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Slicing the Universe CCDs for MUSE

Explore the use of Charge-Coupled Devices (CCDs) in the MUSE (Multi-Unit Spectral Explorer) instrument, a cutting-edge technology developed by a European consortium for the VLT. This article delves into the integral role of CCDs in capturing spectral data and slicing the universe for scientific research.

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Slicing the Universe CCDs for MUSE

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  1. Slicing the UniverseCCDs for MUSE Roland Reissa, Sebastian Deiriesa, Jean Louis Lizona, Manfred Meyera, Javier Reyesa, Roland Baconb, François Hénaultb, Magali Loupiasb(a) European Southern Observatory (http://www.eso.org)Karl-Schwarzschild-Str. 2 D-85748 Garching by Munich, Germany(b) CRAL - Observatoire de Lyon, 9 avenue Charles André, 69230 Saint-Genis-Laval, France

  2. Slicing the UniverseCCDs for MUSE • MUSE (Multi Unit Spectral Explorer) is built by a consortium of European institutes(ESO, Göttingen, Leiden, Lyon, Toulouse, Zürich). • 2nd generation instrument for the VLT. • Integral field spectrometer for the Nasmyth focus. • 24 Integral Field Units (IFU). • 24 cryostats with one 4k x 4k CCD attached to IFUs. Reiss et al., Slicing the Universe

  3. Compact CCD Head • Low Frequency Pulse Tube Cooler. • Standard head for future ESO instruments. Reiss et al., Slicing the Universe

  4. New General detector Controler (NGC) Reiss et al., Slicing the Universe

  5. Detector Requirements Reiss et al., Slicing the Universe

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