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Explore the rich history of the Abbasid Empire from its political structure and economic prosperity to its religious influences, societal dynamics, intellectual achievements, and artistic contributions. Witness the rise of a golden age, the impact of the Crusades, and the eventual decline of this once glorious empire.
The Abbasid Empire 750-1258
Political • Killed all of the Umayyad except for one who fled to Spain (furthest extent because of Battle of Tours in 732) • Capital was Baghdad ( bigger than Constantinople in size and wealth) and means the “city of peace” • Bureaucratic and allowed non -Arabs elite positions • Mameluks- Egyptian slave mercenaries for army
Economic • Used many slaves from Africa and from within the Empire • The slaves were largely used as domestics • Farmed sugar cane, herbs, fruits, veggies a lot of irrigation, herding and made dyes for cotton • Artisans made furniture, carpets, glassware, tapestries, swords, steel and cloth; • Merchants had extensive trade contacts both land and overseas; collaborated with the Christians and Jews, had contacts with the Indians, Chinese and South East Asians (port of Malacca), used Monsoon winds to trade throughout Indian Ocean; sold goods from Asia, Africa, and Europe (became know as the Middlemen) • Created the concept of the check as form of payment
Religion • Many new converts- egalitarianism, trade, war • Much wealth from merchants went to charity (Zakat), continued to tax non-believers • Sufi missionaries helped to spread the faith as far as Southeast Asia They sing: Allah, Allah, Allah Allah ya Mawlana Allah, Allah, Allah Bifadlika Kuli
The Crusades • The Crusades were a religious conflict (1095-1250s) over holy land of Palestine when the Seljuk Turks invade and take Jerusalem from Byzantine control • The Muslims won the Crusades because of the forces of Saladin
Society Farmers/Peasants Slaves Ruling Class Landlords Merchants • Very diverse society ethnically as well as different levels • Upper class women were veiled – practice was adopted from Persian and Byzantine cultures and women lost rights as time went on; wealthy men had as many as 4 wives and several concubines and these women were kept in a certain part of the household ( harem) • Slaves wouldn’t become free if they converted, but their children would (in addition to Africa, many slaves came from Spain, Greece, India and Central Asia)
Intellectual- Golden Age 800-1000’s • Greatest achievements in Cordoba Caliphate- Preserved Greco-Roman culture; translated the philosophers not of the ancient Mediterranean but also Persia and India; -Philosopher- Averroes (AKA Ibn Rushd) • Dhows with lateen sails were used to help facilitate trade – IOTN • Spread use of Arabic numerals (really were from INDIA, though!) • Algebra, astronomy, heliocentric view of universe circumference of Earth, navigational tools • Hospitals, emergency Rooms, medical encyclopedias, cataract surgery… • This knowledge would be passed on to western Europe as a result of the Crusades … “History’s most successful failure”
Arts • Depiction of humans /animals in art was forbidden in the Koran • ARABESQUE- Geometric shapes in religious art on mosques and palaces • Minarets on mosques • Quran was often written out in calligraphy as a form of art • Literature: One Thousand and One Nights
Decline • Corrupt officials/leaders in later dynasty • Began to lose territory in the late 900s to the Persian army and independent dynasties ruled in Egypt (Mameluks) and Spain • In 1055, Seljuk Turks would move into Baghdad and keep caliph in place as a puppet ruler • The Ulama grew very suspicious of non-Islamic teachings- stifled creative thinking- • Mongols (nomads from Asia) would move into Baghdad and destroy Baghdad , ending dynasty in 1258 A power void would be left in the Islamic world; • Tamerlane would control Northern India and Ottoman Turks will come to rule much of the Middle East in the 1300s “Death by 100 Hooves…”