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Welcome to Objective 2 programme Dinant-Philippeville Belgium

Welcome to Objective 2 programme Dinant-Philippeville Belgium. 1.1 Description of the current situation.

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Welcome to Objective 2 programme Dinant-Philippeville Belgium

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  1. Welcome to Objective 2 programme Dinant-Philippeville Belgium DG REGIO/Unit D3/PL

  2. 1.1 Description of the current situation The districts of Dinant and Philippeville, in the province of Namur, have lower rates of growth than the averages recorded by Belgium as a whole and the Union. This is more acute in the case of Dinant than in that Philippeville, even though per capita GDP there in 1997 stood at only about 67 compared with 84 for Dinant. The situation in the districts in the province of Luxembourg is comparatively less worrying. In 1997, per capita GDP in Bastogne and Marche-en-Famenne stood at 98 and 107 respectively (EU = 100). Marche-en-Famenne is also noteworthy for its rate of wealth creation, which exceeded those of Belgium and the Union as a whole over the period 1993-97. The district of Neufchâteau, by contrast, has both a lower level of per capita GDP than the Union average (97) and a lower rate of growth over the programming period. DG REGIO/Unit D3/PL

  3. 1.2 The map of the eligible area DG REGIO/Unit D3/PL

  4. 1.3 Description of the eligible area The eligible area covers the districts of Dinant and Philippeville, which have populations of 97 600 and 60 600 people respectively and comprise 12 municipalities formerly eligible under Objective 5(b) and 9 eligible for ERDF assistance for the first time. In addition, the districts of Bastogne, Marche-en-Famenne and Neufchâteau have also been included in the area eligible for transitional support under Objective 5(b) for 1994-99 as has the municipality of Aubange under Objective 2 for 1994-99. The districts of Dinant and Philippeville, in the province of Namur, have lower rates of growth than the averages recorded by Belgium as a whole and the Union. This is more acute in the case of Dinant than in that Philippeville, even though per capita GDP there in 1997 stood at only about 67 compared with 84 for Dinant. The situation in the districts in the province of Luxembourg is comparatively less worrying. DG REGIO/Unit D3/PL

  5. 1.4 Main regional indicators in EU and in Belgium, 1988-1998-9 Economy Labour market GDP/head Empl. rate%,1999 Unempl. rate% 1988 1998 Agri. Indust. Servi. 1989 1999 EU 15100,0 100,0 4,5 29,2 66,0 8,4 9,4Belgique 103,2 111,3 2,4 25,8 71,8 7,2 8,8 Bruxelles-Capital 162,3 168,8 0,2 13,4 86,4 9,2 14,0 Vlaams Gewest 104,4 115,1 2,5 28,0 69,5 5,5 5,6 Antwerpen 123,8 138,5 2,2 28,1 69,8 6,4 6,5 Limburg (B) 102,6 108,5 2,1 34,5 63,4 8,5 7,0 Oost-Vlaanderen 99,0 104,1 2,7 30,4 66,9 5,3 5,9 Vlaams-Brabant 81,4 96,1 1,5 20,7 77,8 4,0 3,9 West-Vlaanderen 103,9 116,2 3,8 27,5 68,7 3,9 4,6 Region Wallonie 83,4 87,9 2,8 24,7 72,5 9,9 13,3 Brabant-Wallon 75,5 86,8 2,0 24,0 74,1 5,8 8,8 Hainaut 77,0 79,2 2,6 27,3 70,2 11,9 16,6 Liège 94,9 98,6 2,4 23,9 73,7 10,1 12,8 Luxembourg (B) 85,3 95,0 6,8 24,7 68,5 6,1 7,3 Namur 80,4 85,7 3,0 20,3 76,7 9,2 12,6 DG REGIO/Unit D3/PL

  6. 2. Development strategy The Walloon Region’s general aim is to use the SPD to stimulate and provide a structure for the endogenous development of the area. This aim is based on three priorities : Increasing the locally-generated capital assets of the area by encouraging investment and mobilising and structuring business resources. Retaining commercial and service activities in the area while increasing its cohesion and attractiveness. Developing skills among local human resources. DG REGIO/Unit D3/PL

