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Welcome to Objective 1 programme Flevoland The Netherlands. 1. Introduction. The European Commission has decided to participate actively in the development of Flevoland by co-financing the Objective 1 programme of degressive transitional support for the region during the 2000-2006 period.
Welcome to Objective 1 programme Flevoland The Netherlands DG REGIO/Unit D3/PL
1. Introduction The European Commission has decided to participate actively in the development of Flevoland by co-financing the Objective 1 programme of degressive transitional support for the region during the 2000-2006 period. The Structural Funds will contribute € 126 million out of a total budget of € 471.26 million. DG REGIO/Unit D3/PL
1.2 The map of eligible area DG REGIO/Unit D3/PL
1.3 Description of the eligible area The region eligible for Structural Fund assistance under the programme has 306 000 inhabitants (2% of the Netherlands' population).An economically rather weak province, Flevoland's productivity is considerably lower than that elsewhere in the Netherlands. The below-average educational opportunities compared with elsewhere in the country are accounted for partly by underdeveloped school infrastructures and by the lack of a university. Although 15 000 jobs were created between 1994 and 1999 and the unemployment rate is quite low, the 71% of the jobless total accounted for by long-term unemployed people is one of the highest proportions in Europe. Flevoland benefits from being close to Amsterdam and the Randstad region, the economic heart of the Netherlands. DG REGIO/Unit D3/PL
1.4 Main regional indicators in EU and in the Netherlands in 1988-1998-9Source: Second report on Economic and Social Cohesion, January 2001 Economy Labour market GDP/head Empl. rate%,1999 Unempl. rate% 1988 1998 Agri. Indust. Servi. 1989 1999 EU 15100,0 100,0 4,5 29,2 66,0 8,4 9,4Nederland 97,7 111,0 3,0 21,2 70,6 8,4 3,3 Noord Nederland 94,2 104,9 3,9 24,9 65,9 10,8 5,3 Groningen 119,1 130,8 2,4 23,5 67,8 12,4 6,0 Friesland 79,7 93,3 3,8 26,2 65,2 11,0 4,1 Drenthe 82,4 89,4 5,9 24,8 64,6 8,2 5,9 Oost-Nederland 83,9 96,4 3,6 23,6 67,6 8,9 3,0 Overijssel 86,2 96,9 4,0 28,4 62,4 9,0 3,1 Gelderland 83,9 98,6 3,5 21,6 69,5 8,8 3,0 Flevoland 72,7 80,8 3,1 18,9 73,6 8,7 3,1 West-Nederland 107,0 125,3 2,3 16,3 76,3 8,0 3,1 Utrecht 103,4 142,4 1,1 15,7 78,5 7,3 2,3 Noord-Holland 111,7 131,9 2,3 15,0 77,8 8,1 3,3 Zuid-Holland 104,7 117,7 2,6 16,5 75,7 8,4 3,2 Zeeland 107,0 100,6 4,0 26,5 63,9 6,7 3,5Zuid-Nederland 92,1 107,1 3,7 27,6 63,4 8,1 3,1Noord-Brabant 93,5 111,9 3,6 27,5 64,1 8,1 2,8Limburg (NL) 89,5 97,1 3,8 27,7 62,0 8,0 3,7 DG REGIO/Unit D3/PL
2. Development strategy 2.1 Description of the strategy The general aim of the Flevoland programme is achieving a balance between the number of inhabitants, connections and level of services, employment and income. In order to reach this goal, three objectives have been identified: Further integrating Flevoland into a wider surrounding Focussing on activities that are potentially successful and future oriented Guarantee a high-quality environment DG REGIO/Unit D3/PL
2. Development strategy 2.2 Description of priorities Priority 1: Development urban area The objective is to create well functioning urban areas that favour establishment of new enterprises and offer possibilities for further development. Actions are planned in the area of housing supply and improvement of living conditions, revitalisation of city centres, revitalisation of older industrial sites, development of multifunctional areas, support of starting companies in residential areas, creation of small scale employment for long-term unemployed, development of coastal sites and development of tourism attractions. DG REGIO/Unit D3/PL
2. Development strategy Priority 2: Development rural area The revitalisation of the area is based on an integrated approach in favour of : - competitive, sustainable agriculture, - recognition of multifunctional role of agriculture, - healthy and high quality environment, - creating favourable living and working conditions. ‘Urk’ is taking a particular place in Flevoland resulting from its dependence from fishery activities. The fishery sector will be faced with further fleet reductions. In order to preserve the present level of socio-economic activity, the conditions must be established to attract other than fish-related activities. DG REGIO/Unit D3/PL
