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Individualism: Isolation of the self in Western culture. Our culture places a greater emphasis on the individual than on the community. As a result there is often conflict between the rights and value
Individualism: Isolation of the self in Western culture. Our culture places a greater emphasis on the individual than on the community. As a result there is often conflict between the rights and value of the individual, and the common good of society. • Seven tendencies of individualism: • I am free – freedom is my highest dignity- I am responsible for myself. The • only authority I accept is one that protects my freedom from the attempts • of others to take it away. • I have rights- I posses rights, which have been enshrined in a number of • declarations of human rights. • I am equal – I have the same claim to freedom, dignity and rights as everyone • else. I am interested in myself and use my power to further my own interests. • 4. Only reason binds me – I accept things only when reasons for accepting them • are compelling. If no evidence can be given that takes away my doubt, I am not • inclined to accept things.
5. I am isolated from everything – In relationship to the world and to others, I am an observer. I have to treat the world as an object. I am expected to be objective, not to act out of my involvement with things or people. 6. I am the master of the earth – Because I am separate from the world, everything becomes an object for me to observe. It is no longer God’s good creation, and so I am no longer responsible for safeguarding its goodness. 7. I am godless. – In a world where everything is centered on me, God has no place except at the limits of my life (only in times of sickness, death or natural disaster for example.)
The Christian View of the Self • Jesus wants me to call God Abba/ Father – Jesus’ greatest wish is that my • relationship to God Abba/ Father be like his own. I am most myself when • I am in my relationship with God. I am not isolated or cut off from others. • My relationship with Abba/ Father is my freedom – Freedom is not a possession. • Freedom is not a gift we can give ourselves. There are so many obstacles to • freedom that God sent his only son to unbind us. • The earth is good and is a gift from God. – I am not the master of the earth. • earth belongs to God. I must respect the earth as a gift and my relationship with • with earth should be one of thanksgiving, praise and stewardship. • Other people are important- The world does not revolve around me. Whomever • seeks their own life loses it. • Before Abba/ Father, all are equal.- All are in the love of God. That is the basis • of the goodness of all creatures, their basis of equality.
Self Esteem: Is the awareness of one’s own self worth. Esteem can only be fulfilled by others. I can exist only by having others affirm me. This is human existence at its most fragile level. Self Understanding: How do I understand myself? Our culture tends to see the self as isolated from others. At the heart of who I am lie the things that I am committed to, things that are of crucial importance to me.
Media Literacy: Being able to comprehend the messages being presented in • various forms of media (ex. Magazines, television, movies) • Avoiding manipulation: • Seek out different programs and sources of media • Be clear of your morals and values • Ask Questions
What do you believe in? Atheism: The denial of God’s existence Agnosticism: Individuals who are unsure about God’s existence. These people prefer to remain indifferent.