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Anti Online Bullying

Anti Online Bullying. Issues of Online Behaviour Management. Presentation roadmap. What is online bullying? What can be done? Four steps Two brief case studies Reality check Who do I turn to? Where can I find more info?. What is Online Bullying?. “…repeated, deliberately hurtful..

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Anti Online Bullying

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Presentation Transcript

  1. Anti Online Bullying Issues of Online Behaviour Management

  2. Presentation roadmap • What is online bullying? • What can be done? • Four steps • Two brief case studies • Reality check • Who do I turn to? • Where can I find more info?

  3. What is Online Bullying? • “…repeated, deliberately hurtful.. • physical (hitting, kicking, theft) • verbal (name calling, racist remarks) • indirect (spreading rumours, excluding someone from social groups) “ (NGfL) • Online, the same definitions apply. • physical threats made by online message, chat or discussion board can be delivered in the real world • repeated insults, name-calling, harassment, against which the victim cannot easily defend themselves, may contribute to physical symptoms (stress, sickness, wanting to stay off school/college and so on)

  4. What can be done? Four strand approach Personal Technical Policies Curriculum

  5. Case Study 1 Darkness Angel, Oct 2004 to Aug 2006“I just want to say thanks for all the help for my coursework and that. It’s hard 4 me and I feel stupid sometimes and you give me lots of help and stuff and don’t get cross.”

  6. Case Study 2 ‘I’m not a cowboy’, June, 2005 “hi howz u? just thought I shuld message u. once agen I’m sry about getting u involved I still feel as if I need to cut but not as much, I still cnt talk 2 mrs face 2 face but I’m getting there I stud up to sum1 is well which I havent been able 2 do :P I’m really pleased about that. But now and then I get called names but everythink is going really well thxs 4 all your help I cnt thank u enough !!  I betta go – message bac” ‘I’m not a cowboy’ has been coming to the eMentor team with problems she has experienced around self-harm, inflicted as a result of being bullied at school. She has recently agreed to go and seek the help of her school counsellor, something she had flatly refused at first.

  7. Reality check • Keeping online bullying in perspective • Most students don’t get bullied most of the time • Remember – the advantages of online education outweigh any disadvantages • Often for the very students who are the victims of offline bullying or who are disaffected in school/college in anyway • Most students really enjoy learning and socialising online; most of them want to keep the online learning environment welcoming and friendly

  8. Who do I turn to? • Online staff • School/college staff • LA Children’s Services • The Police • Children’s charities • NSPCC • Childline • Other charities • The Samaritans Dealing with online bullying is a shared responsibility. It is everyone’s responsibility.

  9. Where can I find more info? • Web references www.itsafe.gov.uk www.ceop.gov.uk www.besafeonline.org/English/bullying_online.htm www.virtualglobaltaskforce.com www.iwf.org.uk (Internet Watch Foundation) www.childline.org.uk www.virtual-workspace.com/introduction/parents.html • Publications • Becta: E-safetyDeveloping a whole-school approach to internet safetyRef: BEC1-15327 • Harris, J, A Practical Resource Pack: Online Bullying: Managing Online Behaviour in Schools and Colleges, pub. Lifetime Publishing, 2007

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