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Roger V. Moore & C. Isabella Tindall Centre for Ecology and Hydrology UK

Bringing the Open MI to life Kick-off meeting Flemish Environment Agency Erembodegem Belgium 3-5 th October 2006. Roger V. Moore & C. Isabella Tindall Centre for Ecology and Hydrology UK. Purpose of the kick-off meeting. The aims are: To review: The background (HarmonIT)

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Roger V. Moore & C. Isabella Tindall Centre for Ecology and Hydrology UK

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  1. Bringing the OpenMI to life Kick-off meetingFlemish Environment AgencyErembodegemBelgium3-5th October 2006 Roger V. Moore & C. Isabella Tindall Centre for Ecology and Hydrology UK

  2. Purpose of the kick-off meeting • The aims are: • To review: • The background (HarmonIT) • The objectives of OpenMI-LIFE • To develop the use cases • To agree roles, responsibilities and procedures • To develop overall and detailed plans • To start building a team For further information go to: www.OpenMI.org 2

  3. Agenda - Day 1 For further information go to: www.OpenMI.org 3

  4. Agenda - Day 2 (A.M.) For further information go to: www.OpenMI.org 4

  5. Agenda - Day 2 (P.M.) For further information go to: www.OpenMI.org 5

  6. Agenda - Day 3 For further information go to: www.OpenMI.org 6

  7. Bringing the OpenMI to life – project overview(OpenMI-LIFE) Roger V. Moore & C. Isabella Tindall Centre for Ecology and Hydrology UK

  8. Project overview • Aims and objectives • Tasks • Deliverables • Programme of work and meetings • Participants • Project management • Funding • Contract issues For further information go to: www.OpenMI.org 8

  9. User interface User interface Input data Evaporation Hydraulics Precipitation Output data Evaporation River Surface runoff Coast Application Application Estuary What is the OpenMI? • A model linking standard for: • run time data exchange between models, databases & tools • Whose purpose is to: • improve ability to model complex scenarios Rainfall runoff model How ? Input data Rainfall/Runoff ? Output data Hydraulic model For further information go to: www.OpenMI.org 9

  10. Current status • Version 1.0 released and documented for: • .net • Java • Available under ‘Open Source’ licence on Source Forge • Maintained by the OpenMI Association • Funded through the OpenMI-LIFE project (2006-2009) • For list of OpenMI compliant models – see www.OpenMI.org For further information go to: www.OpenMI.org 10

  11. Bringing the OpenMI to LIFE (OpenMI-LIFE) • Objectives • Transform the Open Modelling Interface and Environment from a research output to an operational supported standard • Build capacity • Demonstrate and evaluate • The use of the OpenMI in integrated water management/modelling • The Scheldt • The Pinios • The support organisation • Disseminate information For further information go to: www.OpenMI.org 11

  12. Tasks • Build capacity • Demonstrate the OpenMI in the Scheldt • Demonstrate the OpenMI in the Pinios • Demonstrate the OpenMI technical support, maintenance and co-ordination • Disseminate information • Manage OpenMI-LIFE For further information go to: www.OpenMI.org 12

  13. Task A - Build capacity For further information go to: www.OpenMI.org 13

  14. Action A1 Design and plan training For further information go to: www.OpenMI.org 14

  15. Activities A2 & A3 Provide and attend training for End Users For further information go to: www.OpenMI.org 15

  16. Activities A4 & A5 Provide and attend training forDevelopers For further information go to: www.OpenMI.org 16

  17. Task B - Demonstrate the OpenMI in the Scheldt For further information go to: www.OpenMI.org 17

  18. Action B1Prepare For further information go to: www.OpenMI.org 18

  19. Action B2Trial integrated modelling For further information go to: www.OpenMI.org 19

  20. Action B3Demonstrate under operational conditions For further information go to: www.OpenMI.org 20

  21. Action B4Evaluate For further information go to: www.OpenMI.org 21

  22. Task C - Demonstrate the OpenMI in the Pinios For further information go to: www.OpenMI.org 22

  23. Action C1Prepare For further information go to: www.OpenMI.org 23

  24. Action C2Trial integrated modelling For further information go to: www.OpenMI.org 24

  25. Action C3Demonstrate under operational conditions For further information go to: www.OpenMI.org 25

  26. Action C4Evaluate For further information go to: www.OpenMI.org 26

  27. Task D - Demonstrate the OpenMI technical support, maintenance and co-ordination For further information go to: www.OpenMI.org 27

