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Scope Management

Scope Management. Case Study: IPR Helpdesk Project. What is scope?. It examines the activities of the project in terms of what we are trying to achieve It is about ensuring that the project includes the work required, and only the work required to achieve the objectives

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Scope Management

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  1. Scope Management Case Study: IPR Helpdesk Project

  2. What is scope? • It examines the activities of the project in terms of what we are trying to achieve • It is about ensuring that the project includes the work required, and only the work required to achieve the objectives • More than this, it is about defining and controlling what is not included in the project • It helps us to avoid over-ambition

  3. For example…. • In IPR Helpdesk the scope of our project includes giving first-line assistance to RTD project users and potential users • It does not include giving legal consultations or a patent service

  4. Scope Planning • Begins with drafting stage described before • Outputs of scope planning are: • Scope Statement • Scope Management Plan • And (hopefully) a successful project

  5. Scope Planning - methodology Project Description Project Objectives Workpackage Objectives INPUTS Project Analysis Tradeoff Analysis Contingency Planning TOOLS Scope Statement Scope Management Plan Support OUTPUTS

  6. The Scope Statement • Forms basis for agreement between project and project ‘customer’ by identifying both project outputs and deliverables • Multiple scope statements are created for multiple work teams • In our case, a statement for each workpackage

  7. Scope Statement • Basis for future project decisions concerning direction and change • Could be revised as project progresses • Should include: • Justification of the project / workpackage • Description of ‘product’ • Deliverables • Objectives

  8. Scope Statement: Management Workpackage • “to provide a global administrative and coordination backup to all project stakeholders and workgroups. To be the external point of communication for interested parties. The deliverables of this workpackage include the successful, timely, and on budget completion of the project. Other deliverables include six monthly reports to the Commission”

  9. Scope Management Plan • Defines how scope will be managed • How changes will be implemented • Estimate stability of project scope – how likely is it to change? How frequently? And by how much? • Could be formal or informal, broad or narrowly defined

  10. Scope Management Plan for Management Workpackage • “scope will be managed through careful following of the workplan and project description. Change will be implemented through consultation with the Commission, project partners, and staff. Scope is estimated to be stable”.

  11. Defining Scope • Break down into smaller, more manageable activities • Critical for project success • Without proper scope definition, costs can be expected to be higher etc • By having a decentralised management struture within a project, decomposition of project activities and deliverables has already been carried out

  12. Verifying Scope • Ongoing process throughout project • Indicators: • timely completion, • completion on budget, • reiteration of scope statement, • achievement of objectives, deliverables and milestones

  13. Inputs and Outputs of Scope

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