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Kick-Off Meeting: AWAKE Technical Board 9 April 2014. Agenda. Introduction Mandate List of milestones and issues of different tasks and work-packages Planning Summary. Motivation. Technical Board. Physics and Experiment Board.
Agenda Introduction Mandate List of milestones and issues of different tasks and work-packages Planning Summary E. Gschwendtner, 9 April 2014
Motivation Technical Board Physics and Experiment Board • Based on the experience in the last months (since the AWAKE experiment got approved), there is an urgent need to restructure and better organize the AWAKE collaboration in order be more efficient to meet the experimental goal of having first proton beam to the plasma cell in 2016 and electron acceleration in 2017. • Too many parallel issues/contacts • Lack of information distribution • Integration of the experiment at CERN covers every equipment from institutes. • We need an institution where all issues concerning the design, installation and integration of the AWAKE experiment are coordinated and addressed: • Follow-up the technical progress of the different groups/tasks: • Groups/institutes explain what they do and issues must be made aware to all concerned. • The work is justified in front of the collaboration and put on the table. • Providing specifications of the technical implementation. • Milestone tracking and scheduling. • Take technical decisions. • Follow-up and documentation (minutes, reviews) • We need an institution where the the required performance of the experiment and the physics goals are defined: E. Gschwendtner, 9 April 2014
AWAKE Collaboration Structure Spokesperson: Allen Caldwell Deputy Spokesperson: Matthew Wing Technical Coordinator: Edda Gschwendtner Physics and Experiment Coordinator: Patric Muggli Simulation Coordinator: Konstantin Lotov Technical Board (TB) Technical Coordinator: Edda Gschwendtner Deputy Technical Coordinator : Chiara Bracco Management Board (MB) Physics and Experiment Board (PEB) Coordinator: Patric Muggli Deputy: N.N. Collaboration Board (CB) CERN AWAKE Project Project Leader: Edda G. Deputy Project Leader: Chiara Bracco Institutes Task Group Coordinators WP3: p/e Beam Lines WP Leader: Chiara Bracco WP1: Project Management WP Leader: Edda Gschwendtner WP5: Electron Source: WP Leader: S. Doebert WP6: Laser Beam Line WP Leader: V. Fedosseev WP2: SPS Beam WP Leader: Elena Chapochnikova WP4: Integration, Installation WP Leader: Ans Pardons E. Gschwendtner, 9 April 2014
Technical Coordinator Mandate • Coordinating the design, installation, integration and interfaces of the experiment. • Providing a resource loaded planning and milestone tracking of the experiment. • Providing specifications for the technical implementation of the experiment. • Monitoring, on behalf of the Collaboration, on a regular basis the technical progress of the different tasks through technical reviews, test results and site visits. • Organizing and steering the hardware and beam commissioning of the experiment. • Organizing and preparing the operation of the experiment. E. Gschwendtner, 9 April 2014
Technical Board The Technical Board (TB) is the principal steering group in all matters of technical coordination and is chaired by the technical coordinator. The TB is composed of the Task-Group Coordinators (TGCs), CERN Work-package leaders (WPL) and sub-work-package leaders (SWPL). Members of the MB and the Deputy Technical Coordinator are ex-officio members of the TB. In the spirit of the mandate of the Technical Coordinator (TC) the TGCs, WPLs and SWPLs work together with and report to the TC on all issues covered by the mandate of the TC. The TC may set up, in consultation with the TB and on an ad-hoc basis, special working groups or task forces to address specific technical issues or advise on certain technical solutions. The TB is authorized to take technical decisions, which the TB deems not to have a significant impact on performance or cost of the AWAKE experiment. More important technical decisions are prepared in the form of a proposal by the TB for discussion at and decision by the MB. The Technical Coordinator or, in his absence, the Deputy Technical Coordinator chairs the TB. The TB meets regularly, typically once a month. The TC may call for extraordinary meetings of the TB to deal with specific or urgent topics. The decisions of the TB are recorded in minutes, which are made available to the Collaboration. E. Gschwendtner, 9 April 2014
Members All people who are responsible for a certain task and work-package: Task Group Coordinators CERN Work-Package Leader Sub-Work-Package Leaders Ex-officio: members of the Management Board E. Gschwendtner, 9 April 2014