  28. Action D1Prepare working procedures For further information go to: www.OpenMI.org 28

  29. Action D2Prepare For further information go to: www.OpenMI.org 29

  30. Action D3Upgrade and release OpenMI For further information go to: www.OpenMI.org 30

  31. Action D4Evaluate protocols For further information go to: www.OpenMI.org 31

  32. Action D5Maintain OpenMI web site For further information go to: www.OpenMI.org 32

  33. Task E - Disseminate information For further information go to: www.OpenMI.org 33

  34. Action E1Present OpenMI-LIFE For further information go to: www.OpenMI.org 34

  35. Action E2Prepare publicity material For further information go to: www.OpenMI.org 35

  36. Action E3Organize workshops etc For further information go to: www.OpenMI.org 36

  37. Action E4Prepare Layman's report For further information go to: www.OpenMI.org 37

  38. Action E5Maintain OpenMI-Life project web site For further information go to: www.OpenMI.org 38

  39. Task F - Manage OpenMI-LIFE For further information go to: www.OpenMI.org 39

  40. Action F1Prepare collaboration agreement For further information go to: www.OpenMI.org 40

  41. Action F2Steering Committee For further information go to: www.OpenMI.org 41

  42. Action F3 - Manage tasks A-F For further information go to: www.OpenMI.org 42

  43. Action F4 – Report to the EC For further information go to: www.OpenMI.org 43

  44. Action F5Represent project at EC co-ordination meetings For further information go to: www.OpenMI.org 44

  45. Key deliverables • Training • Demonstrations • Use cases • Models migrated to the OpenMI • OpenMI evaluation reports • Support • OpenMI Association • New releases of the OpenMI • Support evaluation report • Dissemination • Best practice manual • Papers and Journals (6) • Press articles (8) • Conference presentations (6) • OpenMI-Life web site (multi-lingual) • Workshops(5) • Associate with existing newsletters (3) • Leaflets (4, multi-lingual) • Posters (4) • Layman’s report • Reports to the Commission See Forms T1 and T2b for a full list For further information go to: www.OpenMI.org 45

  46. Demonstration of the OpenMI in the Scheldt The Use cases will show the use of the OpenMI in studies of the effects of: • sewer effluents from the city of Leuven on flood risk on the river Dijle • links a sewer model to a river model; • dredging on flood risk in the upper Dijle • links a non-tidal river model of the river Dijle to a tidal river model of the river Dijle, part of the Zeeschelde model; • flow regulation on water quality and the impact of water quality during flooding • links river flow models of the river Dijle to a river quality model of the river Dijle, part of the Scheldt basin model; • tides on upstreams flood risk • links a tidal river model of the river Zeeschelde to an estuary model of the river Westerschelde For further information go to: www.OpenMI.org 46

  47. Demonstration of the OpenMI in the Pinios The Use cases will show the use of the OpenMI in studies of the effects of: • The restoration of the Lake Karla wetlands without increasing flood risk • links a water balance model (UBC), a groundwater model (UTHGW), a water management model (WMEA) and a water balance model for a lake (LWB) to understand the hydrological and ecological response to different strategies. • The impacts of climate change in the production of primary hydroelectric power • links a water basin model of monthly time step to a reservoir water balance model. • For comparison with B1a, the effect of dispersion and diffusion on sewage effluent from Larissa as it passes down a tributary of Pinios River • links of a sewer and river flow model. For further information go to: www.OpenMI.org 47

  48. OpenMI OpenMI Tools Tools Standard Standard Demonstration of the OpenMI technical support, maintenance and co-ordination Outputs Programmes of measures and River Basin Management plans Linked models representing whole catchments Models representing specific processes and situations Results Linkable models Key activities Prepare & implement Create and run Maintain/ release Provide Use Use Create Create Use Change request Change request Information Information Information Support Support Stakeholders OpenMI Association (Represented by NERC, DHI, WL Delft, WSL, NTUA, Aquafin) Developers (Represented by DHI, WL Delft, WSL, ULg, NTUA, UTH) Modelling community (Represented by IVA-VMM, RIKZ, FH, IVA-VMM-AWA, Aquafin, and NTUA) Competent Authorities (Represented by RIKZ, IVA-VMM, FH and IVA-VMM-AWA) For further information go to: www.OpenMI.org 48

  49. Demonstration of the OpenMI technical support, maintenance and co-ordination • Prepare working procedures and co-ordination protocols • Set up the OpenMI Association • Upgrade and periodically release OpenMI (plan/ design/ implement/ test and feedback) • Evaluate protocols – i.e. the OpenMI Association • Maintain OpenMI Associationweb site For further information go to: www.OpenMI.org 49

  50. Programme of work and meetings Meeting key: KO Kick-off n Meeting no. TEU End user training TD Developer training S Scheldt working mtg P Pinios working mtg OMI Support, etc working meeting Conf Conference WS Workshop SC Steering Cmtee Conf. and WS dates are notional to be confirmed. For further information go to: www.OpenMI.org 50

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