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Multi-genre Project. List of genres. Advertisement. Should be a print ad Should be for something that the character would use, or would represent something about the character Does not have to be for a tangible item—you could make an ad for a confidence seminar, invisibility cloak, a miracle.
Multi-genre Project List of genres
Advertisement • Should be a print ad • Should be for something that the character would use, or would represent something about the character • Does not have to be for a tangible item—you could make an ad for a confidence seminar, invisibility cloak, a miracle. • Should be 8 ½ X 11 in size and be in color with some text explaining your “product”
Autobiography/Biography • You will need to write at least two-pages of a chapter in one character’s autobiography • Can be at any point in the book • Should be formatted like a chapter—title of the chapter, pages numbers, etc. • Should be 12 point font, Times New Roman, double-spaced
Blog post • You will need to create a blog post for one of your characters. • Should have 3-4 entries that are at least a paragraph each • Can cover any number of topics in the character’s life • Should have “links” and “ads” like most blogs do • Example: http://thenardiellofamily.blogspot.com/
Character sketch • Should be 1 page, minimum, typed, 12 point font, Times New Roman • Should analyze the character • Tell who they are, physically and mentally, and why they are that way • Think: Raisin in the Sun character packet
Contract • Should be typed, 1 page in length • Should be a contract between the character and someone else—themself, another character, God, etc. • Should have at least 8-10 conditions in it
Diary entries/Journals • Should be a half-page each • There should be at least four entries • Can cover any type of events that represent the theme you are covering • Should be written in the voice of the character • Can be informal in nature
Epilogue • An epilogue is the final chapter in a book, or final speech in a play, where the character summarizes the main events of the piece • You will need to write this as if you are speaking as the main character, and discuss something that you may have learned. • Your character could be alive or dead • Should be at least one page in length, typed
Fairy tale • Should be at least 2 pages in length, typed • Should include the characters from your book as characters in your story • You could write this as a paper, or you could create a children’s book
Jingle/TV commercial • This should be for something related to the character or the theme • You will have to perform it, so it will turned in as an audio file, and you will have to turn in a script • Think Chili’s baby back ribs or double-mint gum
List • What kind of list would your character make? Grocery list? Bucket list? List of people to kill? • For each item on your list, you will need some kind of explanation to justify them. • You should have at least 10 items
Monologue • This should be written in the voice of a character from your book • It is meant to reveal thoughts that your character may not have shared in the text of the book • Should be at least one page, typed
Newspaper • Should contain 5 articles—all should relate to actions that occur in the book • You can choose any type of articles, but you should not repeat any • Can be typed, or handwritten and put on posterboard • Templates: https://docs.google.com/templates?type=docs&q=newspaper&sort=user&view=public
Postcard/Greeting Card • Should contain a picture on the front that is from a place of significance in the book • The back should have a handwritten letter from a character in the book to someone else (either a character or someone relevant to them)
Ransom Note • Can be hand-written or typed • Must contain at least 8 demands with explanations • Must explain who the ransomers are and why they want what they want
Schedule • Should be a full day’s worth of activities • Should be complete with times, people they are meeting, places they have to go • Should be activities that are relevant to the character and the actions in the book
Text Messages • Should be at least 10 messages • Can be individual messages, or a text chain • Should be to/between characters of significance in the book
Want Ad • Think Craigslist or Ebay • Should contain a picture of whatever item the character is looking for or getting rid of • Should contain at least a paragraph of information about the item
Advice Column • Can be in letter format • Should be in the voice of the character—either looking for advice on something, or giving advice to someone • Should be on a topic of relevance from the book
Award • Should be given to someone from the book • Must contain the award and a letter of explanation for who is getting the award and why they are receiving it
Campaign Speech • Should be persuasive in nature • Should explain what the character is running for, and why they should be elected, as well as their credentials for the position • You can either give the speech yourself in character, or include the text of the speech as your project
Collage • Should have at least 20 pictures in it • Has to be at least 8 ½ x 11 • Pictures should relate to the character, actions in the story, and/or theme
Conversation • This should be a dialogue between characters in the book • Cannot be a retelling of a conversation already had in the book, but, rather, a conversation that never occurred • What would the character have said if they had the chance? • Should be a page in length, minimum
Directions • This should be a how-to for something important in the book • Should be laid out in an organized way so that someone could follow them • Can contain visuals
Epitaphs • These are sayings that are found on headstones • They are usually funny in nature, and they reveal something about the person who has died • You will need to create a headstone that is reflective of a character from your book, and have your epitaph on it
