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Gisa Fuatai Purcell, ICB4PIS Project Coordinator, Telecommunication Development Bureau (BDT)

ITU-T FORUM ON IMPLEMENTATION OF WTSA-08 DECISIONS AND WORKSHOP ON BRIDGING THE STANDARDIZATION GAP (Nadi, Fiji, 16-17 September 2009). The ITU-EC Project: Support for the establishment of Harmonized Policies for the ICT Market in the ACP countries. Gisa Fuatai Purcell,

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Gisa Fuatai Purcell, ICB4PIS Project Coordinator, Telecommunication Development Bureau (BDT)

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  1. ITU-T FORUM ON IMPLEMENTATION OF WTSA-08 DECISIONSAND WORKSHOP ON BRIDGING THE STANDARDIZATION GAP(Nadi, Fiji, 16-17 September 2009) The ITU-EC Project: Support for the establishment of Harmonized Policies for the ICT Market in the ACP countries. Gisa Fuatai Purcell, ICB4PIS Project Coordinator, Telecommunication Development Bureau (BDT) International Telecommunication Union (ITU)

  2. Order of Presentation • Background • Project Objectives • Planning • Stakeholder Meeting (Kick off) • Critical Success Factors

  3. Background cont’d • ITU-EC signed Global Project 12-2007 • Aim: Support Harmonized Policies for the ICT market in African, Caribbean and Pacific Island (ACP) States • ACP countries are at different levels of telecommunication/ICT development • Hence - 3 Regional Sub-Projects. • Sub – Sahara African States • Caribbean States • Pacific Island States

  4. Specific Needs of ACP States

  5. Sub-Project 3: ICB4PIS • Aim: Capacity Building - Develop regional ICT/Telecom related training workshops etc. to address needs of Pacific Islands • Provide human capacity in ICT policy, regulatory and legislative framework.

  6. Recipient Countries for ICB4PIS • The ACP countries in the Pacific benefiting from this project are the 15 ACP member states: • Cook Islands, Fiji, FSM, Kiribati, Marshall Is. Nauru, Niue, Palau, PNG, Samoa, Solomon islands, Tonga, Tuvalu, and Vanuatu

  7. Objective Global objective: provideconcentrated assistance in establishing a framework that fosters the enabling environment for ICT developments; At the end of the project, stakeholders should have the necessary capacity and inputs to develop their respective national policies, legislations and regulations 7

  8. Approach • This Project urges for a demand-driven bottom up approach; • A Kick Off meeting will be organised at the start of the project with all stakeholders; • The methodology will facilitate and consolidate the ownership of the project by the beneficiary countries.

  9. Background • Adopted by the ITU Member States at the World Telecommunication Development Conference (WTDC-06, Doha). • Using telecommunications/ICTs to foster socio-economic development • Ensuring necessary policies, legislation and human capacity requirements are met and that solutions provided advance the achievement of national, regional, sub-regional and international development targets.

  10. Project Plan • Multi-stakeholders (Kick Off) Meeting and launch around end November: • Introduce Project to Stakeholders • Verify Needs of stakeholders • Agree Topics to be addressed; • Roadmap; • Agree on accompanying mechanism based on stakeholders’ vision (steering committee, national focal point etc)

  11. Multistakeholder’s Meeting • Introduce the Project to Stakeholders • Identify the main issues to be addressed raised for the project • Stakeholders Presentation of current ICT/Telco development in their islands • Validate relevant issues and needs • Finalize project scope and implementation modality

  12. Collaboration • ITU BDT and Regional Office Bangkok • ITU-T and other ITU Sectors. • Pacific Regional Organizations e.g. PIF, PITA, SPC, PICISOC, SOPAC • Pacific Island Administrations

  13. Critical Success Factors • Political will and collective Country commitment • Regional institutions –> ready to provide support (expertise, experience) to the project in their areas of concentration • Project team -> specialist expertise with understanding of the Pacific diverse culture and context

  14. Conclusion • The ITU-EC ICB4PIS is a project of two years • Focus on Action and implementation of the agreed list of Topics • Build synergies with ongoing ITU activities, other ITU Sectors, donors, Administrations, and regional organisations in the Pacific • Requires political will and commitment of P.I. countries

  15. Thank you for your attention 15 For more information: http://www.itu.int/ITU-D/projects/ITU_EC_ACP/index.html Sandro BazzanellaITU-EC Project Manager BDT/PRI ITU-EC Project sandro.bazzanella@itu.int Phone: +41 22 730 6765 Fax: +41 22 730 5484 Headquarters Place des Nations CH-1211 Geneva 20 Switzerland Gisa Fuatai PurcellICB4PIS Project Coordinator BDT/PRI ITU-EC Project Fuatai.purcell@itu.int Phone: + Fax: + c/o PIFS Fiji International Telecommunication Union Union Internationale des Télécommunications

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