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Case Management as a tool to Improve the Health and Wellbeing of the Organisation

Case Management as a tool to Improve the Health and Wellbeing of the Organisation. Gerard Marsden Occupational Health and Wellbeing (OHW) Head of Service Jacquie Scott Case Manager. Buckinghamshire Healthcare NHS Trust. Integrated (acute / community) Trust:>5,000

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Case Management as a tool to Improve the Health and Wellbeing of the Organisation

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  1. Case Management as a tool to Improve the Health and Wellbeing of the Organisation Gerard MarsdenOccupational Health and Wellbeing (OHW) Head of Service Jacquie ScottCase Manager

  2. Buckinghamshire Healthcare NHS Trust Integrated (acute / community) Trust:>5,000 staff serving population of 550,000 Two acute hospitals: Wycombe and Stoke Mandeville includes National Spinal Injuries Centre Five community hospitals One Occupational Health & Wellbeing Department

  3. Rationale for change Persistently high levels of Sickness Absence resistant to existing management practice Lack of ownership and fragmented approach Processes going round in circles Detrimental effects on the health and wellbeing of the individual Increased pressure on the wider team, the `domino effect` QIPP agenda Financial cost to the organisation

  4. The Financial Implications...

  5. The Business Case & Role Bid submitted to Charitable Funds June 2010 Improvements in Health and Wellbeing of the staff. Benefits to patient care and recovery Potential for large financial savings Underpin the Trust’s Patient Promises Fundamental to success is the recognition that this is a Trust-wide role which requires significant skills Effective communicator Detailed understanding of how the organisation works Confidence in delivery Able to drive the agenda in a supportive way Competent – able to hit the ground running Commenced in role November 2010

  6. Bradford score information shared monthly Information/Data Case Management action plans Identify individuals score > 300 >1000 Templates & flowcharts distributed Policy refresh Project work streams Health summit meetings monthly Communication Manage change effectively Training sessions 1:1 & group across Divisions Training & support

  7. Sickness Absence Activity Quick response Realistic and informed actions Sickness absence tracker (OHW/HR) Fast track to Counselling - 211 clients 2011/12 Specialist referral clinics Fast track to Physiotherapy - 76 clients 2011/12 Stress Workshops 156 managers Sickness Absence Workshops One to one coaching Health Summits (divisional) Round table discussion Group seminars Home visits Return to work interviews HR / OHW liaison

  8. Case Management Activity2011/2012

  9. Activity in Occupational Health and Wellbeing

  10. Progress by Case Manager

  11. Bradford Factor

  12. Bradford Factor

  13. Bradford Factor

  14. Based on: Mid point band 6 1.00wte 23% on-costs 5 day week Financial Savings to the Trust Three Divisions having reduced lost days over the specified period 1056 Div one 1068 Div two 1279 Div three TOTAL 3403 Days saved TRUST SAVING £473,039.00 2011 - 2012

  15. Engaging staff Making paperwork accessible Changing habits CHALLENGES Showing the benefits Gaining trust

  16. Continue to engage Build resilience Share learning Refine processes Embed feedback and data collection Sustainability The Future

  17. Conclusions • Demonstrable benefits from investment in Case Manager • Valued by Managers and Staff • Endorsed by IIP Assessment for Health and Wellbeing Award: • “There is impressive and extensive support through good Health and Wellbeing practice, e.g. The Case Manager Absence/Sickness” • Sharing Best Practices • NICE Conference, London, March 2012 • SE England Health & Wellbeing Conference, May 2012

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