Fashion articles • You will need to create one page worth of writing for this—it can be one long article, or several shorter ones • The fashion that you choose to cover should relate to the theme that you are addressing for your novel
Horoscope • You will need to complete 5 horoscopes • They can either be for one sign over five days/months, or 5 different signs • You will need to accurately portray your character AND the astrological sign that you choose
Memes • You will have to create 3 memes • Each meme must address your theme and the events of your book • It should be printed, in color, and included in your project
Obituary • Should be a ½ page in length, minimum, and include a picture • Can be for a character or an idea • Must contain birth date, death date, and major life information
Propaganda • This is one-sided information about a topic—think election information that you got in the mail • Can be in the form of a letter, sign, poster, ad, pamphlet, video
Recipe • Must be printed • Can be for an actual food, or for an intangible information • Must contain list of ingredients and directions on how to put the ingredients together
Song • You may choose to write a song that would be featured in the movie version of this book • You must include the lyrics that are either typed, or hand written neatly
Trivia • Must include 10 questions with their answers • Must address important information about the character and/or the story • Should be in the form of cards or an app—not a list of questions on a sheet of paper
Wanted poster • Should be at least 8 ½ x 11 and in color • Can be drawn or printed • Can be for a person or an idea • Should include date person/item went missing, important identifying information about them, and a reward
Application/Resume • You can either create the application for a job that would suite a character, or you can choose to create a resume for a character • Should be printed and in the correct format
Ballad • This is a poem that honors a person or action • Must be at least 25 lines and should have some kind of rhyme scheme • You may choose to set it to music • Must be printed
Cartoon/Comic Strip • Must be original • Can be printed or hand-drawn • Should address the theme that you chose • Should have actual characters and events from your book • Can be funny or political
Definition • You could choose to create a dictionary page, or make a webpage like dictionary.com • Must be for 5 words that have significance in your book • Should include the definition, part of speech, pronunciation, and word origin (this could be made up) • You will be expected to create your own definition, not give the one that you found
Drama/script • Write one scene from the book as if it were going to be a play or you were writing the screenplay • Should be written as a play, with stage directions and character information • Should contain dialogue between characters • Should not be you copying down lines from the book, but you creating the voices of the characters—was there a scene missing from the book that you could create?
Encyclopedia entry • You will need to create an informational entry for an encyclopedia • This does not have to be academic in nature—can be funny, or have to do with modern information • Your entry should be at least a half page and should be formatted like an encyclopedia
Facebook page • Create a facebook page for a character in your book • You must have pictures, and a bio, as well as at least five comments from other characters from your book • You can use this as a resource: http://www.classtools.net/FB/home-page
Interview • Pretend that you are interviewing a character in the book for a particular job • What questions would ask the character? What would you be looking for from them in terms of previous experience? • You should have at least 10 questions prepared with background information about the position
Legend/Mystery/Fable • Write a legend or mystery about a character or event from your story • You may choose to retell an event in an exaggerated way, or create a new story that stems from the end, but it should not be a summary of the book
Magazine • You will need to create a magazine that relates the theme of your book, or represents the character or events in the book • You will need to have at least 5 articles in your magazine
Parody • Create a parody of the book, or part of the book • This can be a chapter, or you could create a movie ad for a parody movie
Questionnaire • Create a questionnaire that would be given either to your character or by your character • Your questions should reflect information about the events in the book • You should have at least 20 questions • Should be typed
Record cover/soundtrack • Create the record cover or soundtrack for the book that you read • You may not copy one that has already been made • You will need to choose songs that reflect the events/mood of the book • Your cover should have a picture that represents the book, and each song should have an explanation of why it is included • There should be at least five songs
Tweets • Create a Twitter account for one of your characters • Should have at least 10 tweets—either from your character, or between your character and their followers • Use this resource: http://www.classtools.net/twister/
Apology • Write an apology letter in the voice of one of the characters in the book • It should include an explanation of their wrong-doings, and a plea for forgiveness with reasons why they deserve it • Should be a page in length
Complaint letter • Write a complaint letter from one character, or to one character • Should be in letter format, and should be a page in length • Should include details about what they are complaining about and a suggested solution to the problem