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Five Colleges of Ohio Integrating Information Literacy into the Liberal Arts Curriculum

Five Colleges of Ohio Integrating Information Literacy into the Liberal Arts Curriculum. A Grant Funded by the Andrew W. Mellon Foundation. Ray English, Project Director Director of Libraries Oberlin College Phone 440-775-8287 Email: ray.english@oberlin.edu. Information Literacy. Understand:

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Five Colleges of Ohio Integrating Information Literacy into the Liberal Arts Curriculum

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  1. Five Colleges of OhioIntegrating Information Literacy into the Liberal Arts Curriculum A Grant Funded by the Andrew W. Mellon Foundation

  2. Ray English, Project DirectorDirector of LibrariesOberlin CollegePhone 440-775-8287Email: ray.english@oberlin.edu

  3. Information Literacy Understand: Information environment How to access information How to evaluate information critically How to use information appropriately

  4. Reasons for the Project Radically changed information environment Explosion of information resources Increased complexity Students face significant problems in information research Higher skill levels needed Requires active learning in curricular context

  5. Goal of the Grant Increase integration of information literacy into the curriculum Faculty - librarian collaboration Curriculum development projects Emphasis on course sequence for the major

  6. Four Components

  7. #1Curriculum Development for Faculty Curriculum development grants Stipends Course release Importance of incentives

  8. Curriculum development guidelines Faculty - librarian collaboration Major course sequence URL: http://www.denison.edu/ohio5/grant/development/devguide.htm

  9. #2Professional Development for Librarians Released time for: Creation of information literacy materials Consortial meetings Time to collaborate with faculty on course project Symposia and workshops for instruction librarians Training institutes

  10. #3Consortial Development of Resource Materials Consortial website, information about: Information literacy Grant Disciplinary resources Pedagogical information URL: http://www.denison.edu/ohio5/grant/

  11. #4Faculty-Librarian Workshops Share information on completed projects Demonstrate effective approaches to teaching information literacy Encourage further curriculum development and collaboration

  12. Grant Administration Steering committee Information literacy committee Campus committees

  13. Progress so far: Significant curricular change 44 projects funded to date Several take comprehensive disciplinary approach URL: http://www.denison.edu/ohio5/grant/development/proposals.htm

  14. Concerns: Demands on librarians Consortial website slow to develop Need more comprehensive proposals

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