  7. 3. Priorities, measures and expected impact The three priorities result in three types of assistance: Encouragement and support for the locally-generated development of merchant economic activities. Structuring the countryside. Investing in human resources. DG REGIO/Unit D3/PL

  8. 3. Priorities, measures and expected impact Priority 1. Encouragement and support for the locally-generated development of merchant economic activities: Quantification of specific objectives to achieve: creation of 720 jobs, 35 firms and two business clusters. DG REGIO/Unit D3/PL

  9. 3. Priorities, measures and expected impact Priority 2.Structuring the countryside: Quantification of specific objectives to achieve: 5% increase in jobs in tourism, 8 000 people will be affected by efforts to promote the area, environmentally-friendly modes of transport will grow by 3%. DG REGIO/Unit D3/PL

  10. 3. Priorities, measures and expected impact Priority 3. Enhancing employability and know-how: Quantification of specific objectives to achieve: measures under this priority will complement those under Objective 3. some 50 items of assistance specific to this area will improve the skills of at least 12 500 workers or job-seekers. DG REGIO/Unit D3/PL

  11. 3. Priorities, measures and expected impact:Assessment of the expected impact Indicator Ref. value Unit By 2006 By 2008 By 2010 Jobs to be created 0 Number 207 453 1000Unemployment rate 10 (1998) % 8.3 8.2 8.0 Unempl. rate for women 13.2 (1998) % 11.6 11.4 11.2 Unempl. rate for young p 23.8 (1998) % 18.9 18.4 17.8Index of per capita GDP 90 (1997) % 96 97 98 (EU15=100) Growth in GDP pccompared to the Union average (1994-97) 0.0(1997) % 0.55 0.55 0.55 -1.2 (1997) DG REGIO/Unit D3/PL

  12. 3. Priorities, measures and expected impact:Presentation of the measures Priority 1 - Encouragement and support for the local development of merchant economic activities: 1.1 Aid for investment in industry and services, 1.2  Financial engineering 1.3 Development of local economic potential DG REGIO/Unit D3/PL

  13. 3. Priorities, measures and expected impact:Presentation of the measures Priority 2 - Structuring the countryside: 2.1 Developing assets and tourist and cultural potential 2.2 Increasing the mobility of persons and services 2.3 Better access to the new information and communications technologies and building on the opportunities offered by the Euro-corridor 2.4 Development of local energy potential 2.5 Infrastructure to support access to knowledge DG REGIO/Unit D3/PL

  14. 3. Priorities, measures and expected impactPresentation of measures Priority 3. Investing in human resources : 3.1 Support for the creation and management of projects 3.2 Training the labour force and offering new opportunities 3.3 Raising awareness of and training in the new technologies DG REGIO/Unit D3/PL

  15. 3. Priorities, measures and expected impactPresentation of measures Technical assistance (ERDF and ESF): Providing human and material resources to ensure the coordination, management and monitoring of part-financed measures. Mid-term evaluation of the SPD. Exchange of experiences among public decision-makers. Raising general awareness through promotional measures for the SPD. Promoting synergy between assistance started in this area under Objectives 2 and 3. DG REGIO/Unit D3/PL

  16. 4. Management and contact details Gouvernement Wallon - Cabinet du Ministre-PrésidentMinistre-PrésidentVan Cauwenberghe, Jean-Claude25-27 rue MazyB-5100 Jambes-NamurTel.: +32.81.331211Fax.: +32.81.331299E-mail.: vancau@gov.wallonie.beWeb: Gouvernement WallonAides européennes et wallonesSite économie du Ministère de la Région Wallonne DG REGIO/Unit D3/PL

  17. 4. Management and contact details European Commission: Michel WOLF REGIO-D-3 CSM 1 6/68 Tél. : 90449 e-mail : Michel.Wolf@cec.eu.int DG REGIO/Unit D3/PL

  18. 5. Financial and technical information Title : Objective 2 Programme for the provinces of Namur and LuxembourgIntervention type : Single Programming DocumentCCI No. : 2000BE162DO009No. of decision : C(2001) Final approval date : 07-DEC-01 DG REGIO/Unit D3/PL

  19. 6. Financial breakdown Financial Breakdown by Funds (in millions of Euros) EU Contribution ERDF ESF Total : 58.379 52.999 5.38 100.00% 90.78% 9.22% DG REGIO/Unit D3/PL

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