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2. Step by step in detail. Where this presentation fits in. Induction PresentationsIntroduction to the T
1. Orthopaedic Curriculum & Assessment Project David Pitts Mike Reed
Raj Bhattacharya Andrew Lamb
2. Step by step in detail
2. 2. Step by step in detail Where this presentation fits in Induction Presentations
Introduction to the T&O curriculum
Using the e-logbook
Using PBA’s
Already available at www.ocap.org.uk in “induction presentations” “OCAP Online” Presentations
Introduction (overview)
Brief review of all elements of online curriculum tools
Step-by-step introduction
Online PBA
Using other assessments online
Producing Trainer profiles online
How to build a profile from trainee data or from scratch and share that profile with others
3. In this presentation How to create/set up:
A placement/attachment
A trainer’s account
A trainer’s profile
A learning agreement
Your own (trainee) profile
How to use
Other assessment tools
5. Sign in to the elogbook using usual user name and password 2. Step by step in detail
6. Click on “Training” link 2. Step by step in detail
7. 3 “Guides” to get you started
8. Setting up a hospital placement / attachment
9. Click on the link “Set up a Hospital Attachment” to start the set up for your current post.
10. 1. Name your placement(use a name that will allow you to identify the placement easily)
11. 2. Choose your specialty from the drop down menu.
12. 3. Select hospital: (Start typing the name of the hospital in the box and it should appear)
13. 4.Select start date of placement5.Select end date of placement6.Select year of training
14. 7. Identify your trainer. Trainer may already be on database.
If not then create trainer’s account (see later)
15. 8. When Trainer account has been created, you may add this as your current attachment
16. Creating a Trainer’s Account (should not be necessary but just in case)
17. 1. create your trainer’s account by clicking on the link
18. You should then see this screen
19. 2. Select Trainer’s specialty from drop down menu.
20. 5. When Trainer account is created, you may add this as your current attachment
21. It should eventually look like this when you access it again
22. Using other OCAP online functions Create a learning agreement
Create trainer’s profile
Create your own (trainee) profile
23. Most actions in OCAP online can be accessed from the “current attachment” menu
24. The checklists help you to use the various elements of the online curriculum as you proceed through your placement
25. Creating an initial Learning Agreement
26. 1. Click on the first box “Review the checklist” to proceed to the placement documentation
27. 2.Use the link to go to the Learning Agreement Form
28. 3. Open the appropriate learning agreement document by clicking on the relevant meeting icon ..
29. 4. Edit the meeting information as required With trainer present, or
On paper and transfer it later if required
30. 5.Send the form to the trainer if they are not present
31. The completed form can be viewed online
32. Creating the Trainer’s profileNote: Most Trainers already have profiles, this section applies only if they do not, you don’t have to create a new trainer profile for every trainer
33. The trainer’s profile has two elements A mini CV
A Procedures (applied clinical skills) profile
Created from the curriculum template, or
Created from trainee logbook data
34. Creating a trainer mini CV based on the Curriculum template
35. Log in as usual
36. Go to Training Area and select “add a mini CV”
37. Or choose from the list
38. Your blank mini CV template will open, click here to edit
39. Cut and paste from your existing (MSWord)CV or type in the details
40. Close to finish
41. You can publish it straightaway by clicking here
42. Or make further changes by clicking “view/edit” and then hitting the publish button
43. Your mini CV may now be viewed by your trainees 2. Step by step in detail
44. You may add several CVs but only one at a time may be published and therefore viewed by your trainees 2. Step by step in detail
45. Creating a trainer skills profile from the curriculum template( for the first time trainer who has no trainee logbook data to build on)
46. Choose the link below 2. Step by step in detail
47. Click on “add profile”
48. Type in a name to identify the profile (no restrictions)
49. Click on headings (+) to reach the level you want
50. They appear at the bottom of the screenYou can click “remove” to get rid of those you don’t want
51. “Update” adds the finished product to your list of profiles
52. “Publish” lets your trainees see it
53. Creating a trainer skills profile based on trainees’ logbook data
54. Choose the link below
55. Or select from the list
57. 1. Adding all the elements and removing those you don’t want
59. Click on the “update” button to save your choice
60. 2. Adding only the elements you want
62. Click on the “update” button to save your choice
63. Publish your profile to make it visible to your trainees
64. Creating a Trainee Profile
65. Every trainee has a knowledge and procedures profile of their own. This is intended to provide an ongoing personal record of achievement against curriculum targets.At present this profile is still evolving, we hope to make it more user friendly in the future. At present (September 09) trainees should be guided by their programme director as to whether they should keep this record online or use the previous paper based system.
