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Co-funded by the European Commission, the Objective 2 Programme aims to promote economic growth, sustainable development, and improve living standards in the Brussels-Capital Region.
Welcome to Objective 2 programme Bruxelles-Capital Belgium DG REGIO/Unit D3/PL
1. Introduction The European Commission has decided to actively participate in the development of the Brussels Capital Region by co-financing the Objective 2 Programme for the period 2000-2006. A contribution of 43,930 million Euros will come from the Structural Fund to finance the total budget of 106,071 million Euros. DG REGIO/Unit D3/PL
1.2 The map of the eligible area DG REGIO/Unit D3/PL
1.3 Description of the eligible area The area eligible as one of the “urban areas in difficulty” (Article 4(7) of Regulation (EC) No 1260/1999) covers parts of seven municipalities (Anderlecht, Brussels-City, Forest, Molenbeek, Saint-Gilles, Saint-Josse, Schaerbeek) and comprises the old working-class areas in the middle of the city, centred on the industrial area bordering the Brussels-Charleroi canal. DG REGIO/Unit D3/PL
1.4 Main regional indicators in EU and in Belgium, 1988-1998-9 Economy Labour market GDP/head Empl. rate%,1999 Unempl. rate% 1988 1998 Agri. Indust. Servi. 1989 1999 EU 15100,0 100,0 4,5 29,2 66,0 8,4 9,4Belgique 103,2 111,3 2,4 25,8 71,8 7,2 8,8 Bruxelles-Capital 162,3 168,8 0,2 13,4 86,4 9,2 14,0 Vlaams Gewest 104,4 115,1 2,5 28,0 69,5 5,5 5,6 Antwerpen 123,8 138,5 2,2 28,1 69,8 6,4 6,5 Limburg (B) 102,6 108,5 2,1 34,5 63,4 8,5 7,0 Oost-Vlaanderen 99,0 104,1 2,7 30,4 66,9 5,3 5,9 Vlaams-Brabant 81,4 96,1 1,5 20,7 77,8 4,0 3,9 West-Vlaanderen 103,9 116,2 3,8 27,5 68,7 3,9 4,6 Region Wallonie 83,4 87,9 2,8 24,7 72,5 9,9 13,3 Brabant-Wallon 75,5 86,8 2,0 24,0 74,1 5,8 8,8 Hainaut 77,0 79,2 2,6 27,3 70,2 11,9 16,6 Liège 94,9 98,6 2,4 23,9 73,7 10,1 12,8 Luxembourg (B) 85,3 95,0 6,8 24,7 68,5 6,1 7,3 Namur 80,4 85,7 3,0 20,3 76,7 9,2 12,6 DG REGIO/Unit D3/PL
2. Development strategy involves the promotion of new forms of urban economic activities by: encouraging initiatives based on local partnerships; to maximise the positive and sustainable spin-offs in economic, social and environmental terms and in terms of living standards. attention will focus on the economic sectors which have potential for growth and are likely to reduce unemployment among those with fewest skills and qualifications. to reduce disparities in the urban environment, measures to restore buildings for a variety of uses and measures to improve open spaces will help restore the image of the areas involved. DG REGIO/Unit D3/PL
2. Development strategy PRIORITY 1: ECONOMIC REVITALISATION to give a fresh boost to local economic activity by supporting the introduction of specialist economic instruments which will encourage the expansion of new activities. these instruments include the establishment of business centres, improving the financial structure of firms through start-up funds or subordinated loans and grants to encourage the development of the social and neighbourhood economy. local economic activity will be encouraged through services linked to economic stimulation and access to new information and telecommunications technologies. DG REGIO/Unit D3/PL
2. Development strategy PRIORITY 2: A FRAMEWORK FOR SUSTAINABLE DEVELOPMENT will concern sustainable urban development to make the area socially and economically attractive again. the aim is make the various operational measures deployed there work together. a variety of tangible items of assistance are planned to achieve this: the restoration of industrial black spots for multi-purpose use, the upgrading of certain public area of key importance and, the provision of collective facilities. DG REGIO/Unit D3/PL
2. Development strategy PRIORITY 3: TECHNICAL ASSISTANCE: to coordinate the management and surveillance of measures under the SPD and to promote and provide general information on the programme. DG REGIO/Unit D3/PL
2. Development strategy Quantification of the specific goals to be achieved: The main goals set are: Priority 1: creation of 350 jobs and 45 firms, 40 of which will provide services in the new information and telecommunications technologies. Priority 2: restoration of 38 urban blackspots and relocation of 350 firms in the Objective 2 area. DG REGIO/Unit D3/PL
3. Priorities, measures and expected impact PRIORITY 1: ECONOMIC REVITALISATION Measure 1.1 Assistance for the development and establishment of economic activities: Measure 1.2 Financial engineering Measure 1.3 Initiatives to expand local employment and the social economy Measure 1.4 Assistance for the utilisation of the new information and telecommunications technologies for training, participation and meeting the demands of the labour market DG REGIO/Unit D3/PL
3. Priorities, measures and expected impact PRIORITY 2: A framework for sustainable urban development: Measure 2.1 Restoration of run-down urban areas: creative and participative measures in public areas Measure 2.2 Restoration of run-down urban areas: neighbourhood facilities DG REGIO/Unit D3/PL
4. Management and contact details The government of the Brussels-Capital region, represented by the Minister of Labour, the Economy, Energy and Housing, is the Management Authority for the Objective 2 Programme. The Minister oversees the co-ordination of all parties involved in the implementation of the programme and organises meetings of the Monitoring Committee.The programmes are overseen by a co-ordinating branch of the Structural Fund, created within the Ministry for the Brussels-Capital region. DG REGIO/Unit D3/PL
4. Management and contact details Gouvernement de la Région de Bruxelles-Capitale - Cabinet du Ministre de l'Emploi, de l'Economie, de l'Energie et du LogementMinistre, Président du CollègeTomas, Eric21-23 boulevard du RégentB-1000 BruxellesTel.: +32.2.5063311Fax.: +32.2.5135080E-mail.: info.tomas@tomas.irisnet.beWeb: Région de Bruxelles-CapitaleDocup Obj. 2 Bruxelles-Capitale DG REGIO/Unit D3/PL
4. Management and contact details European Commission: Michel WOLF REGIO-D-3 CSM 1 6/68 Tél. : 90449 e-mail : Michel.Wolf@cec.eu.int DG REGIO/Unit D3/PL
5. Financial and technical information Title : Objective 2 Programme for the Region of Brussels-CapitalIntervention type : Single Programming DocumentCCI No. : 2000BE162DO001No. of decision : C(2001)1356 Final approval date : 04-JUL-01 DG REGIO/Unit D3/PL
6. Financial breakdown Breakdown of Finances by priority area (in millions of Euros) Priority area Total EU Public aid cost contrib. (EC+oth) 1 Economic revitalisation 69.416 30.5 64.77 2 Framework for sustainable urban development 34.516 12.36 34.516 3 Technical assistance 2.14 1.07 2.14 Total 106.072 43.930 101.426 Financial Breakdown by Funds (in millions of Euros) EU Contribution ERDF Total : 49.93 49.93 100.00% 100.00% DG REGIO/Unit D3/PL