2. Development strategy Priority 3: Enforcement production structure The improvement of the productive environment focuses on promising industries such as information and communication technologies, medical technology, biotechnology, pharmaceuticals, environmental technology, food-processing, metallurgic industry and processing of synthetic materials. SME actions will particularly address innovation and internationalisation, including the promotion of e-commerce. Important instruments to achieve this objective are the investment and capital venture schemes. DG REGIO/Unit D3/PL
2. Development strategy Priority 4: Social cohesion and labour market Insufficient supply of education and training is affecting the regional employment market. This applies to higher education but also to evening classes, apprenticeships, etc. Especially SMEs have a high demand for people possessing technical skills. The SPD aims to organise sector oriented short track training sessions with a focus on young and female unemployed. Particular reference is made to the present ‘Action for Employment’ (Afe) plan, implemented within the framework of the EU employment pact. Apart from a co-ordination task, the Afe monitors the implementation of the instruments developed under the EU-programmes. It is also meant to play a prominent role in the national and international transfer and exchange of knowledge. DG REGIO/Unit D3/PL
2. Development strategy Priority 5: Technical Assistance The TA budget is split according to the different funds (FIFG exclusive) and according to organisation costs and other. DG REGIO/Unit D3/PL
2. Development strategy 2.3. Assessment of the expected impact: A GDP of 80% of the EU-average. A number of starters and new established companies of 5.500 and an annual increase of the all-over turnover of Flevolands’ companies of 2%. Either an unemployment rate remaining below 6%, or a rate equal to or lower than the national unemployment rate. Separate objectives are fixed for women and for the unemployment in the Urk area. A commuting balance of 40%. targets are fixed for the filling of vacancies, the number of new vacancies and the participation rate of women, For the environment, indicators are identified in the field of waste disposal, water use, transport, energy and natural reserves. DG REGIO/Unit D3/PL
3. Priorities and measures Priority 1: Development urban area 1.1 Restructuring and development of urban areas: Improvement of living conditions in city centres, for example social infrastructure and access to business parks and recreation areas. 1.2 Economic strengthening of urban area: Improvement of business conditions by offering necessary facilities through renovations and construction of business locations and offices. DG REGIO/Unit D3/PL
3. Priorities and measures 1.3 Development of tourism and recreation: Supporting large-scale projects that generate spin-off activities. 1.4 Strengthening infrastructure labour market : Measure aimed at balancing employment demand and supply. Attention will be paid to newcomers on the labour market. Measure includes also education for specific target groups, schooling for SME employees in view of increasing their employability and support of IT-oriented projects such as distant learning. DG REGIO/Unit D3/PL
3. Priorities and measures Priority 2: Development rural area 2.1 Strengthening of agriculture sector: Support of projects that contribute to more value added production. Also projects in the area of sustainability and certification are eligible under this measure. 2.2 Strengthening of rural character : Projects addressed to diversification of activities (artisan activities, recreation and tourism, nature management, etc.). This measure includes also the development of recreation and tourism of the city outskirts as well as projects aimed at improving the accessibility of these areas. DG REGIO/Unit D3/PL
3. Priorities and measures 2.3 Improvement of viability rural area : Projects that emphasise the rural character of the area and contribute to the identity of the small villages. Also the improvement of their accessibility and level of basic facilities is included. 2.4 Improvement nature values of rural area area: Development and improvement of ecological structures and nature, including water management DG REGIO/Unit D3/PL
3. Priorities and measures 2.5 Fishery measures and enforcement economy Urk: 2.5.1 Reconstruction of fishery fleet area: expenses related to the reduction of the fishery fleet in application of the Fishery Orientation Plan. In complement to this reconstruction social measures will be implemented for the benefit of the fishermen. 2.5.2 Strengthening economic perspectives of fishery sector: clustering activities in the field of processing and distribution of fishery products aiming to create added value for the fishery sector. It includes also aquaculture-projects.2.5.3 Enlargement of the economic basis of Urk: strengthening the economic structure of Urk by supporting diversification, notably in the area of food-processing, (water-) tourism. DG REGIO/Unit D3/PL
