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California Update. Overview of events since last seminarInspection ProgramPost San Bruno Gas ExplosionEmergency Responder and Pipeline Operator Communication InitiativesNASFM
California Update
May 26, 2011
Bob Gorham
Division Chief
Office of the State Fire Marshal
2. California Update Overview of events since last seminar
Inspection Program
Post San Bruno Gas Explosion
Emergency Responder and Pipeline Operator Communication Initiatives
NASFM Pipeline Emergencies
Information Bulletins
3. Inspection Program Statistics
Intrastate Operators: 46
Interstate Operators: 9
Pipeline facilities: 349
Breakout tanks: 712
Mileage of intrastate pls: 4521
Mileage of Interstate pls: 1188
Inspection Units: 137
Probable violations issued in 2010: 32
Number of state inspectors: 6
Number of operators inspected: 37 or 56%
Civil penalties assessed and collected: $10,000
4. Events of the past 3 years State budget picture bleak whats new!
Pipeline fund remains healthy
Due to 2007 fee increase and large increase in federal grant monies
Ability to spend it severely limited
Hiring difficulties remain
Navigating governor executive orders makes for challenging times
Exemptions needed for vehicles, cell phones, travel, this seminar
Bakersfield office opened Jan 2011.
5. Industry Performance
6. Inspection & Enforcement Emphasis With only 6 inspectors statewide, your chances of being audited are low
It is your responsibility to ensure you are in compliance.
We have inspected your facilities numerous times over the previous 25 years.
I dont expect our staffing issues to be solved anytime in the foreseeable future.
Perhaps a new exam in 2012.
We expect you to self audit and not relapse into past violations
I have instructed my inspectors to document each violation, no grace period, more emphasis on civil penalties.
Standard inspection audits will be scheduled on a risk-based approach - leak history, non-compliance history, years since last audit to name a few.
Utilize inspection forms found on PHMSA website link
Expect a standard inspection at least once every 3 years.
7. Inspection Program Types of inspections
Standard (Comprehensive)
usually a week to conduct per inspection unit
frequency 2-5 years -depending risk-based factors such as leak history, compliance history, time elapsed since last inspection, etc.
Team Reviews PHMSA lead (time savers)
Integrity Management
Public Awareness
Control Room
Integrated Inspection (II?)
8. Inspection Program Types of inspections -continued
A top inspection priority as is the only time pipeline is visible except for excavation work or leak repair
While notification to SFM of construction is not required until hydro test, notification to SFM of construction is beneficial to operator local permitting agencies and citizen activists often contact SFM. We need a heads-up to ease concerns and run interference for the operator. Looks bad if we arent aware of or inspecting project.
9. Inspection Program Types of inspections -continued
Operator Qualification
Integrity Inspection follow-ups
Smart pig results
Anomaly digs Immediate
Drug & alcohol
Breakout Tanks
10. San Bruno Gas Explosion Communication initiative
Inquiries from public agencies and fire departments flooded the SFM phone lines
Fire departments knew the State Fire Marshal had mapping information on hazardous liquid lines and were asking where to get information on the natural gas lines.
We referred them to the PHMSA National Pipeline Mapping System website. Which soon crashed as every government agency in the country tried to access it.
11. San Bruno Gas Explosion Communication initiative A few weeks after the incident, the focus of the inquiries turned to the location of and the safety record of the hazardous liquid pipelines.
These calls caused some concern in our office as we knew that California has a law in place since 1988 requiring hazardous liquid pipeline owners to provide maps and contingency plans to local fire departments on an annual basis.
I met with several fire departments to see what they knew or thought they knew about the hazardous liquid pipelines in their jurisdiction and if the operators had provided this information to them.
12. San Bruno Gas Explosion Communication initiative FINDINGS
FDs had received the mapping information at one point another.
FDs had outdated maps and old contact lists. Periodic updates did not keep up with company pipeline sales, name changes or mergers.
