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By Gisa Fuatai Purcell Manager, ICT Secretariat Government of Samoa 21 August 2006

By Gisa Fuatai Purcell Manager, ICT Secretariat Government of Samoa 21 August 2006. NATIONAL ICT COMMITTEE Implementing Samoas’ National ICT Strategy. Order of Presentation. Vision Mission Our Story Begins Multistakeholder Partnerships Progress so Far and The Next Steps. The Vision.

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By Gisa Fuatai Purcell Manager, ICT Secretariat Government of Samoa 21 August 2006

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  1. By Gisa Fuatai PurcellManager, ICT Secretariat Government of Samoa21 August 2006 NATIONAL ICT COMMITTEE Implementing Samoas’ National ICT Strategy

  2. Order of Presentation • Vision • Mission • Our Story Begins • Multistakeholder Partnerships • Progress so Far and The Next Steps

  3. The Vision “ICT for All”

  4. Mission “For Samoa to be the leader of  ICT development  in the Pacific”

  5. Objectives • To bridge the digital divide within Samoa and between Samoa and other countries • To promote ICT as a tool to achieve Samoa's’ statement of development strategy • To use ICT as a tool to achieve the MDGs

  6. Smart devices into connect networks end The future is open and flexible • Through common standards, physical and virtual worlds interconnect • Technology is in distinguishable • The technology is autonomous and transparent so that it directs into whatever the end device is. Source: Presentation. Our way to the 3G world HP Network and Service Provider Business Unit.

  7. Our Story Begins • 2001 –Commissioned e-readiness study • 2002 - Cabinet established the Steering ICT Committee • 2003 - Cabinet approved draft national policy - National ICTC developed national strategy • 2004 – Conducted public consultations – UNDP funded • 2004 – Cabinet approved national ICT strategy - established ICT Secretariat • 2004 – Develop Proposals for Partnerships & Translation • 2005 – (23 March) Launched National ICT Strategy IMPLEMENTATION BEGAN • 2005 – Signed off project document with ITU • 2006 – Signed off project document with UNDP • 2006 – Signed off project document with VIA Technology • 2006 – Singed off project document with GKP, 2020 Trust, Rural Link, CSL OTHER DEVELOPMENTS • 2005 – Telecommunication Act promoting competition • 2005 – Issue GSM licenses to 3 operators • 2006 – Set up Independent Telco Regulator


  9. National Statistics • Number of Landlines – 15,000 • Teledensity – 7.8 (taulaga 5.6; nu'u i tua 2.2) • Public Phones – 182 (including the phone in the Women’s Committee House) • Mobile Phones – 26,100 • Internet Service Providers – 3 • Number of Internet Accounts – 3,500+ • Cyber Cafes – 9 (7 Upolu, 2 Savaii) • Population – 180,000

  10. National Priorities • Rural Connectivity Programme “what's good in Apia is also good for rural” • Telecommunication Infrastructure • Affordability and Security • e-Applications – e-Govt., e-Health, e-Education, e-Agriculture etc. • Legislation • Capacity Building cuts across all priorities

  11. Multi-stakeholder Partnership • UNDP – Funded Planning Phase (Consultation, Reviewing national ICT strategy, Printing etc) • ITU, CSL, LESAMOA.NET, SAMOATEL, WOMEN’S COMMITTEES AND YOUTH GROUPS – ITU Funds all equipment and training for Rural Connectivity • UNDP – Funds e-Government, FOSS, Localisation, e-School Bus, Strengthens MCIT • VIA Technologies Inc. – Pilot Telecentre using Solar Powered Computers • GKP, RURAL LINK (NZ), 2020 TRUST (NZ), CSL – Providing Broadband using WIFI • DEVELOPMENT GATEWAY – SAMOA GATEWAY

  12. Partnership with ITU 5 Multipurpose Community Telecentres in each Island

  13. Promoting Fesootai Centers • National ICT Committee selected Criteria for sites • ICT Secretariat Prepared Presentation in Samoan Language to Women’s Committees & Youth Group • Advise the Women of Benefits of Project • Promoted Project as a Business • Advised Women of their Responsibility i.e. Preparing a room for equipment, Furniture etc. as well as Security of the Site and Equipment

