1. THM101:Introduction to Tourism Lesson 1: History of Travel & Tourism
Understand the historical development of Tourism
Be able to describe the history of Travel and Tourism
Understand what has influenced the historic development of Tourism
Exam Questions
2. Early Travel History of travel is as old as history of mankind…..
3. Early Travel Early travel originated with appearance of humans ……
4. Travel in the Empire Era Greek Empire….
First LEISURE travelers
Elite class
Travel concentrated on Maritime transport/sea through cargo ships
Greece known to have coined first currency,
that developed travel
Examples of travel of philosophers
like Pythagoras and Plato
5. Travel in the Empire Era Roman Empire……
Known to first PLEASURE travelers
Wealthy travelers
Travel facilitated by an excellent road network developed in empire
Travel through horse relays
Travel of armies
6. Fall of Roman Empire Crusades, chaos and anomie led to fear of life and these times were also termed as Dark Ages
Draw ages saw a remarkable decline in travel
7. Italian Renaissance Resurgence of Italy as the ‘Intellectual Capital of the World’
Italy emerged as an intellectual and historically rich travel destination
8. Grand Tour Era – late 16th Century Travel become status symbol of the elite
Scholars, students and especially barristers traveled to see the historical countries of UK, France, Switzerland, Germany and Italy
Italy was the main destination of tour.
It was believed that a man who has not traveled to Italy has not seen anything and would have an inferiority complex
9. Travel for Trade, religion, education and exploration Faith and beliefs emerged in society coming religion
People traveled to preach or seek religions
Trade, especially in silk route boosted travel
Explorers/ Travelers traveling only for education and curiosity of different people and culture laid their footprints
e.g curiosity chinese scholars like, Hieun Tsang, travelers like Marco Polo Vasco da Gama and Christopher Columbus
10. Industrial Revolution – 18th Century Widespread industrialization led to creation of employment
Employment guaranteed wages/ salary
Stable earnings and savings led to travel
People got holidays around festival season. Led to coining of the work “Holiday” form Holy days
International labor organization cleared the paid holiday in 1939, which further promoted travel
11. Mobility Era 1825 Advent of Railways in Europe
1841 First organized tour by Thomas Cook
1870 Luxury travel introduced by G.M Pullman
1903 Wright Brothers, first flight
1908 Introduction of Automobie. Henry Ford
1936 More passengers on aircrafts
1950 Air travel and cruise ships
12. Definitions of Tourism Mathieson and Wall(1982). Tourism, a temporary movement of people to destinations outside their normal places of work and residence, the activities undertaken during their stay in those destinations, and the facilities created to cater to their needs. Tourism here is considered to be service industry that takes care of visitors when they are away from home
13. Definitions of Tourism Contd. WTO 1993- Tourism comprises the activities of persons traveling to and staying at places outside their usual environment for not more that one consecutive year for leisure, business or other purposes
Composed of man, space and time
14. Components of Tourism Phenomenon Travel Component: This include the travel to a destination from one’s place of origin and return from the destination to the home base/ place of orgin. It is sequential movement from origin to destination and back to origin. Significant travel factors may include the mode of transport, duration of travel and distance traveled. Travel is also understood to be the dynamic element of tourism.
15. Components of Tourism Phenomenon contd. Stay Component: Understood as the static component of tourism, stay is the sojourn at the visited destination. Important in the stay component is the utilization of accommodation at the place visited, the length of stay and the activities engaged in. during the stay.
16. Components of Tourism PhenomenonContd. Consequential Component: This is the resultant impact caused on account of travel and stay at a destination. These consequences or impacts are important for the destination itself and can be both positive and negative. These are broadly categorized into economic, socio cultural and physical impacts as a result to tourism activity
17. Recreation Origination: Derived from the word
To renew
An activity undertaken during Leisure time that provides relaxation
Prefix RE is important
RE new, RE cycle
RE make, RE vitalize, RE juvenate
RE charge, RE fresh
18. Types of Recreation Active Recreation: Physical and mental activity of involvement
Passive Recreation: Relaxing and spectator activity
Institutionalized: Membership of clubs
Non Institutionalized: Spontaneous recreation
Tourism is only one of the many recreation activities.
Eating out, Theater, Sports, Outdoor games, Gambling, Swimming, Shopping
19. Leisure Origination: From French word Leiser or Greek word Licere
To be free
Three Views of Leisure
Leisure is an ANTITHESIS to work. Opposite to work, a break.
Leisure is LEFTOVER of work.what remains after work time
Leisure is an ENTITY in itself. Something I like to do.
20. Leisure can be spillover (Extension) or
Compensation (opposition) to work
An activity performed for its own sake
Refreshment and/ or disengagement
Types of Leisure
The meaning of Leisure is different in different cultures.
21. EXCURSIONISTS: These are also identified as ‘Same Day’ visitors or temporary staying less than twenty-four hours in the country visited, including cruise passengers
TRANSIT TRAVELERS: Passing by traffic en route the final destination. Air Crew etc.
22. Popular Destinations of Early Times Nile
Mount Olympus
Temples of Mediterranean
23. Tourism Origination: Word derived from a Greek word TORNUS meaning wheel. Ancient tool
Depicts the circular movement of people.
Meaning: Movement of Non Residents to any place outside their usual place of work or residence for leisure pleasure or business, not involving the establishment of any remunerated activity (spatial and economic component)
24. Tourism contd. Traveler: Person traveling for any reason at all.
Early Definition: Any person visiting a country other than in which he usually resides, for a period of at least 24 hours (pleasure health, domestic or business reasons). A person who stayed in a foreign country for more than 24 hours and less than six months for any non-immigrant purpose.
25. Tourism contd. 1963 definition: temporary visitors staying 24 hours in the country visited and the purpose of whose journey can be classified under
Leisure (recreation, holiday, health, study and religion sport)
Business- family mission meeting (no earnings only spending)
26. Tourism contd. Political Boundary: is used as the main parameter to distinguish between international and domestic tourist. An international tourist is identified to be one, who crosses national boundaries, while a domestic tourist travels within his own national territory
27. Tourism contd. International Tourist
All international tourists have three actions in common:
They cross international frontiers
They exchange their own currency for foreign
3.They spend time outside their own country and this implies using sone form of accommodation
28. Tourism contd. Domestic Tourist
WTO (1983) describes tourists as ‘any person, regardless of his nationality, resident in a country and whose main purpose of visit is other than following an occupation remunerated from within the place visited.’
Place of residence: Travel by a country’s residents within their country.
Geography setting of travel: travel within the national territory.
Duration of travel: travel for not less than twenty-four hours
29. Possible Exam Question Describe the historical development of Tourism?
Describe the history of Travel and Tourism?
What has influenced the historic development of Tourism?
Components of Tourism (3)