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All about special Days In Y3

All about special Days In Y3. BY:Prabhav. These are the slides…. Sports day swimming gala International day Red nose day Egyptian day Busking day. Sports Day.

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All about special Days In Y3

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Presentation Transcript

  1. All about special Days In Y3 BY:Prabhav

  2. These are the slides….. Sports day swimming gala International day Red nose day Egyptian day Busking day

  3. Sports Day We all did well in sports day. We were very close of losing but we won in the last event. 3M, 3K and 3L were last, 3P were fourth, 3E were third, 3C were second and 3W were the champions!!!!

  4. Swimming gala Every single class did so well in swimming! We did pretty well at swimming. Here are the scores: 3L,3K,3E came last, 3P came fourth, 3C came third, 3M came second and 3W were the champions again!!!

  5. International day All of the school liked international day. There were almost more than 35 countries were in the parade. In international day we wore our own nationality clothes. It was FANTASTIC!!!!!!!!!

  6. Red nose day Red nose day was a silly day!!!!! We wore silly clothes and the clothes the wrong way round. All of the school raised a lot money. It was silly.

  7. Egyptian day Egyptian day was fun!!!!!! We liked Egyptian day, especially the food and activities. All of Year 3 wore awesome Egyptian clothes, especially the teachers.

  8. Busking day In Busking day we dressed up in our own clothes. All of Year 3 to Year 6 had a Job to do but also we raised a lot of money. Busking day was so cool and awesome!!!

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