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AMERICAN UNIVERSITY IN BULGARIA. Student Government 2007-2008. ALL-STUDENT ASSEMBLY. Welcome. Our Goals 1. To encourage more students to attend the All Student Assembly and SG meetings, both fora giving AUBG students a possibility to be directly involved in the work of the SG.
Our Goals 1. To encourage more students to attend the All Student Assembly and SG meetings, both fora giving AUBG students a possibility to be directly involved in the work of the SG. 2. To ensure greater availability of open communication between the students and the SG, as a step of increasing the awareness of the importance and work of the SG. 3. To promote the SG budget to be spent for innovative projects of the student clubs and encourage more applications for the Student Life Improvement Fund. 4. To actively participate in the decision making process at all levels in AUBG as a representative of the student body, in order to follow the process and inform the students about important decisions in accurate and timely manner. 5. To promptly address issues of academic and everyday life concerns of students and try to prevent problems rather than solve them. 6. To build closer ties with other American Universities and their Student Governments.
Guidelines for the Student Representative Selection Committee (SRSC) • The Student Representative Selection Committee (SRSC) has an advisory role to the Vice Chair of the Student Government for his nomination of Student Representatives to University Committees in front of the Senate. • The Student Representative Selection Committee will evaluate and propose to the senate the recall of the Student Representatives to the University Committees, who fail to comply with the Guidelines for Student Representatives to AUBG Committees.
The Guidelines for Student Representatives to AUBG Committees will be prepared by SRSC and approved by the Senate. • The Vice Chair of the Student Government Senate or the Vice Chair of the Student Representative Selection Committee will chair the Committee. The Vice Chair of the Committee is elected by simple majority vote at the first meeting of the Committee. • The SRSC shall meet when needed.
Every Enrolled Student at AUBG is eligible to apply for a position of a Student Representative to a University Committee. • The Student Representative Nominee is decided by a majority vote, each member of the Committee giving his preferences from the highest to the lowest. The person with highest priority gets the most number of points (equal to the number of candidates), the second one point less, and so on. The person with the highest number of total points from all members of the SRSC is the one elected. When there is even number of points, the Chair of SRSC shall vote in order to break the tie.
If the candidate with the most votes fails to get elected, then the second candidate with most votes automatically becomes the next nomination, and so on. If the senate approves none of the candidates, then the procedure is redone from the beginning. • The members of the SRSC will interview all Candidates for a position. The Committee shall try to give at least 5 days notice prior to the interview, in order for the Candidates to turn in their applications. When doing so, the Committee shall give proper description of the Committee the candidates are to apply for. Upon making a decision, all applicants will be notified of the results of the vote.
The application shall consist of the following: • Field of study • Class Standing • Previous Experience • Letter of Intent • Candidates will be evaluated on the basis of their: • Communication Skills and Interview Impression • Expertise in the Field • Previous Experience
The Student Representatives to University Committees shall make every effort to inform in advance the Vice-President of the Student Government about any important issues, to be discussed in their Committees. • The Student Representatives to University Committees will be obliged to send to the Vice President of the Student Government a report after each Committee meeting that includes: • the official Committee minutes • the Student Representative’s comments up to 24 hours after receiving the official minutes. • The Vice President of the Student Government will be responsible for evaluating the work of each Representative, using the Guidelines for Student Representatives to AUBG Committees.
Rules and Guidelines of The AUBG Student Government for Club Recognition and Funding • All AUBG clubs, existing and new, need to apply for recognition. Clubs will be recognized for only one Academic year. • Application for club recognition can be submitted on a rolling basis. • Each application should include the following documents: • Application form • Constitution • Names, signatures, and email of the members (at least 15) • In order to receive funding from the Sports’ Office, clubs need to be recognized by the Student Government. The application package shall be submitted to the Student Government (henceforth SG). The Budgetary Committee (henceforth BC) will collect and review applications according to its club funding guidelines.
Guidelines for the Recognized Clubs: • Each club shall invite a SG officer to attend their meeting at least once per semester. • Upon request a club should present to the SG the following documents: • A list of activities; • An up to date inventory list; • Amendment to the club constitution (if any); • An up to date list of officers and members. The BC will evaluate each clubs performance according to the information provided and in accordance with its own regulations.
GUIDELINES FOR THE ALLOCATION OF FUNDS BY THE BUDGETARY COMMITTEE 1. Budgetary Committee provides 2 types of funding: Basic Funding Available for recognized clubs only. Reserved for basic promotion (posters, flyers, etc) and operational activities of the club. Premium Funding Available exclusively for events, which would benefit a large number of a student body. Events should meet the following criteria: • Include international and/or local guests. • Enhance diversity, knowledge and develop skills. • Promote AUBG. Premium funding could be allocated for promotional materials (such as t-shirts, mugs), food and beverage (not more than 30% of total budget allocated to the event), travel expenses, and accommodation. Premium funding is reserved for events with outside sponsors. For Premium Funding requests an officer of the club or a member of the Organizational Committee of the specific event should be present at the BC and/or SG meeting, provide information for the event organized and answer questions. 2.All Clubs must apply to the BC for funding. Through no other channels will SG funds be allocated to clubs. 3. The budget proposals should be presented on an item by item basis and the relevance of each item should be explained. 4. The BC reserves the right to partially fund selected items. 5. The BC does not sponsor per diem costs 6. Priority will be given to the clubs who demonstrate ability and willingness to find funding from other sources. 7. Priority will be given to the clubs who enhance student life. 8. Priority will be given to the clubs whose activities involve a big number of students and they benefit a large portion of AUBG university community. 9. The BC reserves the right to set deadlines for a club to spend the allocated money. 10. The BC does not fund sport activities,unless they satisfy the Premium Funding guidelines. 11. SG allocated funds may benefit AUBG students only.