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The Holy Spirit

The Holy Spirit. What does toothpaste have in common with the Trinity? Hint: It’s got three stripes!. Trinity Key Terms. Transcendent – Immanent – Personal – Impersonal -. God outside the world. God in the world. God relating to people. God as an impersonal power. How?

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The Holy Spirit

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Presentation Transcript

  1. The Holy Spirit

  2. What does toothpaste have in common with the Trinity? • Hint: It’s got three stripes!

  3. Trinity Key Terms Transcendent – Immanent – Personal – Impersonal - God outside the world Godin theworld Godrelatingto people God as animpersonal power

  4. How? • Consider shape, colours, size and an appropriate title. • Remember you are trying to show how the three parts of the Trinity are from the same source, but still distinct from each other. • When you have finished your image, label it using as many related keywords as you can. • Consider the following statement: • “The Trinity is the most important • Catholic belief” • i)Do you agree? Give reasons for your answer. • ii) Why might people disagree with you? • Remember to refer to Catholic Christianity in your answer. TASK: To create your own image of the Trinity. The following images may give you some ideas.

  5. In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God. He was with God in the beginning. John 1:1-2

  6. Unless I go away, the Counsellor will not come to you; but if I go I will send him to you….. John 16:7

  7. I will ask the Father, and he will give you another Helper, who will stay with you forever… He is the Spirit who reveals the truth about God. John 14:16-17

  8. …the Father will give you whatever you ask in my name…… John 16:23

  9. ….they saw what appeared to be tongues of fire that separated and came to rest on each of them …and all were filled with the Holy Spirit. Acts 2

  10. …..I am in the Father and the Father is in me…..

  11. How? • Consider shape, colours, size and an appropriate title. • Remember you are trying to show how the three parts of the Trinity are from the same source, but still distinct from each other. • When you have finished your image, label it using as many related keywords as you can. • Consider the following statement: • “The Trinity is the most important • Catholic belief” • i)Do you agree? Give reasons for your answer. • ii) Why might people disagree with you? • Remember to refer to Catholic Christianity in your answer. TASK: To create your own image of the Trinity. The following images may give you some ideas.

  12. GRADE B/C GRADE D-F GRADE A*/A Candidates have: • Created an image which represents the various roles of the Trinity. • Consistently used key words when labelling their image and when answering the question. • Clearly explained the meaning & religious significance of the Trinity for Catholics. Candidates have: • Created an image which represents the various roles of the Trinity. • Consistently used key words when labelling their image and when answering the question. • Clearly explained the religious significance of the Trinity for Catholics. Candidates can: • Created an image which represents some of the various roles of the Trinity. • Used some key words when labelling their image and when answering the question. • Described with some explanation the religious significance of the Trinity for Catholics.

  13. The middle, lower circle = Father, the Creator of the Word. We experience God as Father through nature. The images of dolphins, trees, a waterfall, mountains and a lake echo the words of the Psalmist: "The heavens declare the glory of God; the skies proclaim the work of God's hands." [Ps 19:1-2] The upper left circle = Jesus with its images of the cross, the Body of Christ, and two hands of different races clasped together in friendship. We see Jesus most clearly through his sacrifice on the cross and through each other. Incarnation means more than "God in human form." It also means that the power of Christ is made incarnate in us through our thoughts, words and deeds. People see Jesus through us! The final circle = the Holy Spirit. The Holy Spirit is all about miracle: The miracle of a cell with it's tiny but complex structure; it's DNA etc. This circle also includes a mother holding her newborn child as well as the symbol for infinity. God is still a mystery. It's the kind of mystery where the presence of God was impossible to contain within space.

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