in the state social system

  4. FLC Klubicko Mission Statement • Support families • Restore values that belong to families • Strengthen healthy family relationships • Protect the status of family in society • Prevent family crisis situations

  5. FLC Klubicko History • April 2004 – Initial plans • May 2004 - Launch of activities • Oct 25, 2004 – Registered by State • March 2005 – First grants • 2006 – Budget of $ 53,000 • 2007 – Budget of $ 100,000

  6. 5 FIELDS OF ACTIVITY Pre-school Centre

  7. 5 FIELDS OF ACTIVITY Family Counselling

  8. 5 FIELDS OF ACTIVITY Education

  9. 5 FIELDS OF ACTIVITY Leisure Activities for Families

  10. 5 FIELDS OF ACTIVITY Getting Involved in Broader Community

  11. Who Supports Us? • Ministry of Labour and Social Affairs • City of Litomerice • Funds and foundations • Private donors and companies • Volunteers • VIM • United Methodist Church CZE • United Methodist Church USA

  12. Our Plans • Developing volunteer services • Adding services in the 5 fields of activity • Creating programmes for parents-to-be • Centre for the early diagnosis of developmental disorders • Services for couples, partners and children • Programmes for school children • Services for people with disabilities

  13. What's Troubling Us? • Insufficient size of our facilities • Unsuitable spaces in terms of hygiene and safety • Uncertainty in long-term funding of the project • Inadequate reward system for volunteers • Staff training

  14. Project – New Space for Families • 4 years of mostly DIY repairs and renovation • New rooms in the basement of the house • 2 500 square feet, 6 rooms • Leisure room, children's room • Creative workshop, club room • Office space and hygiene facilities

  15. New Space for Klubicko

  16. Fellowship Room

  17. Fellowship Room - now

  18. Felowship Room - after

  19. Leisure Room - now

  20. Fellowship Room(and a volunteer)‏

  21. Children's Room - after

  22. Creative Workshop

  23. Club Room

  24. Office

  25. Office - now

  26. Renovation History • 2003-2006 Preparations, design, demolition Stage: preparations - $ 18,000 • 2007 From demolitions to floors Stage: up to floor completion – $ 29,200 • 2008 We are currently in the last stage Stage: prior to building approval – $ 34,000 • From June 2008, furnishings and equipment Furnishings – approx. $ 14,000

  27. Budget Overview • $ 12,000 UMC in CZE - secured • Remaining $ 22,000 - required • Project partners • Private donors • Sponsors • Churches • Foundations and funds

  28. Would you like to join in?

  29. Our Dream… • We dream of opening the new facilities… • We believe we can make it happen… • We believe that we can manage with your help… • We believe that our society can become a little better thanks to our joint efforts…

  30. Thank you for your attention!We would likeFLCKlubickoto light up your face andspread the joy of good cooperation...

  31. FLCKlubicko Coordinator Mgr. Zuzana Legnerova Director Rev. Radislav Novotny Sladkova 8, 412 01 Litomerice Czech Republic www.umc.cz/skp.klubicko E-mail:skp.klubicko@umc.cz Skype:skp.klubicko

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