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Joint Task Force Bravo Providing Access, Engagement, Multi-Agency Support and Response Capability

Joint Task Force Bravo Providing Access, Engagement, Multi-Agency Support and Response Capability to SOUTHCOM contingencies. Panama, Costa Rica, Nicaragua, El Salvador, Honduras, Belize, Guatemala. Agenda. History of JTF-B Mission Organization Process for DOD Involvement Assets

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Joint Task Force Bravo Providing Access, Engagement, Multi-Agency Support and Response Capability

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  1. Joint Task Force Bravo Providing Access, Engagement, Multi-Agency Support and Response Capability to SOUTHCOM contingencies Panama, Costa Rica, Nicaragua, El Salvador, Honduras, Belize, Guatemala

  2. Agenda • History of JTF-B • Mission • Organization • Process for DOD Involvement • Assets • Recent Events • DENTON Program

  3. Haiti Earthquake and Agatha HA/DR MSN Guatemala History of JTF-B in Honduras Flood Relief (Honduras, Costa Rica, Panama) Peru Earthquake, Hurricanes Dean and Felix. TS Noel Costa Rica/Earthquake El Salvador, Mudslide Hurricane Stan (Guatemala) Regional Training Initiative Central Champs Revised Panama Closure Hurricane Mitch Operation Central Skies Central Champs Revised Conduct/support US military & interagency operations / training in theater and perform Humanitarian Civic Assistance Redesignated JTF-Bravo Central Champs Developed Transition to Humanitarian Civic Assistance Operations JTF-Alpha Established Palmerola AB Constructed Deter aggression 1982 1983 1984 1998 1999 2002 2004 2005 2007 1996 2008 2009 2010 1992-1994

  4. JTF-Bravo Mission When requested by a Partner Nation and/ or directed by USSOUTHCOM; JTF-Bravo conducts Joint, Combined and Interagency Operations, and supports Contingency Operations throughout the assigned geographical area in order to enhance theater-wide Operational Securityand reinforceRegional Cooperation.

  5. Task Organization Command & Control Relationships JIATF-S SOUTHCOM (CNT TACON) C2 (OPCON) JTF-B CMD CDR – Col Reilly DCO – Lt Col Bement CSM – CSM Groninger AFSOUTH ARSOUTH Coordination Coordination ASA COL Clausen CSM Crooks Staff ADCON ADCON JSF Maj Meier MSgt Diaz 612th ABS LtCol Cade CMSgt Schwenk 1-228th LTC Kanicki CSM DeAnda MEDEL LTC Hoilien 1SG Rich ARFOR LTC Gendreau CSM Thomas 52 189 53 142 107

  6. Ifreq’d, HN requestsassistancefrominternationalcommunity (othernations, NGOs, IOs, regional response mechanisms, etc.) Host Nation (HN) Responds COM issues disaster declaration cable Joint Staff tasks SOUTHCOM (CJCS EXORD) Disaster Occurs USAID/OFDA Responds as Lead Federal Agency SOUTHCOM responds in support of USAID/OFDA Processfor DOD Involvement Exception: JTF-B can respond immediately to save lives if assets on hand (for only 72 hrs) For USG response, US Chief of Mission (COM) validates emergency If req’d,DOS requests DOD assistance and may provide $$$ (EXECSEC request) • HN overwhelmed • HN request/willaccept USG aid • In interest of USG DOD approves HA/DR

  7. Assets Medical Forces Mobile Surgical Team Preventive Med Team Clinical Staff Pharmacy Dental TRICARE Key Facilities Key Equipment 1 x Surgeon 1 x Nurse Anesthetist 2 x OR Nurses 1 x Surgical Technician Deployable Resources 1 x Env Science Officer  6 x Prev Med technicians 2 x Vet techs 2 x Physicians 4 x Ambulatory care nurses 9 x Medics 1 x Pharmacist 1 x Pharmacy tech 1 x Dentist 1 x Dental tech 1 x FSN Tricare technician 1 x Operating Room 1 x Emergency Room 1 x Hospital ward with overnight capacity for 4 patients 7 x Ambulances 4 x Respirators 1 x Portable x-ray machine 1 x Blood bank: 25-35 units on hand 1 x  ISTAT blood analyzer

  8. Assets Army Aviation 8 x UH-60L Utility Helicopters 2 x UH-60A Utility Helicopters 11 passengers/aircraft 2.5 hour mission radius 5,000 lb external lift capability 4 x CH-47 Cargo Helicopters 31 passengers/aircraft 2.75 hour mission radius 18,000 lb lift capability 4 x 2,000 gal aerial fire-fighting buckets 4 x UH-60L MEDEVAC Helicopters 4 patients/aircraft 2.5 hour mission radius