66. To access the trainee profile click “Training” and then “current attachment”
67. Click “my profile”
68. This screen shows progress to date
69. Move through the levels to find the element you want to change
70. Add a reflective note to justify the change (maybe reading, a course, conversation with trainer…). This note is automatically transferred to your journal
71. Save the changes, and close if you’re finished
72. The note automatically appears in your journal
73. It is our intention that eventually, courses and other events will be able to map automatically and update your curriculum in a much easier way
75. Completing a Procedure Based Assessment record in OCAP Online
76. Online PBA’s
77. Three options Complete the assessment records online with your trainer present
Complete the records on paper then transfer online
Keep everything on paper (possible but not recommended)
78. Overview of process Before you start
Trainer has a logbook account (even if rarely used)
Trainee sets up (at the start of training) own logbook account
Trainee registers the trainer in their logbook through “hospital attachment management”
Conduct assessment as usual in O.R. After the procedure trainer reviews performance with trainee
Complete online immediately (if you have an available web connected PC handy)
Complete on paper, both sign, trainee transfers results to logbook and trainer validates them
79. Register your trainer
80. There are 3 ways of accessing online PBA’s
81. Through the main training page
82. Through the workplace based assessments link
83. Through the Assessment link on the OCAP checklists page
84. Whichever route you choose…
85. …the procedure is then the same
86. Select your trainer and procedure
87. Mark the radio buttons as in paper versionadd comments where relevant
88. Trainee completes the reflective section at the end
89. Journal accessed through “current attachment”
90. If the trainer is present validate immediately
91. Trainer receives an email
92. The trainer reviews everything on the assessment
93. Chooses to validate it as accurate or amend it as required
94. Validation “locks” the record, it cannot then be altered
95. The PBA assessments are automatically transferred to the summary sheet
96. The summary sheet shows the results from all completed assessments
97. Other Assessment Tools
98. DOPS, Mini-CEX, CBD, TAB, Mini-PAT
99. Three options Complete the assessment records online with your trainer present
Complete the records on paper then transfer online
Keep everything on paper (possible but not recommended)
100. Overview of process Prerequisites
Trainer has a logbook account (even if rarely used)
Trainee sets up (at the start of training) own logbook account
Trainee registers the trainer through “hospital attachment management”
Conduct “procedure” as usual in clinical setting After the “procedure” trainer reviews performance with trainee
Complete online immediately (if you have an available web connected PC handy)
Complete on paper, trainee transfers results to logbook and trainer validates them
101. Identify your trainer
102. Complete the online assessment through trainee’s logbook pages
103. Select relevant assessment tab
104. DOPS, Mini Cex and CBD work in much the same way
105. Select your assessor
106. Decide how the form will be filled in Fill in the form now
If your assessor is with you
If the paper form is already complete and you’re just making the online version
Send the form to your assessor
If they are going to complete it for you in your absence
E.g. mini-pat
107. Select the “procedure” from the drop-down list
108. Fill in the usual radio buttons
109. Validate it (locking the form) if the assessor is present
110. Validation locks the form
111. Details from the form are transferred to the trainee’s record
112. And to a printable summary sheet
113. Print a paper copy using your browser’s “print” function if you wish
114. If you send the form to be completed by your assessor
115. They receive an email
116. Exactly the same form
117. Completing the online forms should be intuitive
118. Validated in the same way
119. Mini-PAT and TAB are a bit different(and you may use one or the other depending on which deanery you’re in)
120. Select the assessment
121. Select assessor and form completion method in same way as Dops
122. Use radio buttons and comments in the usual way
123. When “external assessor” gets to the end of the form they hit “update”
124. This gives the opportunity to review the whole form easily
125. The results appear on the trainee’s summary sheet
126. Finally……….. This Online version is still in the process of development.
All users will be informed as and when the program is updated and more guidance will be issued accordingly.