3. Priorities and measures Priority 3: Enforcement production structure : 3.1 Infrastructure for SMEs: Continuation of a number of aid schemes such as an advice scheme and the Flevo Starters Traject. Also new schemes that contribute to the competitiveness of Flevolands' industry are envisaged; for instance schemes to promote internationalisation. DG REGIO/Unit D3/PL
3. Priorities and measures 3.2 Financial engineering Flevoland: Continuations of venture capital and revolving fund-schemes as well as the development of similar instruments.3.3 Sustainable Flevoland: Stimulation of SMEs to introduce new technologies and innovations in the environmental field. Support consists mainly of advice, consulting and schooling, but also investment aid might be envisaged. DG REGIO/Unit D3/PL
3. Priorities and measures 3.4 Knowledge development and transfer: Support for cluster-projects in order to increase knowledge level and potential of SMEs. It is the aim to set up cluster-projects that will co-operate with institutes for higher education. Furthermore, it includes the development of the science parks and ICT- and telematic projects in favour of SMEs.3.5 Renewed approach business development Creation of conditions favouring local entrepreneurship, including pilot projects for flexible employment. DG REGIO/Unit D3/PL
3. Priorities and measures Priority 4: Social cohesion and labour market 4.1 Active labour market policy : Intensifying the fight against unemployment by setting up a balanced approach for the new and existing unemployed. Made to order training and education courses will set up in order to comply with the needs of the regional business society. For some target groups this includes the continuation of ‘leer-werkbedrijven’ (combination of schooling and labour). DG REGIO/Unit D3/PL
3. Priorities and measures 4.2 Improvement position of young people on the labour market: Provide labour experience to lower educated youngsters. Projects will be set up per industrial sector and in close co-operation with schools. 4.3 Ambassadors: jobs are offered to long term unemployed, they will be coached by an ‘ambassador’ within the company. DG REGIO/Unit D3/PL
3. Priorities and measures Priority 5: Technical Assistance 5.1 Technical Assistance recreation:5.1.1 TA – organisation5.1.2 TA – other expenditure 5.2 Technical Assistance recreation: 5.2.1 TA – organisation5.2.2 TA – other expenditure DG REGIO/Unit D3/PL
4. Management and contact information Flevoland Province - represented by its Governor - is the Managing authority for the degressive Objective 1 programme, and coordinates all the bodies involved in its implementation. The Monitoring Committee comprises representatives from: the province; local authorities; the various ministries involved; economic and social organisations; environmental organisations; womens' and minorities' organisations.Implementation : In order to oversee the programme's implementation, a Steering Committee has been set up comprising: the provincial executive; the employment agency's board; and the programme's manager. Day-to-day management of the programme will be carried out by Programma Management Europa (PME), a provincial body. DG REGIO/Unit D3/PL
4. Management and contact information Provincie FlevolandCommissaris van de KoninginJager, M.J.E.M.Provinciehuis - Visarenddreef 1Postbus 55NL-8200 AB LelystadTel.: +31.320.265650Fax.: +31.320.265260E-mail.: provincie@Flevoland.nlWeb: FlevolandFlevoland - SPD Obj. 1 DG REGIO/Unit D3/PL
4. Management and contact information European Commission: Mr. Willebrord. Sluyters DG Regio D3 (Benelux, Austria) CSM1, 6/97 B-1049 Brussels Tel.: +32-2- 295 46 67 Fax: +32-2- 296 64 71 e-mail: willebrordus.sluyters@cec.eu.int DG REGIO/Unit D3/PL
5. Financial and technical information Title : Objective 1 programme of transitional support for FlevolandIntervention type : Single Programming DocumentCCI No. : 1999NL161DO001No. of decision : C(2000)1507 Final approval date : 27-JUL-00 DG REGIO/Unit D3/PL
6. Financial breakdown Breakdown of Finances by priority area (in millions of €) Priority area Total EU Public aid(EC+oth.) 1 Developing urban areas 195.440 39.060 182.9402 Developing rural areas 84.720 23.720 57.7203 Improving production facilities 139.520 39.54 114.5204 Social cohesion and the labour market 44.580 20.180 44.5805 Technical Assistance 7.000 3.500 7.000 Total 471.260 126.000 406.760 Financial Breakdown by Funds (in millions of Euros) EU Contribution ERDF EAGGF ESF FIFG Total : 126.000 76.660 10.000 33.340 6.000 100.00% 60.84% 7.94% 26.46% 4.76 DG REGIO/Unit D3/PL