Despite this, they seemed confident that they were resourceful enough to eventually track down the responsible party.
Information received through meetings with pipeline operators were not well distributed within the fire department organization.
Large and small fire departments have different resources and needs. (High Tech/ Low Tech). Some use paper maps, others have online access to the internet.
13. San Bruno Gas Explosion Communication initiative The SFM is pursuing an initiative to provide a secure internet-based website hosted by a state agency such as the California Emergency Management Agency (Cal EMA)
This site would host both hazardous liquid and natural gas pipeline mapping and emergency contact information.
This secure website would be accessible only to government agencies.
SFM would be responsible to keep operator hazardous liquid data and maps current. We already collect this information from the hazardous liquid pipeline operators.
The State Fire Marshal is consulting with the Pipeline Safety Advisory Committee to determine feasibility.
14. National Association of State Fire MarshalsPipeline Emergencies Second Edition
Pipeline Emergencies offers a comprehensive emergency response training program designed to teach emergency responders and pipeline industry personnel to safely respond to pipeline incidents.
PHMSA is encouraging pipeline operators to incorporate a clear reference to Pipeline Emergencies into their public awareness programs and their ongoing liaison activities with local emergency responders.
15. National Association of State Fire MarshalsPipeline Emergencies Second Edition The second edition offers several improvements over the first edition, including a completely electronic format with embedded videos and new material on highly volatile liquid and ethanol emergencies. All revisions, as well as the original program, were developed with input from the fire service, the pipeline industry, and PHMSA.
The electronic edition of Pipeline Emergencies is available free of charge on the internet at http://www.pipelineemergencies.com. Users must create an account to access the curriculum, however, registration is simple, free, and users have unlimited access to it after registering. Pipeline Emergencies can be printed directly from the website, but it cannot be downloaded.
16. National Association of State Fire MarshalsPipeline Emergencies Second Edition NASFM intends to offer pipeline operators the ability to have Pipeline Emergencies customized/branded with company-specific information such as logos and contact information. Branded versions of Pipeline Emergencies may also be purchased as a full-color textbook (with a minimum order of 400) or as DVDs for dissemination.
NASFM will also offer customized websites to pipeline operators on a subscription basis so operators can direct emergency responders to their custom edition of Pipeline Emergencies. The textbook itself and information contained in it cannot be altered, but the cover and initial pages can branded for a specific company. A customized website would be a fully functioning electronic version of the Pipeline Emergencies materials, including scenarios and videos. These customized websites could be placed on existing company/association web pages so that emergency responders along rights of way could be directed to it for education. In addition, customized websites would allow operators to collect basic information on each user such as name and contact information as well as generalized information such as most frequently visited pages and time spent on the pages.
17. National Association of State Fire MarshalsPipeline Emergencies Second Edition An Instructor Guide will soon be available for qualified instructors. NASFM will also offer face-to-face training for fire departments on Pipeline Emergencies as well as eight-hour train-the-trainer sessions for emergency response instructors. These live training opportunities will be offered at a cost to cover trainer fees and related expenses.
18. Emergency Responder Communications
Now is a great opportunity to reconnect with the fire departments along your pipeline rights-of-way. They have your attention and have now realized the need to stay on top of this issue.
19. Information Bulletins Active out of service abandoned
Must notify SFM in writing
Timely dont wait until annual questionnaire
Pipeline Easement restrictions
Trees Trees Trees
Available at CALFIRE Website:
20. Living Legends Dodger Broadcaster
For 61+ years
21. Living Legends Willie Mays 80 years old
22. Living Legends Emmett Cooper
Pipelining for 60 years
Including the last 23 years of public service with SFM
and still counting!
Hey! I thought he retired in 2009
23. Gathering Line Defined
24. Questions?
Contact information:
Bob Gorham, Division Chief
Email: bob.gorham@fire.ca.gov
Office phone: 562-497-9102