Meeting Structure Agenda: • Planning • Progress reports from task owners/WP leader • Follow-up • Matters Arising Meetings every month: • Next meeting: 19 May 2014 • Today I summarize for each task a first (uncompleted) draft of the milestones and the matters arising. • This serves also as guideline for open issues and defines first milestones. • From next meetings on Each task-owner must report to the Technical Board about themilestones, latest results, open points and possible issues. • Check how the progress fits into the planning and what are the dead-lines and key results to answer issues. • All decisions, milestones, dead-lines will be summarized in minutes! E. Gschwendtner, 9 April 2014
Equipment Needs Dead-line: 19 May 2014 • Equipment name and function: • Equipment responsible: • Location of your equipment: tunnel (in TT41, TT43, TCC4, TSG40, TSG41 or TCV4) and distance w.r.t. reference element or point • Weight: • Dimensions: • Cooling needs: (air-cooled or water cooled): • Electrical needs: (V,A) • Power consumtion (average and max.) • Special alignment needs? • Auxiliaries: • Do you need space in racks underground? If yes, how many Units (standard AxBxC for 1U) and what is the max. distance between rack and equipment. (CERN provides standard racks) • Do you need cables to the control room (1000m distance)? If yes, which type of cables and how many? • Do you have vacuum pumps, motors, chillers or other auxiliary equipment that needs to be installed? If yes, please give dimensions, weight etc. as above PLUS maximum distance from main equipment. • Does your equipment (or its auxiliaries) need any of the following (if yes, please specify quantities, levels, …): • Gas/Vacuum/UPS back-up/Ethernet/ E. Gschwendtner, 9 April 2014
Integration/Installation Example Proton beam line: drawings of every magnet, beam instrumentation, etc.. exist and is included in the integration drawings! Specifications for vacuum tube exist and design is currently done E. Gschwendtner, 9 April 2014
Installation/Integration Example Area downstream the plasma cell: no design yet exists, only simple boxes specifications from PEB E. Gschwendtner, 9 April 2014
Vacuum (J. Hansen) E. Gschwendtner, 9 April 2014
Beam-Lines (C. Bracco) E. Gschwendtner, 9 April 2014
Electron Source (S. Doebert) E. Gschwendtner, 9 April 2014
Laser (V. Fedosseev) E. Gschwendtner, 9 April 2014
RF Synchronization (A. Butterworth) E. Gschwendtner, 9 April 2014
Radiation Protection (E. Feldbaumer) E. Gschwendtner, 9 April 2014
Metal Vapor Source (E. Öz) E. Gschwendtner, 9 April 2014
Helicon Source (O. Grulke), Discharge Source (N. Lopes) E. Gschwendtner, 9 April 2014
Electron Spectrometer (S. Jolly) Note: For the electron spectrometer task a collaboration between UCL and CERN Beam Instrumentation Group will be setup. Note: many specifications are results from studies in the PEB! E. Gschwendtner, 9 April 2014
Self-Modulation Diagnostics (R. Tarkeshian) Note: many specifications are results from studies in the PEB! E. Gschwendtner, 9 April 2014
Planning E. Gschwendtner, 9 April 2014
April 2015 Sept. 2013 Planning E. Gschwendtner, 9 April 2014
May 2016 May 2014 E. Gschwendtner, 9 April 2014
June 2017 April 2019 E. Gschwendtner, 9 April 2014
Planning Installation planning: Specs frozen for vacuum Equipment needs 2 years (design, specifications, procurement, tests) Specifications of p/e beam instrumentation and e-beam magnets • Note: Not a lot of time for physics! • Phase 1 physics run (proton/laser/plasma) during end 2016 and in 2017 • During 2017 also also installation of electron source and beam-line. • Phase 2 (proton/laser/electron/plasma) only first half of 2018. • LS2 lasts until beginning 2020! E. Gschwendtner, 9 April 2014
Planning • Deadlines: • End May 2014: Cable needs defined. • October 2014: Specifications for vacuum system of phase 1 experiment in 2016 frozen • End October 2014: electron/proton beam merging area defined • Specifications for magnets, beam instrumentation, vacuum • Beginning 2015: Electron spectrometer vacuum design specified • More to be defined by next TB E. Gschwendtner, 9 April 2014
Summary • The Technical Board is an extremely useful forum to discuss all aspects of the experiment which need to be covered for the design, integration and installation. • Working very closely with the Physics and Experiments Board (PEB). • Short time-scale of preparing the experiment and the tight planning • Need good coordination • Task owners and work-package leaders are supposed to take their role very seriously • Provide the necessary results, inputs and put issues on the table as soon as possible. • The next Technical Board is on Monday, 19 May 2014 at 15:30. • The task owners and WP leaders present the completed tables (tasks to be done/input needed from others) • Answer specific questions on equipment needs and send to Ans • Progress reports from task group owners/WP leaders • Planning Dates for decisions will be synchronized with overall planning E. Gschwendtner, 9 April 2014