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Unit task 1 by brandon. Advantages of digital printed based text. You have I cloud backup You don’t lose allot of storage as your using a lot everywhere You can access anything you want on your phone digit. Digital texts.
Advantages of digital printed based text • You have I cloud backup • You don’t lose allot of storage as your using a lot everywhere • You can access anything you want on your phone • digit
Digital texts • Digital text is a electronic version of written text it can also be called eTEXTdigital text can be found on the internet on your computer. Digital texts can be searched meaning you can find stuff easier and also read aloud by your phone, tablet, computer or even your laptop. There are many advantages with digital text if you were to compare them with analogue here are some of the advantages(they are easier to update can easily track your progress if your in school or college and they are portable) • You can only access the digital texts by electronic devices like a smartphone tablet computer and even gaming consoles and even an e-reader(kindle) and others like social media like twitter video games apps and I movie
Analogue • There is a huge difference between analogue and digital, analogue is something you can physically touch and feel digital is something you can see of a screen. There are some advantages with analogue like(no one can mess with the analogue recording that well cheaper than digital and you get the sound clearer). • Analogue can be both electrical and non electrical like watches clocks and even gps with is analogue but electronic • Examples of analogue gaming consoles smart watches gaming controllers cameras smartphone and tablets.
Digital software • Digital software is where you download something on to your hardware device (console) an example would be a game as you get the disc put it in the console and it would start the download. Even apps count as you download them on your phone or tablet like snapchat or YouTube as they are in the app store or the play store snapchat is social media as people post pictures it is basically a virtual program as you can see but not touch
Advantages and disadvantages between digital and analogue • Digital analogue advantages you will need Wi-Fi • Digital is portable it can break or even lose its memory • Digital has a infinite shelf life(meaning they it has battery life • Can never run out) ADS just popping up • Digital can be free sometimes need to pay sometimes • Analogue simple to access • Analogue is portable
E-BOOKS • E-books are electronic books that can be handled manually on electronic devices that some writers use today • E-books can be read on certain devices like a kindle or nook if you want to get a book on there you would either have to rent it or buy it the one good thing about this is that you can never run out of books as it has a infinite shell life for example if a book came out 10 years ago and it wasn’t in the book shop an e-book would have more of a chance of being on the shelf for you to buy. Some writers will use the e-books to write and publish there books. These devices are called e-readers
Digital posters • Digital posters can be used for advertising for example when a movie is about to come out or is out the company or studio will use the digital posters to get people looking and end up buying tickets and they can even advertise products • Most shopping centres or shops will have digital posters that will welcome you there are companies out there that will allow you to create one for your business so you can start advertising to earn money
Digital comics • Digital comics are like e-books as you can access them online quite easily by typing digital comics marvel or dc as the use of tablets and computers more people are able to publish there comics and even big companies like marvel and dc have started to publish there very often because of these devices • But there are some sites that let you buy the comic so you can read it online or read it for free basically this is like an e-reader as you can buy the comics. You can access these by phone or tablet
Digital manual instructor • Digital manuals are now found in the disc whenever you put a game in instead of them being in the box when you buy the game. I think its much easier as you might lose the paper instructions and when its on a game you can really lose it as it will always be on that game whenever you need it • It is probably more used than normal instructions it is very easy to access as you can find it online and it will probably help as you wont lose it plus the instructions are easy to read and understand
E-leaflets • E leaflets can be used for advertising and awareness this helps people for their shops company's and its very easy as instead of them posting it through the letter box they can look online with their devices and also to give general information out to the public whenever they want. E-leaflets can be accessed by and hardware(device) like smartphones, laptops, computers, tablets, and smart t.v also e-leaflets can be about anything for example a restaurant they are going to give information about their restaurant to the public.
E-magazines • E-magazines are like e-books you can just find them online and they can be about anything like fashion and health or even food. There are many sites that let you look at the front of the magazine but not the whole magazine as you have to pay for the rest of it. Although there are some that are free out there.
E-newspapers • E-newspapers can only be accessed online with devices like smartphones, tablets and more there is a couple websites where you will have to pay 5 pounds a month. There is one site called news shopper where it has a list of newspapers where you can buy it if you want to but you will have to put your email address and personal details. Although there are some that will let you look at he first page of the newspaper and some will let you look at it for free.
E-newsletter • E-newsletters get published by business charitable organizations and clubs based on topics that will interest some people they are an effective way to get people a bit interested they also use newsletters to advertise products or services • Small company's use this so people will get interested in what they are selling or doing in that company.
smartphone • Smartphones are used for many things an example of smartphones are the samsungs6 and the iphone6s they can access many things like e-books or digital comics. Although with the iphone they have there own version of e-books called I books you can only access these on the any apple product.
Tablet • Tablets are one of the most used piece of technology with many brands like apple with their own ipad and Samsung with there Samsung tablets they can access e-newspapers e-books and digital posters
Computers • There are so many computers around the most know ones are the mac book air dell and many more they can access digital comics e-newspapers and more
Game consoles • Gaming is quite important as without it most people will be bored the popular consoles are Sony ps4 and the xbox1 they can access digital comics e-manuals and more
E-reader • E-readers cant really do much besides access books from the shelf an example of one would be a kindle and a nook