  9. Operational Reach CH-47 UH-60 MHSC

  10. 2007 Hurricane Felix Response • Timeline • CAT 5 Hurricane strikes Central America • Government of Nicaragua and U.S. Ambassador issue disaster declarations • JTF-B deploys 25-person team including Assessment Team (approx. 26 hours after disaster declaration) • JTF-B deploys additional airlift and communication assets to Puerto Cabezas JTF-Bravo transported 118 Tons of relief supplies and flew 124.5 hours over 11 days • Capabilities Provided • Assessment team: Engineering, Search and Rescue, Civil Military Operations • Airlift (2 CH-47s, 2 UH-60s): Transport of assessment personnel, patients, relief supplies • Air Traffic Control Liaison - translation • Public Affairs: On-scene reporting of operations

  11. Water Purification Mission Ajuterique, Comayagua Nov 08

  12. 2008 Flood Relief in Panama and Costa Rica Heavy Rains in November caused flooding • Embassy Disaster Declaration • JTF-Bravo deploys 68-person team and seven helicopters • Worked with MILGRPs, Country Team, Host Nation Emergency Response Organizations based in five locations JTF-Bravo rescued 17 personnel and delivered 314,000 lbs of supplies on 95 Missions and over 220 flight hours flown

  13. Panama Nov 08

  14. 2009 Earthquake Relief in Costa Rica • 6.2-magnitude earthquake in January • Embassy Disaster Declaration • JTF-Bravo deploys 34 person team and four helicopters • Worked with MILGRPs, Country Team, Costa Rica Emergency Response Organization based in two locations JTF-Bravo evacuated 90 people, transported 154 rescue workers and flew 46 hours over 3 days

  15. Mudslide Relief Mission in Verapaz, El Salvador, 2009. 4417 patients treated and delivered more than 400,000 lbs of supplies

  16. Haiti 2010 First U.S. Surgical Team on the ground. More than 4200 patients treated.

  17. JTF-Bravo (-) JTF Talon HA/DR Mission in Haiti 16 March – 24 May 2010

  18. CENTAM AOR Recent/Future Ops GTM MEDCAP 21-25 Sep Deliberate CNT Op 29 May, 2 Sep ATOI Interdiction 21 Jul New Horizons Haiti CENTAM SMOKE 24-26 Aug 17 Jan -24 May Haiti HA/DR Ops Mosquitia MEDCAP 10-13 Aug Urology, Pediatrics, Hand Surgery MEDRETEs Jul, Sep 10 GTM HA/DR Ops Hurricane Agatha and Pacaya Volcano 1-7 Jun PR SMEE 30 Aug-1 Sep NIC Continuing Promise 10 15-24 Sep Air Move Support 23-26 Aug 10 El Sal MEDCAP New Horizons 8-10 Sep DV Support CNT Operations Med Operations Beyond the Horizon SC Operations Training/SMEE

  19. DENTON Program • The DENTON Program is a commodities transportation program authorized under Title 10 U.S.C. Section 402. The U.S. Agency for International Development (USAID), the Department of Defense (DOD) jointly administer the program. The program provides the authority for DOD to use any extra space on U.S. military cargo aircraft to transport humanitarian assistance materials donated by NGOs, IGOs and private voluntary organizations for humanitarian relief. • Since the program is a space available, it is impossible to predict when transportation will be provided; therefore, no garantees can be made regarding completion of a donated humanitarian goods shipment. • http://www.usaid.gov/our_work/cross-cutting_programs/private_voluntary_cooperation/denton.html • Mr.Bryan Hicks is the USAID POC at: denton@usaid.gov or rohicks@usaid.gov

  20. Summary • The U.S., Latin America and the Caribbean share common interests • JTF-Bravo is the U.S. military’s agile response capability in Central America • JTF-Bravo is here in complete partnership and cooperation with our Central American Partners

  21. Contacts:MAJ Jorge L. Cintron, Director J9e-mail: jorge.cintron@jtfb.southcom.milCIV Iris Medina. Liaisone-mail: iris.medina.hn@jtfb.southcom.mil Phone (504) 234-4634 Ext. 4124/51 Fax. 4692Webpage http://www.jtfb.southcom.mil/http://www.jtfb.southcom.mil/enespanol/

  22. Questions?

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