  14. Implementing Tele-centres • Conducted Presentation in Samoan • Leave the group to decide for themselves • MCT Include: • Room or Building prepared by Women-s Committee • 5 Computers - 1Printer, 1 Photocopier/Scanner, 1 web cam, 1 T.V. 1 Data projector & 3mtr screen • Data Projector and a 3 mtr Screen. • Air conditioner and External Antenna for Television

  15. Challenges • Women had no idea what a Computer is • Most Women after the Presentation said the Project will be good for Students • The Bids were conducted and handled by ITU in Geneva – a different model but it works • None of the women had Typing Lessons before • Men felt left out • Some Could not afford to build a new room, furniture etc. • No suitable furniture and power points

  16. The Feso’ota’i Center • A business for women of a different sort, providing paid services for the public including training • Empower Women through Training on Management using modern ICTs • Service Provided include Photocopying, Fax, Web Cam, Scanning, TV, Internet, Typing etc • Email services for anyone especially tourists • Training for local people

  17. THE INITIAL FEEDBACK • Experienced Savings from paying bus and/or boat fares to the capital • Students have a homework center • Teaching students and adults to use Word and email for $2 & $5 • New Found Learning in Financial Management using computers • Learning about saving cash • Using multimedia to Watch Games on Big Screen is a new experience

  18. Progress So Far • The first two MCTs were launched on 22nd December 2005. • 7 MCTs were established between January and May 2006 with one more to go. • Data Collection Templates have been developed and given to Women to collect data on usage, etc. • Train the Trainer Programme is on-going • Need more computers for demand

  19. New Business using ICT

  20. FROM THE WOMEN • « We are so proud to have this centre in our committee house as it provides us with the opportunity to learn again» • « Some of our members have never been to school and were illiterate. They are now using the computer to learn how to spell » • « We are now earning money faster than any other function. We watch Rugby games on the BIG – a new experience for us all. We charge $2 to train students and $5 for adults» • « When my children came from New Zealand, they spent most of their money at the Centre using the email and Chatto talk to their family and friends » • « We have queues to use the telephone because most people had to go to Apia to make a phone call, now its us they use»

  21. Going Forward • Building Websites for all Telecentres. • E-applications *e-health, *e-education, *e-typing... • Training of Technical Staff for maintenance • Management Training for Women • Security Awareness Programme – How can women identify an email is a Spam, Scam or Phishing? • Using centers to promote national initiatives e.g. health initiatives

  22. UNDP FUNDED PRJECTS • E-Government Project • Study of Government websites • Develop an e-Gov strategy • Find donors to build the e-Gov portal • E-School Bus • UNDP funds all equipment and training • Bus will be fitted with computers etc. • Bus to travel to rural schools • Free and Open Source Software – Center of excellence in Samoa • There is a need for FOSS experts in Samoa • Localisation – Translating applications into Samoan • Strengthening the ICT Secretariat WE ARE LOOKING for PARTNERS to SPONSOR 2 BUSES!!

  23. LEAPING TO WIFI • GLOBAL KNOWLEDGE PARTNERSHIP (GKP) promotes AFFORDABLE access for all to ICT. Project is connecting rural communities with WIFI cheaply • Government of Samoa – Liaison • RURAL LINK NEW ZEALAND (GKP member) expertise for connection • 2020 TRUST NEW ZEALAND (GKP member) expertise for planning • CSL (GKP member) local expert

  24. RENEWABLE ENERGY • Governments strategy is to look for AFFORDABLE options for rural projects • Government, in partnership with VIA Technology, from the province of Taiwan, People’s Republic of China is installing a Pilot Telecenter in Ulutogia using SOLAR POWERD Computers this week • VIA Technology provides all equipments including solar panels, batteries, computers • Result of participating at international conferences • Hand over to Scott Phipps from VIA 5 min.


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